Send in the Liquidator, get Michael Brennan on the line

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The Bell Tolls For Norf

It seems that so many players are deserting Norf b/c they are not guaranteed to receive the last instalment of their 2000 match payments on time and their are concerns with the Orangetangs financial stability. The $9M debt prediction may have been over the odds, but it does seem there really are some problems.
There will be no liquidator/receivor appointed for North.

If that was going to happen it would have been 3 - 4 years ago!

As far as I understand - yes they are financially stuffed - yes they need permission thru the bank to cash a cheque - cause they are way over their limit - they apparently operate on an overdraft.

But it is who you know, not how much you bank, for them. Football is a passion, a religion, and someone at their bank believes in them. Let's all hope for thier supportes sake that that belief is not misplaced!

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My Mum overheard a conveersation the other day in the Supermarket line waiting to be served. This players Mum from North was bitching over how he hadn't been paid for months, and was having trouble meeting his mortgage payments. She was furious.
Danni... there is a truce on at the moment... but if you want to start slanging shit... we will come in all guns firing...


These idiots don't need any encouragement...


[This message has been edited by Rooboy 96 (edited 08 September 2000).]
Rooyboy - I'm not slanging shit - and not trying to either. I am just saying what I know/believe from someone that works for the Bank. And I hope that no one else will have to go thru what the Fitzroy supporters did all in the name of money.

It seems to be pretty common knowledge that North's on-field performance vs their finances - don't equate. And it has been great that the dollars don't seem to affect the talent and performance on field.

What I said is that no receiver will be be appointed because someone has faith that you guys will come good. And for your sakes - I hope that is true. Who would ever wish the despair and desolation of a fold/merger on anyone?
As I am not in the room maybe you are looking in ther mirror??

Stupid as ever I see. Shithead.
If any of you guys bothered to do even a modicum of research you would discover an auditor's report that provides a very positive analysis of North's financial position. Better than quite a number of other,so called well-supported,clubs. Stop making up rumours and get the facts! They're not too hard to find,if you're really interested.
North will never die.

The AFL loves them too much. They might re-locate, they might become the Sydney Roos, they might become the ACT Roos, but they will never cease to exist.

I'd love to know the financial figures theya re getting to play games in Sydney, for them to continue with it next season, they must be getting close to 1 million dollars a game.

What would Wayne and co at the AFL do on Grand Final morning if there was no North Melbourne Breakfast? And what would seven do in that hour or two before the under 18s come on? They might have to extend the marathon to cover other games than the 1977 draw and the 1966 Grand Final - SHOCK HORROR!

If North are financially in trouble, then Geelong, the Bulldogs and StKilda are really in the shit!

Which truce are you refering to? How could you possibly know which team this 'drongo' follows?

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To the Author of this Topic,

"Literary Week" is nominated for one (1) week of the year. You maybe in need of a little help.

It is NORTH, five (5) letters not four (4).
Hey Royboy,
I am not a North supporter. My sister was a member. She is no longer a member. She works for a very large Bank. She won't support the team any more because they do not treat the players correctly, money wise. She knows, she saw it weekly, couldn't do a damn thing about it.She is now at another suburban branch where they don't come in. Its true what they say about the money problems at North.They are hanging on by a thread.
Also don't bag someone cause they support another team.That doesn't neccessarily mean they want your team to fold.So what if she supports Brisbane. Who cares.
You guys see reds under the bed all the time with other supporters, its so sad, cause its Fitzroy all over again, change the name to North.
You must know that no one wants to see another team fold ever.
What is cruel is the deception by the AFL and North on their supporters.
By the way I support Essendon.
Mary... Please explain... if North can't pay their players... why have Carey King Harvey Lange the coach Pagan all re-signed this year... and I would expect more then this from an Essendon supporter who should be out whooping it up... instead of spreading lies... obviously still a little scared of what will happen next year... when true order is returned...


see you next year...
I am not spreading lies.
Can't ace the facts dickhead. My sister works for this bank idiot. Why during this year have the likes of martin not been paid, had cheques bounce. Why is their a lot of players wanting to leave North.fact not fiction.
For heavens sake why on earth would Bell ever consider leaving the Roos.
You know I am not an Essendon member, but I love esendon. But I love my sister more. family is everything. She is devestated at her club.
Wake up and smell the roses before its too late.
have a look in the archives, see that the Roos since early 1990's have struggled financially. Why else do they need the financial suport of the AFl and orange as top ups.
Carey and Pagan will always be paid.
But its the other 37 on the list who should also get paid when they are due.This hasn't happened for years.
But then again they are not alone remember a few years ago the Bulldogs couldn't pay their players before Christmas.
Again... I will ask... why did Lange, Harvey and King re-sign this year...

Harvey and King could have written their own cheques... you f*ckin stupid moronic bitch with necrophiliac tendencies....


Hope you enjoyed calling me a dickhead and an idiot...

[This message has been edited by Rooboy 96 (edited 11 September 2000).]
I was not having a go at someone because they barracked for Brisbane... just reminding Danni a truce was in place...


As if it should matter to a twit like you...

[This message has been edited by Rooboy 96 (edited 11 September 2000).]
You sure have a problem mate.
Chill out.
I am not a stupid bitch for your information. Just someone who cares, because I dispise AFL clubs that lie to supporters.
I hate to think that what happened to Fitzroy is happening to North , or any other AFL club mind you. I remember when Mark Paterson from the Doggies said that this year was make or break off the field for them. They have lost money again, as has been rported in the media.
Also dipstick I enjoy wonderful gainful employment, and I have a double degree. just because you can't analyse the facts from different quarters, please don't abuse me.
Sorry if I have offended you in anyway. war 3 over an 'I hope what they say isn't true and North supporters don't have to go thru what Fitzroy supporters did..." comment.

Rooboy and Mary - Looks like we have all heard different things on the same topic. My guess is we will just have to wait it out and see what other information ever comes to light. And to put it into perspective, I would hazzard a guess that most corporations operate utilising the services of an overdraft. Maybe it is a problem with the sponsors not paying on time or something?? Maybe that is why they have gone with Orange?? We'll probably never know!

ps Personally I feel that a relocation would be just as hard on the supporters as if a club had folded
Now let's settle down. Thankyou Danni for pointing out that an overdraft is a common business practice,particularly in businesses where cash flows can vary during the year. I would be surprised,no amazed,if most other if not all AFL clubs don't use overdrafts. I repeat that North has a very good report from it's independant auditor and that is a significantly better indicator than someone's sister who works in a bank. If North are the "new Fitzroy" then what are the FOUR other Victorian clubs that are,by ANY measure, in WORSE shape than them-University?
Originally posted by Rooboy 96:
Danni is a Brisbane Lions Fan... trust me...

Rooboy, I wasn't asking about what team Danni supports, I ment the ****** that strated this bloody thread!!

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Send in the Liquidator, get Michael Brennan on the line

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