Suggestions for better footy telecasts

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Stealth bomber

Premiership Player
Aug 6, 2000
Denver, Colorado
AFL Club
Other Teams
GB Packers, STL Cards, PHI Flyers
With the news of a likely network change, what would you, the fan and viewer, like to see implemented into the coverage for a more enjoyable and easier to follow broadcast?

I'll get the ball rolling. I myself would like to see THE CLOCK. One of my absolute pet peeves is having almost no concept of time passage. I realize the official time is only kept on the field, but I don't see the harm in putting up some sort of estimate. Would it be so hard to stick it somewhere in the score box?
They stopped putting the clock on the screen this season to create a bit of suspense for close games I think. It annoys the hell out of me, I really like to know how long is left, even in a close game!!!!!!!!!!! DAMMIT
lol that's pretty much it as far as suggestions go - oh one more thing, NO MORE AIR SHIPS!!!!!!!!!!! LOL hate those images that come from the stupid air ship, you can't see a damn thing lol
Stealth bomber,

The clock is there on every telecast. I remember the Kangaroos v Lions game at Colonial this season, were it went right down to the wire and I remember the clock running down and channel seven showing it on the telecast.

So I'm not sure if there's a problem, really.

[This message has been edited by Same Old's (edited 21 December 2000).]

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For a better coverage - no Eddie McEverywhere!

If possible, an overall shot and a close-up (so the viewer can see the footballer's options - and shout "No, no, no, not there, over to him". I don't mind watching a neutral game but I hate it when my team plays interstate and I cannot follow all the action.

No gimmicks - such as wiring the players for sound or an imaginary? line between the goal posts, or a graphic estimating how far Ben Graham kicked the ball.

Only use the camera behind the goals for the kick in!!! - once that kick has been marked/spoiled/pushed over the boundary line/whatever change back to the normal camera angle!!!

Drives me mental trying to follow the play all the way up the ground with the use of that camera - no idea of depth!!

my 2 cents


Gonzo MATE come to my arms!! Couldnt agree more, hell to be honest i dont even like seeing the kick out from that angle.

Other things id like to see is a totally clear screen (no little seven/nine/foxtel) watermark in the corner, no progressive scores (if your watching the game you should know the score) and less 'jumps' in and out depth shots. Keep a steady line of view.

Ah well, when digital comes in at least some of those options should be available.
Topless Girl footy players. Watch Carey get over his injuries quick time. Give away heaps of free kicks though. Holding the man (sorry girl)
I'd like to see a third goal umpy, in the stands, with access to a footy adapted 'snickometre'. I'm sure that a fair proportion of those backmen who claim to have touched the ball on the way thru the goals are actually telling the truth.
Sorry Gonzo but I actually like the behind the goals view and like it when it continues with the play down the ground.....however to add depth the angle should be from high above the goals - this is one of the best views at the footy eg from the front of the top tier of the Great Southern Stand just behind the goals. You can appreciate the team play better. Side on views have their own lack of depth and the accuracy of the passing is not as clear.
my 2 cents worth anyway
Get rid of commentators. Or at least train them to shut up.

It's fair enough to identify the player in possession ... but there is no need for graphic radio-style descriptions of play.

I thought that was what the picture was for.

But keep the crowd noise ... very important.

**floreat pica**

[This message has been edited by AlfAndrews (edited 22 December 2000).]

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Suggestions for better footy telecasts

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