sydney district afl

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bruce rules

Oct 19, 2000
Sydeny, NSW, Australia
Hi guys
Are there any Sydneysiders here with info about local leagues? I'm 19 and live in the Northern Suburbs, and I'm looking to start playing AFL next year. I've never played before- I played soccer through school, but I'm a pretty good athlete. Any info on where tp start would be much appreciated.
There Are Many Sfl Clubs On The Northern Side Of Sydney!

North Shore (Which Play There Games At North Sydney Oval) There Kinda The Main Club In Sydney - Jezza Also use to play there too! YAY

East Coast Eagles (Based In The Ryde Area)

Pennant Hills Demons

Hope That Helps
I Have heaps more info if u want! Just email if u need to know more!
Come Play for the mighty East Sydney Bulldogs, we need a bit of help because we've struggled for the last 4 or so years, and we'll be tyring anything to get back in to flag contention - were even quite assured that Dean Capabianco will be playing for us next year.

Unfortunately, you want a club on the Northerm Suburbs, in that case North Shore would be the go altough, you might not get a guernsey there, because theyre a very strong club and you've never played before.
The East Coast Eagles might be your best bet, and as Mags said, theyre based around the Ryde area.

Good luck at the Athens Olympics Mags, go for gold in Taekwondo.

For all your footballing needs be sure to visit my AFL web-site at

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Give him an email he will give u all the info u want!

Even the eagles are strong! Give Penno a try I use love playing junior footy out at Penno! Always best on ground there!

[This message has been edited by Mags (edited 22 October 2000).]
Just a question from left field - earlier this year I went to Fiji. The pool attendent at the resort was a keen athlete and claimed he could do 100 metres in 10 secs. He was ceratainly very fast in a game of touch football. He played Rugby locally. We set up a game of footy in a palm grove as we'd brought a Sherrin - he took to it very well - bouncing, marking, very fast, and put the occasional drop punt over 50 metres. He was 19, not tied to his family on the other side of Fiji as much as most Fijians and keen to see the world.

I left him the Sherrin and wrote to various AFL clubs - got a few replies all saying essentially he'd have to make his own way to Oz and get a go in a minor league to show what he was like in match conditions. Pity because a star from Fiji could really set the game up in the Pacific - there's a comp in Samoa and they get a lot on TV.

Anyway Nadi is just 4 hours from Sydney - what sort of assistance would the desperate East Sydney give him - or other SFL clubs?
Not That Much Sorry!
Coz The Sfl Is Not A Very Big League Like The Vfl, Westar And Sanfl!

Sfl has to be the most crapiest comp in Australia!
Yeah, there isn't that much money in the SFL and as Mags said it is definately the worst city competition in Australia.
The only reason Dean Capabianco is playing for us, is because who aplied for the sprint coaching job, and subsuqeuntly decided he would like to give the game a go.

There isn't enough money in the club or any Sydney clubs to bring a guy over from Fiji who is totally untried.

Good luck at the Athens Olympics Mags, go for gold in Taekwondo.

For all your footballing needs be sure to visit my AFL web-site at
Originally posted by bruce rules:
Hi guys
Are there any Sydneysiders here with info about local leagues? I'm 19 and live in the Northern Suburbs, and I'm looking to start playing AFL next year.

Well, I'm no Sydney-sider, but I have got one piece of information that I think you should be aware of.

You say you want to "start playing A.F.L." next year. Well, I'm here to tell you that you'll need to be pretty damn good to play "A.F.L." as you call it. Because A.F.L. stands for the Australian Football League. The Australian Football League is the organisation that runs the elite national competition of a game called Australian Rules Football.

You get my drift?

It's a common misconception, especially among Sydney-siders, that the Game itself is called A.F.L. It's not.

The Game is called ... I repeat ... Australian Rules Football.

A small point, you might think. But I happen to think it's an important point. I don't want to sound like a pedant, but I think that common misconception has actually been promoted by the A.F.L.

They like people to think that the Game is called A.F.L. But the Game existed long before the A.F.L. was ever thought of. In fact, the Game goes back to 1858. The organisation called the A.F.L. did not come into existence until 1990.

**floreat pica**
Thats the type of response i would've expected you to make.
It is a very small point and your making a big deal about it.
The reason why most sydney-siders call it A.F.L instead of Australian Rules is because it is much easier to say to your mate "hey, did you play AFL on Sunday" then it is to say "hey, did you play Australian Rules on Sunday"

Good luck at the Athens Olympics Mags, go for gold in Taekwondo.

For all your footballing needs be sure to visit my AFL web-site at
Hey Alf

Stop being so pedantic, whether it's AFL, aussie rules or Australian Football all bruce knows is that he wants to play footy.

Good luck bruce.
Hey bruce rules

Thaks for sticking around on BigFooty and its great news you are interested in taking up the great Aussie game.

You being on the North Shore, the logical team for you in the SFL is of course North Shore but like somebody said, they are one of the stronger teams in the SFL at the moment and you may struggle to break into the squad, especially if you have not played the game before. It might worth it to persevere though because North Shore play out of the famous North Sydney Oval and also have a co-operation agreement with Essendon that sees them wear the Essendon jumper and receive assistance in the form of money and expertise from the giant Melbourne club.

If you want to get out and start playing straight away, then WCE2000s suggestion of coming down to the Esat Sydney / UNSW Bulldogs is also a good one.

Edgecliff ain't THAT far away from the North Shore, its just the other end of the Tunnel really so could work out for you nicely. As WCE2000 said the Bulldogs aren't exactly a powerhouse at the moment but they are a great club, one of the oldest in Australia and play their home games at Trumper Oval in Edgecliff, a really picturesque ground.

Other clubs you might alos like to consider are Western Suburbs, who play out Auburn / Lidcombe way and of course Pennant Hills, and the East Coast Eagles.

cheers and good luck with your footy.

[This message has been edited by Bloodstained Angel (edited 23 October 2000).]
thanks for all the responses guys (except alf- nice vic superiority complex there). I'm still looking into it so I'll let you know when I decide. great site by the way, although there do seem to be a few dicks (cough cough....alf)

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