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Club Legend
Jan 24, 2000
The Pub.
Hello peoples,
Ive just had a bit of a score at the TAB putting $25 on the 4 winners of Brisbane,Sydney, Melbourne & Richmond. The price for those 4 winning was $5.75.
It seemed to be a pretty high price for such an easy bet. Although richmond and the D's almost blew it, it seemed pretty safe.
Now I want some advice from others on what would be a good one next round. And if anyone spots a good price, could they please post it up here ????
Perhaps we could get a thing going, where people post up their predictions, and we can debate the pro's and cons, and all make some money like I have. hehehehehe.

OK- this week i like :
Ess d Carl (need at least one 50/50 in your 4- but im pretty confident here, Carltons hand foot skills were lacking vs dogs)
Adl d Bris (bris's win-lose-win-lose thing to continue + its in FP)
Rich d St K (may add some to the price as Saints playing a bit better now) &
would like to include the WCE v Gee game, as its a bit iffy- but still not sure which way to go.

What do YOU think ????

any other SERIOUS thoughts, predictions, possible upsets or good prices ?????

cheers all

L:et me offer a couple of suggestions,for a start do not punt on the tote, due to their percentages, you are always guarenteed to get "unders".
Options such as Centrebet, Darwin allsports,or Vanuatu are much more attractive
propositions with far more options to punt on such as margin and individual head to head battle.
Beware however that margin and individual head to head can be frought with danger.
Head to head works inthe following fashion, The sportsbook nominates a player from each participating game, for example the other week in the Swans v Melbourne game it was Cresswell v Grgic, players get one point for each possession and one for each score e.g one for a point and six for a goal, Cresswell was favourite and gave Grgic 10 points start, Cresswell had a Blinder and ended up with forty four points, Grgic ended up with 28 plus the 10 point handicap making 38 making Cresswell the winner with a net 6
which gets you six times youre wager.
In the team head to head you can take a side with say minus twenty points start if they win by eighty points you get sixty times your wager.
Beware though never ever punt with your heart , it's best to forget about your own side and do a bit of research into clubs, particularly good info on the ins and outs early in the week.
depending how you want to go about it you can find yourself sitting looking at weather maps in different cities to try and get an edge, but obviously these blokes aren't dills
and don't throw good brass away, so be armed with as much info as possible before having a dip.
Also avoid having a punt on the brownlow, particularly early in the year, its a mugs game

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Think its a pretty tight round Arch. Still, im with you that your mob should take the blues, but I do reckon it will be a contest. Hamills (if he dont get at least 4 then we all know who really DOES run the AFL) loss will hurt them.

The one game I reckon could be an upset is the Saints/Tiges.

While taking nothing away from them (wish I could but) the Tiges may just have a let down after such an UP performance last week. They are still under the pump injury wise. The Sainters really more or less threw it away against the Dees and played some really good footy. Maybe you should get sainters view on how they will go?
I forgot, that must mean its your shout at the bar

We Have a WINNER, haha.

Not a snowballs hope in hell Hamill will go. He's up for "Kicking" not tripping. Kicking, unbelievable, what kind of dickheads are they
? Collo must still call the shots on reports even though he's running Colonial now, what a joke.

We'll still beat 'em anyway, we're an unstoppable JUGGERNAUT (injury permitting), even if I am biased.

I hope they play that dick "Fwaza Bwown", I enjoy seeing him get pissed off when he's losing.

thnx for the advice. I prefer to just bet on straight games rather than individuals, because then I can watch the games and know who to barrack for. The margin thing is interesting though, im pretty sure you can do that at tab. AS for betting with my heart, its generally pretty pointless betting when the dons are involved unless youre trying to tip them to get beaten by a lower side, which seems pretty unconceivable right now anyway. SO i keep the bombers out of my bets mostly unless its a 50/50 game like this week.

Im still not convinced by Geelong though, they arnt a particularly good travelling side are they ??? I think they beat the dockers here earlier in the year, but arnt generally a good interstate team. The eagles played well against the crows away from home, although got pipped in the last qtr- so im tending towards wce.

Are you sure the tiges had an "up" week agnst freo ??? They didnt play particularly well I thought, only got over with the breeze in the last. The dockers kinda fell over as well, as they tend to do.
But would be interested in tipping the saints, if they managed to push melbourne- who I rate quite highly. The tigers goal kicking has been woeful since that North game, and hasnt improved much- but the saints goal kicking isnt great either......

what to do- what to do......

reckon my might go with
-stk (?)
ill check the odds on that tommorrow.



Spider is a good chance of resuming this weekend and I am not too sure about Harvey yet but if they look like returning, make sure you get the bet in pretty early.

But even as a saints supporter I have not been willing to bet any money on us. I have even pulled out of all tipping competitions because my system of picking the saints every week has backfired AGAIN!!! I still don't think I will ever learn.

[This message has been edited by sainter (edited 19 July 2000).]

YOu SOB - it's taken you 19 rounds but you finally got in front ARRRGGGGGGHHHH... still time left mate so look out!

Seriously, good tipping to get 7 last week - I thought I was safe with 6...

Just out of curiosity, how are you guys going with the tipping?

I went away, and did three rounds in advance -always dangerous- and no joke, I've had my best run in ages! Maybe I should do the whole 2001 season now?
knew id get ya dutchy !!!!
kinda like the tortoise and the hare huh ???
Even after I missed that week !!!!!
That should count for something if we draw !!!
by the way- how are you going with finals tickets ?????
If things go to plan- i might also be making the pilgrimmage east to "mecca".
Got my fingers crossed.

also sainter- ive done well with the saints so far- one of about 2 people in our office comp who tipped them agnst geelong- i got 8 that week and was accused of cheating (bastards).

anyway-I cant find a price on the 4 teams I listed above though- i think thats gonna be this weeks punt for me. TAB's website dosnt have a price for that "combination" so does that mean they dont accept bets for it ????


PS- Aaron Hammill gets off for tripping (oh sorry -kicking)- what a f*cking joke.AFL afraid of being served with more writs i spose. I wonder which bomber player he will maim on friday with his rotten tactics ???

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my old freind jod23- asking me for help ???
what next ???

ok then
- a few of us bomber fans hooked up a tipping group through i think one person starts it and gives all those people that they want in the tipping group the password and then you log into the group using the group name and its password. Then it keeps track of evryones tips which you can enter each week.

anyway- this week ive gone for the sunday quad at TAB:
wce-adl-mel-stK at $12.
Maybe the saints can cause an upset (like lower teams tend to do towrds the end of H&A season)also made a smaller one with same teams but chose richmond- to cover my first bet if the other 3 come in but richmond wins.
(at $3.50)
those eagles better get up, cuz I debated that one with myself, but figured they played pretty well agnst adl- and geelong dont travel very well (and have looked a bit shakey in recent weeks)

wish me luck.



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