Taking The mark #8

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Jan 31, 2000
Shippensburg, PA, USA
Taking The Mark # 8

Hello and welcome to this week’s edition of Taking The Mark. In case you didn’t know, this is the newsletter companion to The Footy Plus One Show, the only American hosted show about Australian Rules Football on the Internet. This is a reminder telling you that the latest show is up and running. This week on the Show:

AFL News
*Get Well Soon, Anthony
*Medal+Prestige=Child’s Education
*Elliot Off His Rocker Again

The Return of DeSantos
*TV Coverage Tuesday Night!!!
*Deconstructing Eddie
*Rob’s Top 4 Pick ‘em

BigFooty.com Around The World Scoreboard
We have many of the scores from the semifinal round of Ansett Cup action, and Round 3 CAFL scores. We wanted to post SANFL scores as well, but the results aren’t on their site.

Lisa’s Last Chance Trivia Hut
The footy trivia hostess with the mostess is back!!! That’s right. It’s my AFANA sister, Lisa Albergo. She has trivia that will make your brain burn and your guts go gooey (if your into that sort of thing). Here is the latest stacks of wax for this week:

1.Before Adelaide in 1997-98, which club was the last to win consecutive flags?

2.Which to teams have only 1 premiership each?

3.How many coaches were sacked in 1999?

Answers to last 2 weeks ago questions:
1. Ross Glendinning was West Coast’s first captain
2. Bulldog Tony Liberatore
3. Subiaco in Perth

Thanks for the questions, Lisa. The answers will be printed in next week’s newsletter. By the way, if you want to read Lisa’s AFANA newsletter, drop her a line at ausfooty@aol.com. Tell ‘em Pat sent ya.

Footy Coverage This Week
Tonight at the AFL web site, you can catch 3AW’s free coverage of the Carlton-Brisbane game. It starts at 2:10 PM AEST (which is like 11 or Midnight here in the Eastern US). There is no word yet on what free coverage is availible for Round 2. I stayed up for free coverage of the Essendon-Port Adelaide earlier this week and it kept fading out. Also, if you have Fox Sports World (availible mostly by DSS and Digital Cable), you can catch the AFL footy highlights show Tuesday night at 11PM EST. Still, it would be nice to see it back on Fox Sports Net. I mean I have FSW, but it’s not availible to everyone.

Things to know:

email: laraspal00@aol.com

voicemail: 1-888-830-5747 (United States Only)

Home Page: http://www1.50megs.com/footyplusone

To listen to the show, go to www.afana.com, then click the link to AFL scores and reports, and your there!!!!.

Thanks all for now. See ya next weekend. On with season 2000!!!
Pat McCurry

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Taking The mark #8

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