Taking The Mark # 9
Hello and welcome to this week’s edition of Taking The Mark. In case you didn’t know, this is the newsletter companion to The Footy Plus One Show, the only American hosted show about Australian Rules Football on the Internet. This is a reminder telling you that the latest show is up and running. This week on the Show:
AFL News
*Another Colonial Screw Up
*Footy With A Vengence
*Eddie McGuire.....Savior?
How I Ticked Lisa Off
*The Great Internet Battle
*Watson’s Regime
*The Love Affair of Carlton-Collingwood Around The World Scoreboard
We have all of the scores from Round 3 AFL action. The SANFL and VFL will join the fray as well.
Lisa’s Last Chance Trivia Hut
The footy trivia hostess with the mostess is back!!! That’s right. It’s my AFANA sister, Lisa Albergo. She has trivia that will make your brain burn and your guts go gooey (if your into that sort of thing). Here is the latest stacks of wax for this week:
1.Who was the first coach to quit in 1999?
2.Which 2 coaches "swapped" clubs at the end of 1995?
3.What the Whitten Oval previously known as?
Answers to last 2 weeks ago questions:
1. Hawthorn 1988-89, the last team to win back to back flags
2. St. Kilda 1966 and Western Bulldogs 1954 are their only premership years
3. No Coaches were sacked in ‘99
Want to make $20 an hour?
I’ve recently come across a new company on the Internet called It’s very interesting because they offer you a great deal of money just for watching ads from time to time. Sounds incredible, even unbelievable but it really is true. They also have this referral program so you can earn even more money. It works like this. You tell your friends about and send them a link (like I’m doing) that refers you, then you get paid a commission for what they see too. So the more people that refer, the more money you’ll get.
All you have to do is sign up by visiting this link:
There is three ways to be paid: by check (only availible in certain parts of the world), give the money to your favorite charity, or get paid in Beenz. The software should be out sometime this month. I wanted to let everyone in on the mailing list on this interesting oppertunity. This is not a pyrimid or a ponzi scheme. They are not asking for a dime from you. So get ahead and go for it. After all some of us can use the money.
Nice try, Toni.
Well, the Oscars have come and gone, and Toni Collette (“Sixth Sense”) did not win for best Supporting actress :-(. As you know, I became Toni’s cheerleading squad ever since the announcement of her nomination. After all, I admire a lot of her work.But after seeing the summitted clips for all of the nominees, I knew Toni was a longshot. Her clip was not much. All she does is cry while her son (Haley Joel Osment) recalls some things about her past. I didn’t even get to hear that voice that’s to die for LOL. Oh well, it was still nice that she was nominated. That basically means that her talent isn’t going unnoticed (If you want my opinion, her role in Muriel’s Wedding should’ve been given oscar consideration). Well, there’s always next year. Good show, Toni!!!
5 More Weeks
My semester is coming to an end. I am so burned out. After this, I am taking a long deserved rest this summer before I go back to my final semester this fall (I hope). Anyway,I am going to a job fair April 14th so I can plan ahead. Wish me luck.
Things to know:
voicemail: 1-888-830-5747 (United States Only)
Home Page:
To listen to the show, go to, then click the link to AFL scores and reports, and your there!!!!.
Thanks all for now. See ya next week.
Pat McCurry
Hello and welcome to this week’s edition of Taking The Mark. In case you didn’t know, this is the newsletter companion to The Footy Plus One Show, the only American hosted show about Australian Rules Football on the Internet. This is a reminder telling you that the latest show is up and running. This week on the Show:
AFL News
*Another Colonial Screw Up
*Footy With A Vengence
*Eddie McGuire.....Savior?
How I Ticked Lisa Off
*The Great Internet Battle
*Watson’s Regime
*The Love Affair of Carlton-Collingwood Around The World Scoreboard
We have all of the scores from Round 3 AFL action. The SANFL and VFL will join the fray as well.
Lisa’s Last Chance Trivia Hut
The footy trivia hostess with the mostess is back!!! That’s right. It’s my AFANA sister, Lisa Albergo. She has trivia that will make your brain burn and your guts go gooey (if your into that sort of thing). Here is the latest stacks of wax for this week:
1.Who was the first coach to quit in 1999?
2.Which 2 coaches "swapped" clubs at the end of 1995?
3.What the Whitten Oval previously known as?
Answers to last 2 weeks ago questions:
1. Hawthorn 1988-89, the last team to win back to back flags
2. St. Kilda 1966 and Western Bulldogs 1954 are their only premership years
3. No Coaches were sacked in ‘99
Want to make $20 an hour?
I’ve recently come across a new company on the Internet called It’s very interesting because they offer you a great deal of money just for watching ads from time to time. Sounds incredible, even unbelievable but it really is true. They also have this referral program so you can earn even more money. It works like this. You tell your friends about and send them a link (like I’m doing) that refers you, then you get paid a commission for what they see too. So the more people that refer, the more money you’ll get.
All you have to do is sign up by visiting this link:
There is three ways to be paid: by check (only availible in certain parts of the world), give the money to your favorite charity, or get paid in Beenz. The software should be out sometime this month. I wanted to let everyone in on the mailing list on this interesting oppertunity. This is not a pyrimid or a ponzi scheme. They are not asking for a dime from you. So get ahead and go for it. After all some of us can use the money.
Nice try, Toni.
Well, the Oscars have come and gone, and Toni Collette (“Sixth Sense”) did not win for best Supporting actress :-(. As you know, I became Toni’s cheerleading squad ever since the announcement of her nomination. After all, I admire a lot of her work.But after seeing the summitted clips for all of the nominees, I knew Toni was a longshot. Her clip was not much. All she does is cry while her son (Haley Joel Osment) recalls some things about her past. I didn’t even get to hear that voice that’s to die for LOL. Oh well, it was still nice that she was nominated. That basically means that her talent isn’t going unnoticed (If you want my opinion, her role in Muriel’s Wedding should’ve been given oscar consideration). Well, there’s always next year. Good show, Toni!!!
5 More Weeks
My semester is coming to an end. I am so burned out. After this, I am taking a long deserved rest this summer before I go back to my final semester this fall (I hope). Anyway,I am going to a job fair April 14th so I can plan ahead. Wish me luck.
Things to know:
voicemail: 1-888-830-5747 (United States Only)
Home Page:
To listen to the show, go to, then click the link to AFL scores and reports, and your there!!!!.
Thanks all for now. See ya next week.
Pat McCurry