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Norm Smith Medallist
Oct 4, 2000
Hugh Heffner Mansion
Well over at Nicks BB we are having heart attacks over the 2001 memerbship prices we have just recieved from our club and rightly so i think. It would be interesting to find out some of the other clubs prices particularly Essendon i think. I realise some clubs are yet to send theirs out as i have only recieved one from all my clubs so far but this week they should all be out so guys lets see the price differences!

here's ours (copy pasted off Dougs post hope thats K Doug)....

LEGENDS (all 18 game)
Adult $595 Concession $425 Junior $350

CAPTAINS (all 11 game)
Adult $385 Concession $275 Junior $240

11 game | 18 game
Adult $275 | $355
Concession $225 | $250
Junior - | $110
Family $700 | $820
Country (5 games) $160 (no access to finals or ansett cup)
AFL $135 (no season ticket)
MCC $135 (no season ticket)

11 game | 18 game
Adult $125 | $225
Conc. $80 | $100
Junior - | $40
Family $250 | $450
Country (5 games) $70 (no access to finals or ansett cup)

11 game Open $100 Undercover $120
18 game Open $200 Undercover $220
Upgrade reserved seats at Colonial Stadium on Level 2
4 home games $60
2 away games $30

sPiDeR eVeRiTt and RiCkY oLaReNsHAw
~kewlest players round!!!
and spidey dont forget the quote of:

"We recognise that our grass roots supporters come first. As a result the Collingwood board has not increased membership prices this season, other than to accomodate the GST"

what a load of bullshit the only reason they haven't increased the prices is cos they know they ripped us off last year and heaps of ppl didnt buy one. bastards! my arse they think the grass roots supporters come first!!
Where are the AFL Membership renewals this year?

Normally come in late October and they give you a month 'early bird' special where you can win a trip somewhere if you renew by end of November.

I've heard nasty rumours about AFL Members and what's going to happen at Colonial next year.

Conspriacy theory time.

[This message has been edited by Max Power (edited 04 November 2000).]

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Been wonderin' 'bout that myself, Maxy.

Max and Ripper - AFL Memberships won't be out till the end of November! Or so I was told when I rang them!

Lions membership structure is different as we have a 'home' ground as such where our social club is located.

ok here goes.

Full Membership - 13 games, reserved seat, social club membership (including access on game day) finals tickets first access priority, voting rights etc:

Depends on where you sit at the Gabba (there are 5 categories)
Full Adult: range from $230 - $305
Full Concession: from 170 - 245
Family 2A 1C - from 500 - 710
Family 2A 2C - from 535 - 815

Season Ticket holders - 13 games, reserved seat, social club access (not on game day tho), 2nd prioirty for finals tickets, no voting rights:

Adult - from 180 - 240
Conc - 120 - 195
Junior - 45 - 135
Family 2A 1C - 400 - 580
Family 2A 2C - 435 - 680
Thanks for that tidbit of news Danni.

Just adds more fuel to the Colonial rumblings I've heard that AFL members are going to get majorly shafted when the new packages come out.

Heard that Essendon, St. Kilda & Bulldogs have reworked their season reserved seat packages and all Level 1 & 2 (except for Medallion/Axcess One seats) will be reserved for the clubs and Level 4 will be thrown open to GA seating. Sums don't add up if you add 6,000 AFL members seats on Level 1. Hence the rumours that AFL members will be shafted up to the nose bleed sections.

Colonial Seating Breakdown is -

Level 1 - 13,000
Level 2 - 8,000 + 8,000 Rich Prick seats
Level 4 - 23,000

[This message has been edited by Max Power (edited 04 November 2000).]
My Richmond membership renewal is set at $212 which is 11 home games ($122) plus Reserved Seat on the 3rd tier of the Southern Stand.

Adult breakdown is:

Type Adult 11 Adult 18
Membership Only $122 $235
Undercover $240 $353
Open (3rd Tier) $212 $325
Open (Grd Sthrn) $184 $297
Open (Grd Nrthn) $178 $291

From memory, this is about $40 more expensive than last year, although only games after 1st of July attracted GST.

This is a hallucination and these faces are in a dream. A computer generated environment; a fantasy island you can do anything and not have to face the consequences.
CJH - my Lions membership is up about $40 on last year. It does now include full GST of course, previously we got 11 games and a discount on admission to the Ansett Cup Game(no ansett cup in Brisbane last year tho). To buy a seat in the section I have my reserved seat in costs around $25 for a game.

So $40 extra, including the ansett cup, and Melbournes 'home' game they are playing from the gabba, is better value than if I bought them indiviudally.

[This message has been edited by Danni (edited 04 November 2000).]
I dunno about North yet coz i wasnt a member of them this year so i dont get a renewal form i gotta go ask about it.

I have heard they have this thing where u can structure your own memerbship like with how many games youd go to and stuff and also i think they have a 35 buck membership but that doesnt actually get u into games!

sPiDeR eVeRiTt and RiCkY oLaReNsHaW
~kewlest players round!!!
On figures quoted so far, it's obvious that Collingwood F.C. still leads the way when it comes to exploiting members.

By the way, CJH.

Does your membership include a Grand Final guarantee if you make the Grand Final? If so, it's an excellent deal by today's standards.

**floreat pica**

My membership includes, I quote:

"Finals tickets: (priority access via Ticketmaster for Richmond finals including Grand Final)"

Now I am not sure what the precise meaning of "priority access" is, but I'm tipping it isn't 'guarantee'!

Maybe it would have been easier to guarantee 'extreme anguish at missing the finals again in heartbreaking circumstances!'

Just a thought.

This is a hallucination and these faces are in a dream. A computer generated environment; a fantasy island you can do anything and not have to face the consequences.
OK, here are the West Coast 2001 prices, don't think they'd have gone up too much since we paid GST on last season too

Adult - $338
Concession - $286
Child - $265

Adult - $229
Concession - $177
Child - $156

Adult - $167
Concession - $115
Child - $94

Those prices are for 1 year's membership, a reserved seat at Subi for 11 games, and about four magazines a year per houshold. That's pretty much all. We also get about a days priority on Derby and finals tickets, but that's standard isn't it?

You can also be part of the Captains Club for A$450, C$338 and Ch$265. I think this is the Supporters Club people.

I guess our prices aren't that bad, (for my family, $564 for 11 rare whole-family outings
), but my main gripe at the moment is that I can't upgrade my seat. If I put in to do so, I lose my current seat (which I've had for 8 years), and go back in the public pool if there aren't any better seats available.

Do all you Vic members have reserved seating? How does it work if you don't? Sorry for the ignorance, we've just never had it any other way.... I'm curious. Which system do you think works best?

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Ok, now I think ours IS bad!

Why is you 2A + 2C under-cover $200 less than mine?

God I hate my admin!

Where about do you sit Sabre? I'm at the Subi end in the top of the stand.
Eagle Fan,

It is possible to buy a plain membership tickets with no reserved seating. All this gets you is admission to the ground (I don't think this is guaranteed) and enables you to sit in a general admission area.

I've bought a reserved seat (3rd tier of the Southern stand on the wing) for the past 4 years. For a mere extra $100, I am guaranteed a good seat for every home game and am always surrounded by fellow Tigers.

It works out well as most reserves games are played at the Punt Rd oval (Richmond's training base) which is right next door to the 'G. I can watch the magoos go round then casually walk up to the designated entrance, with no queue, and go straight to my seat. This is a good feeling, especially when playing Essendon/Collingwood/Carlton where there is going to be a huge crowd.

This is a hallucination and these faces are in a dream. A computer generated environment; a fantasy island you can do anything and not have to face the consequences.
OK I was just wondering, reading some of the membership fees already posted here, just wondering if anyone has a limit, you know, like an amount that is their 'cut-off'point, like if the fees went higher than that, you just wouldn't bother.......just curious.
As for me, I really don't know how much would be too much. Does anyone know what the fees are for the Brisbane Lions Victorian full membership??? I couldn't renew this year so I will have to call and ask, but yeah, I was just wondering if anyone knows.
hawks membership is as follows:
adult 11 is $120.
with the adult 18 at $210.

seems like at this price it could be one of the best value for money going around....

i believe you can purchase reserved seats in the southern stands for $60..
or purchase an upgrade ticket which gets entry to an area located on the wing for only $25.

plus you get to enjoy the surrounds of the 'peoples ground' at the MCG and not the dull Colonial stadium....

I know i will be getting my membership as soon as possible.........
Eagle_Fan, yep and do you know why Freo has to sell their memberships so cheap? Look at the crowd attendances and that will give you a clue!

I think $286 for a Concession is good value - along with the membership card and package you get the Eagle Eye magazine, invitations to outings with players, pre-season BBQ's, Ansett Cup game at Subiaco and for those who re-booked before last Tuesday you'll be sent a 2001 Members Pin!
Lioness, The Victorian Memberships haven't been released yet, they are always later than the Brisbane ones. Brisbane ones come out first because of seating allocations, and this year again it is complicated by members having to be relocated as the Gabba Trust have taken more seats in the Northern Stand, and the possibility of the the Video Screen being installed.

Eagle Fan, we have a Captains Club membership too, but it is $990 per person.
Well, after that GoEagles’ reasoning for cheap memberships, don't know whether I should tell anyone that mine is quite affordable
.... but I will anyway

For a concession 11 membership, it is ONLY $70 this year which I must say has pleasantly suprised me. Concession18 game is $99.

Only problem is no reserved seat..... but considering that last year, I paid almost double that figure for a "reserved seat" (which was always taken by some fat bastard
).... on level 4 right next to the screen.... and having to sit in the restricted view seats because of the fat bastard
..... I will take my $70 membership this year and sit wherever I want on level 4.... finding somewhere without fat bastards! (kidding about the FB/s

But seriously, because they have changed the whole level 4 to GenAdmin (my renewal form says so.... adds further credence to the Colonial conspiracy Max), and I’m free to get a seat wherever I want on that level, I see no point in paying an extra $50 (Level1) or $120 (Level2) for a reserved seat, which would only come in handy during our supposed “sell outs” with the 15000 people.

BTW Alf- EJ Whitten Club, Adult 11 (level 2), $748.00... YAAAAY!!!!
.... with no guarantee of a grand final ticket (I think).
Originally posted by Westy Boy:
EJ Whitten Club, Adult 11 (level 2), $748.00... YAAAAY!!!!
.... with no guarantee of a grand final ticket (I think).

And they'd probably all be "fat bastards" anyway, at that price. Maybe they get three seats each because they're so fat.

Your concession price sounds pretty good. At Collingwood the same deal is $80 (for 11 games) and $100 (for 18 games). But, of course that's just a season ticket. No special priority when it comes to finals. If the Dogs made the Grand Final you'd probably have a rough chance of getting a ticket. But if Collingwood made it, the basic season ticket holders would have NO chance at all. There would be no point in them even queuing up because the Legends members, Captain's members and other Social Club members would get priority. In fact, it's possible that even some of the Social Club members could miss out.

**floreat pica**
Due to a delay with Ticketmaster (the saga continues), our membership forms will not be sent out until the week beginning November 13. Although finally the information has been posted at our website.

Membership Price Structure
Football Club
Adult 11 $125.00
Adult 16 $194.00
Concession 11 $78.00
Concession 16 $106.00
Country/Interstate $83.00
Family 11 $238.00
Family 16 $376.00
Squadron 16 $36.00

Social Club
Adult 11 $213.00
Adult 16 $282.00
Concession 11 $155.00
Concession 16 $183.00
Country/Interstate $160.00
Family 11 $414.00
Family 16 $552.00
Joining Fee - Family $60.00
Joining Fee - Individual $30.00
Squadron 16 $74.00

Reserved Seating
Adult $203.00
Child $111.50
Family $629.00

Category A
Adult $137.00
Child $61.50
Family $397.00

Category B
Adult $65.00
Child $61.50
Family $253.00


The Gold seating is a new category and due to the cost, I would assume that is the new reserved seating on Level 2.

I will once again be getting a Concession 16 Social Club membership with a reserved seat on Level 1 (Category A). Last year I joined the Social Club for the first time and had to pay a once off fee of $25. This year, all I up I will paying $320. Social Club members get priority access to GF tickets if St Kilda make it (
) and were given priority access to have their Level 1 seats on the wing. We got in quick last year for this reason. It was a bit of a culture shock for supporters of a club that were coming from a ground with thousands of free seats but I consider ourselves lucky to be at Colonial.

I have to say that Colonial Stadium is a great place to watch footy from and disagree with whoever said Colonial lacked atmosphere. The noise that came from the main reserved seat area on level 1 was far superior to that generated at Waverley. I can only imagine what it will be like when we win more than a couple of games.

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