That's it I've had enough of Essendon

  • Thread starter Fed up
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Fed up

I have been observing this site for the last couple of months,and I have been standing idly by and watched those purile brain dead sheep who follow Essendon, post some of the most inane pieces of shit I have ever seen.
But just when you thought they could not get any more bland they have started discussing their bloody club song.
I am a pacifist but I wish nothing but evil on those pricks, plague pestulance and misery,I hope channel seven and ten lose their way to training just one night so we can miss the live cross for more boreing bomber talk.
"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more"
We love just pissing you off

Have a drink on me.

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Fed up
Who do you barrack for, or are you to gutless to say. At least we're not ashamed to let people no who we support. Nobody's twisting your arm to read the topics, why don't you start one of your own, or haven't you enough imagination to think of one.

Not gonna take it any more huh.. exactly what are you saying here... people should stop discussing football related topics on a football message board ??

is there a big man standing behind you forcing you to watch the screen whilst holding your eyes open.. if not I have a pretty radical suggestion that may just aleviate your problem...... Close Internet Explorer
Yeh, i'm fed up as well,
I was just reading the thing about how you follow your club and all the Essendon ones seem to be for some really poxy boring reason,like their so good or some crap, I reckon they must be really weak bastards to follow a club for those reasons.
LoL now all I can think of is 12 yr old indians in sweatshops producing "official" AFL clothing

mmm i better watch it or the political correctness police will be beatin down the door b4 i know it

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Cut us some slack - you'd be pretty physced too if you'd just beaten last years premier by 125 points and were two games off a record-breaking season and total number of premierships equally result.

None has of course happened yet...
A massive proportion of Essendon supporters are pathetic, climb-on-the-bandwagon, teenage twits.

If I were a "real" Essendon supporter I would have nothing but contempt for these pubescent frontrunners because once Essendon starts losing they'll disappear quicker than a Carlton supporter's pants at the *** mardi gras.

I've been a Richmond supporter ever since I was four (more than a quarter of a decade), and when some zit-faced 14-year-old shite in a brand-new Essendon scarfe accuses me of "jumping on the Richmond bandwagon" it just goes to show how ignorant and pathetic they are. Until "zit-face" actually turns up to watch Essendon play when they are a struggling team (it won't happen overnight, but it will happen) then he can keep his fat trap shut.

The way I see it, when 30,000 Essendon supporters turn up to the footy, 15,000 are "real" supporters and the rest are a pack of Johnny-come-latelies.

If Essendon still draws crowds of over 65,000 when they are in the bottom 4, then I'll be impressed.
You are a total idiot, were those numbers you just sprouted actual recorded statistics, or just another inane comment from a jealous opposition supporter. I missed who you barrack for, who is it again?
Most of the people on this forum have supported the Bombers since they were kids.
Next time back up your bandwagon jumpers comments with actual facts.

Oh by the way. if you were 4 when you started supporting the Tigers & you have been supporting them for a quarter of a decade that makes you 6 & a half years old.?????????????

Quarter of a century ... I made a mistake! Well spotted! You are a star!!

Of course you didn't spot that I was a Richmond supporter, which was the more important point, clown.

As a matter of fact, Morgan Poll data shows that 30 percent of Essendon supporters are aged 14-24, statistical proof that they're bandwagon jumpers. If you don't believe me read The Bulletin.
Well I don't have a problem with you all

You have every right to be thrilled with the season so far, and confident about the next fortnight.

IMHO (I thought it was humble?), it's looks like you've learnt your lesson on over-confidence. Remember it over the off-season (if you're successful), and don't winge if the post-premiership hangover happens, and there won't be a problem....
Quarter of a century ... I made a mistake! Well spotted ... You are a star!

Of course you didn't spot that I was a Richmond supporter even though I said I was, which was the more important point, clown.

You want statistics?

The Morgan Poll in The Bulletin magazine says that 30 percent of Essendon supporters are aged 14-24. Statistical proof they are bandwagon-jumpers.
No I didn't miss who you barracked for, I was having a dig at you barracking for the Tigers who are well known for having a lot of bandwagon supporters.
So 70% are over 24, I think that's a pretty good amount of mature supporters, what % are under 18, I would say about 15%. You could get the stats of all clubs & I think you would find that with those stats, we have less bandwagon supporters than a lot of clubs.


Have you actually ever been to an Essendon home game?

It's like a bloody Backstreet Boys concert.

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That's it I've had enough of Essendon

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