Fed up
I have been observing this site for the last couple of months,and I have been standing idly by and watched those purile brain dead sheep who follow Essendon, post some of the most inane pieces of shit I have ever seen.
But just when you thought they could not get any more bland they have started discussing their bloody club song.
I am a pacifist but I wish nothing but evil on those pricks, plague pestulance and misery,I hope channel seven and ten lose their way to training just one night so we can miss the live cross for more boreing bomber talk.
"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more"
But just when you thought they could not get any more bland they have started discussing their bloody club song.
I am a pacifist but I wish nothing but evil on those pricks, plague pestulance and misery,I hope channel seven and ten lose their way to training just one night so we can miss the live cross for more boreing bomber talk.
"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more"