The Carlton approach to stadium management

  • Thread starter Pessimistic
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Does anyone agree that it's quite strange that ex/current carlton administrators are now in charge of all threer Melbourne footy stadiums ?
That's Collins at colonial, Gough at MCG and whoever at Optus.

"optus, the unfriendly venue" should be the catchcry. Or to paraphrase the league of gentlemen "This is a (local) Carlton footy ground, theres nothing for yooo Here !"

How many fans have said 'never again' as the paid some $28 to sit in a 1996 stand built to a 1950's design. Wondered why theres' no seating whatsoever on the wings (where everybody wants to sit), or why they still allow wooden stands several years after the bradford fire

I once bought a reserved seat there which was slap bang behind a girder holding the roof up, thats after going to about three places to pick up my ticket, the ground admission docket (searching for ten minites for a 'window' which turned out to be a 6" square hole in the wall), getting told how much we'd lose by by every 'official' in the ground etc etc.

Just wondering how the Carlton principles of unfriendly stadium management will translate to colonial and the MCG

Any thoughts ?
Ihears ya pess and i understands what you say. I remember a day when after paying $50 odd for two tickets to a damn near empty stand becuse I was taking my mum (god im a nice bloke :) moving around for a better view and being told to go back to my seat or be evicted from the ground by some fat B$&%**** with a big No1 badge. He should have been wearing a No2 badge and it would have been more fitting.
God wish id have kneed him where it hurts but to do that he would have had to get some real balls hahaha.
I used to love this tape they played over the PA system there incredibly loudly in the early 80s whenever the Baggers did anything... ie: ran on to the ground, kicked a goal, hit someone behind play...etc... that used to go "Carlton...Carlton.... Carlton" in this sort of hushed tones (Bonnie Tyler- esque) way. God it used to wind me up.

Particularly funny though that day in 1981 when Fitzpatrick held onto the ball for about three days whilst recalling his days at Oxford which cost them an unlosable home game in a Premiership year against the hated bombers.

Optus Oval has one thing going for it however, and that is, it is not Waverley.

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The Carlton approach to stadium management

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