The Credibility Vacuum

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Club Legend
Jan 24, 2000
The Pub.
Oh how funny it was to see the footy show last night- bagging the living sh*t out of colonial stadium.
The funniest (or most annoying bit) was when Crawf (ithink) said that James Hird had "rubberstamped" the surface, which means it should be ok for footy this weekend.
Eddie in his ultimate wisdom then says:
"oh- but you cant beleive Jim Hird because he works for Channel 7, and his club is the major tenant".

OK- eddie- your club isnt a major tenant, and you work for channel 9.
So we should beleive what you say- that the stadium is crap- and is a huge white elephant.


Its got to the point where no-one from 7 OR 9 has any credibility on the subject because of tv station loyalties.
I laughed so hard when Fat Ed questioned the credibility of Hirds assessment, because of his tv loyalties, and then expects us not to question his own motives when slagging the stadium off !!!!!!

what a joke.
How dumb do they think we are ????

I must admit, I questioned the fact that Essendon were asked to try out the surface seeing as they have the best deal and are not sqealing as poublicly about Colostomy Park. Basically Hird said it was the best stadium in the universe.

Similarly when carey came out and said bascially that the players were weak to complain then Jacko says if the best playter is saying it what more do you want. Very suspicious.

What was the funniest thing was those ****ta training outfits the Bombers were wearing at Colostomy Park. I wouldnt want to walk dwon Commercial Road in Melbourne weraing that get up. What a laugh. SLMFAO.
Just on that Arch, did you read the newspaper story at realfooty about the Channel 7 journo who has been pulled from 'Around the Grounds' because he referred to Colonial as 'Death Valley' a couple of times on air.

So much for Press Freedom, Independence of journalists, Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression.

I thought we lived in Australia, not China.

Very worrying developments me thinks...

[This message has been edited by Bloodstained Angel (edited 16 June 2000).]

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yeah angel- i saw that on the footy show too.
what a joke.
Thats what I mean by credibility vacuum.

If no one has the balls to call a spade a spade because the station owns the damn spade, then how much other propaganda are we being fed ????
Its like the situation with Shane Warne. As much as love the guy and think hes a champion no matter what stupid scandals the press cooks up, how beautifully has channel 9 saved his arse (twice now). First they grab "Joe The Camerman" to help Warnie out, and if you saw Mike Munro's interview with that "donna" chick last night- theyve helped him again- Munro made the chick look like an idiot- and warnie will come off smelling like roses again. Its all because he has a channel 9 contract and they dont want his credibility tarnished as it hurts them too.

I cant beleive how gullible the press think we are.

(ever watch frontline ?????)
The AFL likes a bit of controversy as it creates publicity. But the like it to be confined to 'will the roof be closed', 'should he have got suspended' etc.

All persons employed directly or indireclly by the AFL (and that includes our illustrious media) are allowed to participat as long as they avoid particular issues.

Is the AFL commish a bunch of duds
Do they lie regularly (they probably think we expect it now
Have they got conflicting interests
Anything to do with waverley

It's also very entertaining to see Eddie defending anyone with a conflict of interest - as if it makes his personal conflict any better.

One example - it was 'moving right along' when sav rocca was dropped. Did he have any comment last night when sav was picked again ? I didn't watch the show.
Yes indeed - don't get me started on Shane Warne and Cahnnel Nine.

Its almost like these people don't belive in things like truth and lies anymore - its just a question of what particular 'spin' you want to put on a story. Like one 'spin' is just as good and just as valid as another 'spin' regardless of wheteher there any truths in these 'spins' or not.

Hey and yeah you are talking to a huge Frontline fan here, also wouldn't it be funny if John Clarke, Brain Dawe and Gina Riley from "the Games" did a similar show on the AFL Commission ?

They could call it "The Stadium"

- would be a hoot
Dead right Arch, they're both as bad as one another. The Craig Hutchinson suspension is a disgrace, the "death valley" reference he made was mentioned in every media outlet before he said it. He didn't make it up.

As for Eddie "conflict" MaGuire saying James can't be trusted, well I used to have alot of respect for the guy. He conveniantly fogot to mention Hirdy was the first player to raise concerns about the surface.

Sure they could have had a player from another team to practice on it and give the OK but there was 400 cameras there and if the players were slipping around, that would have been on camera. Hirdy would have looked like a dickhead if it wasn't ok, but it clearly was ok. Matty Lloyd (ch 9 man) oked it in any case.

Eddie the same guy who stitched up a 10, yes 10, year deal with his part owned company for the Pies internet site and he questions James' credibility.

There's so much political bullshit going on to do with the AFL it's scarey. I read in todays paper that Joe Gutnick is happy to play some games at his new best friends ground, "Elliott Oval", when only a couple of years ago the Dees were dead against this.

Magpie Greig it's great to have a true blue dickhead Pie fan on the forum just to remind us not to feel sorry for your shithouse side. I assume you refer to the long legins which are worn by blokes like Linford Christie, Donavan Bailey and Maurice Greene. Feel free to call those blokes ******s for wearing them if you ever happen to see them, just make sure you've got adequate health cover and life insurance.

Unfortunately everyone seems to get compromised eventually. What starts out as a 'breath of fresh air', 'balanced view' or 'irreverent and cheeky' gets snagged on the reef of hypocracy.

Frontline becomes the Panel ( lightweight and indulgent ), Coodabeens become Liberal members of the Vic Upper House ( the ULTIMATE jobs-for-the-boys ), Eddie the no-nonsense boy from Broady becomes pet celebrity ( would attend the opening of a fridge door just to stand in the light ).

Compromise, compromise - everyone has his/her price. Rationalise, rationalise - this might effect my career/chances/contract.

I suggest the Sth. African model - appoint Nelson Mandela as AFL boss and start the Truth Commission. Time to spill the beans.

Why are we playing SO many games at Docklands ? ( AFL decide draw, so what's going on there )
Whatever happened to MCG Friday Night, esp. for North ?

And so on....

Once Kerry Packer owns Docklands ( just a matter of when really ), then I guess Eddie will have a sudden change of heart.
Who wants to be a millionaire ? Certainly Eddie.

The next guy to watch out for is Steve Vizard and the Internet squabble.
Maybe that's why Essendon are winning, they don't cathc colds at training!!!!

If Collingwood took that on board, maybe they could win a game!!! (Go SAINTS Tonight)

Journo's have the credibility, it's just the stupid w***ers they work for that don't have any credibility and don't know what people think in the real world.

Kerry Stokes, congratulations.

By suspending someone for telling the truth about something you put all your money into you have officially dug yourself into a hole that you may never recover from.

Aren't there broadcast rights coming up soon?

The AFL has made some bad decisions in its time, but one suspects, Packer and son may just win out on this one, especially if 7 keep treating the AFL the way it is.

No coverage outside Melbourne until almost midnight, and no replay of games in Melbourne at all.

did anyone else hear (or read) that rumour about Telstra apparently being really keen to buy the rights for some huge sum, so they can in turn flog it off to the highest bidder ?????????

Whats the bet Telstra pays too much, no one will want to buy it off them, and no one will be broadcasting f*ck all.

Excellent thread; I just want to add a couple of things.

Frontline - brilliant show

Conflict of interest and spin control - huge concern, and not just in sport. Luckily, what we're talking about is ultimately just a football league. What about more serious arenas?

Lack of accountability is extremely worrisome and fewer and fewer media personalities are speaking for 'real' people, which is why things like uncensored message boards are important. Must be careful not to fall into the trap of being forced to 'think between the lines'.
We are all cynical, aren't we ? A vital weapon in the quest for understanding.

One trend that has generated huge revenues recently is that of positioning. Everyone is positioning , waiting for the next thing. The market ( i.e. your share price and therefore , thru' options, your wealth ) EXPECTS you to position and down grades you if you don't.

However, to position, you may need to spend money - takeovers etc - and this is the area where Spin has triumphed in the last 6 mths.

Example - it is 'accepted' that the Internet will be the 'next big thing' aka NBT, therefore you must have an internet strategy. You don't exactly know all the issues so you hire consultants to advise you. They advise buying into a company who has 'the answers' and will deliver an internet strategy for you. So you do - generally some share swap. The market is satisfied - you have a strategy. Then something else comes up , courtesy of other consultants. What's your strategy for this new twist ? You go back to your consultants, they advise again, you buy into something else etc etc.

Nothing has actually happenned. Nothing has been delivered. But you are positioned - for now. Now it's a question of holding nerve and deep pockets. But who's making the moola ? Those ol' consultants, who are basically scamming - making it up as they go.

This has been the DOTCOM story over the last 6 months. It has a similar feel to the asset stripping of the '80's but more virtual so no one goes to jail this time ( sorry Bondy )

Heaven help anything of REAL value that gets sucked into this greedfest. A theoretical 'cash cow' like AFL requires protection from this whirlwind, not collusion.

Footy is real - you can't fool that many kids for that length of time - but, like all things, is fragile in the face of pillage'n plunder.

Remember Fitzroy and be afraid, be very afraid.

I'll shut up now.

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The Credibility Vacuum

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