The itchy and SCRATCHY show!!!!!

  • Thread starter Calvin
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As a NON lions or doggies supporter, I think I can have an outside point of view here.


The only times I have ever heard of 'scratching' allegations has been between these 2 teams. And amazingly enough, as pointed out in Talking Footy, it is only the Lions that seem to get 'scratched'.

Funny thing is that looking at the recovery footage, the Lions have many players with 'scratches'. Do they do it to themselves?? I don't think so!!!!

The dogs did this for years undected. Thanks to the leadership and fearlessness (or so it would seem) of Leigh Matthews, the players will speak out.

This practice has to be stamped out and soon!!
This started with Paul Kelly vs Libba When Kelly had to keep going off under the bloo rule from bleeding and that day Libba got three Brownlow votes - the umpires are useful aren't they
Scratching is definately related to the blood rule and we should consider an enforced interchange for the scratcher if it is proved to be deliberate

On a related note, if an offender takes out a player for a few matches, and is suspended for a few himself, on of those suspensions should be the next game against the team offended against

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Alot of the marks I saw on TV looked like stop marks, which anyone can get playing at any level.

As that low life bastard Matthews - who is he to say anything about on-field discretions. As an ex-thug he never ceases to amaze me. I remember how he used to play the game and so does Neville Bruns I bet.

That said, scratching is a low act and should be severely dealt with.

You know this is a very low act.
What has football become.Only seeing the pictures in the paper and on the news, it disturbs me.I am a nurse, and to me they look like scratches, not a light wound, it seems to have been made with some pressure. Why would any person want to apply pressure to cause that damage to another persons throat.Don't they realise that they could kill someone. The vision of Libba last year at the Gabba was chilling. Holding another person by the back of the head, whilst the other hand is gouging the face.Permanent damage or even death could result from actions like this.
Having read the version of this in the papers ( mind you only one side is bleating, the doggies), I thought this was not to be discussed because of AFL rules till after it was sorted out, as with reports to the tribunal.It seems that some players need to be accountable for their actions.Because they are not normal football actions.
I know I would have hated to see Lloydy or Cousins or Stevens in the grip like that Brisbane player was in last year.I read that some people were angry with the Brisbane player because of Libba being found guilty. What a joke. I would hate to think any player is being groped in his genitals.Though it does happen, and the only team that has had complaints of their players doing this is the Doggies, from Swans and Cats players.
So my point is really this is not something new, that other teams have spoken out in the past.The problem appears to be at Dogland.
What is pathetic is the Bulldogs.I am so sick of the crap they are dishing out.If I hear the woe is me they are picking on me, we are angels line, I will toss up.
Get some integrety Bulldogs. The rest of us teams are sick of being pinched, squirrel gripped, scratched and gouged.About time the AFL got tough on these mongrels, they should be put down.
Ah, maybe they will if Carlton wins their law suit.
Crybaby Lions at it again, who was crying last year after a couple of tribunal cases, you think they would have learnt, by now.

Those who live by the sword, die by the sword.
Pithy comments as usual from Joel.

For my money there were long scratch marks - and the blood was visible when the player in question was walking from the ground. I'm not a Lions or Dogs supporter either.

Having spoken to players (including one who e-mailed abuse to me recently, but I'll leave that out of all this. I might post the letter as it is quite funny. How he manages to operate his e-mail when he cannot use capital letters or punctuation I will never know) I find it no surprise that these things go on.

I find it a *bit* surprising (maybe disappointing is the word)that there is a backlash against a team who have had a player subjected to very obvious unsportsmanlike behaviour. The fact that it is Brisbane seems to have raised more than the usual amount of ire from Dogs fans and others.

Maybe there is an element of whinging. Maybe there is an element of revenge. Maybe they are stop marks (I'm no doctor). But in the end there is a limit, no matter what some steroid popping wannabe's might say. Playing with skill and courage is the only way any player will get my respect. Causing *deliberate* physical harm is NOT the way a skilled person has to play. Ever.
Hey RICE, Matthews at least apologised for his actiobns that day in 85 (and I was at that game and saw him round house Bruns) No there was no excuse for what he did. Nor was there any excuse for what stephen hocking did to Matthews either. or Bruns (and Id like to see his tribuanl records) king hitting Tuck earlier in the same match. But the Lowest form of pond life was that filth jackson (something in that name.wayne,michael). Who ever recalls him swinging at everyone and missing ,punching Langford in the head then squealing like a girl when langers pinned his arms picked him up and held him to the ground.
That day was a black day but at least have the courage to admit that NONE of it would have happended if Jackson hadnt started it.
Matthews was no angel but no one else in the events that happended after it were eithier.
It dosen't appear to be just the Lions in these scratching altercations.

According to a media report today Hawthorn were fuming with Romero in a scratching incident with Rayden Tallis, in 1998. They also complained to the AFL. Romero wasn't charged. According to the Herald-Sun today John Hook the football manager for Hawthorn said at the time "Even if he (Romero) feels he is inncocent and he may well be, he can coint himself lucky this time. Its time he took stock and concentrated on other things".

I don't remember the Tallis incident, but I quite clearly remember Paul Kelly from Sydney being sent off twice with the blood-rule resulting from scratches after an altercation with Liberatore.

I've got no problem with players having scratches and cuts on their arms, torso or legs from other player's fingernails as the result of an attempted or successful tackle. I've also got no problem if this occurs with them being sent off via the blood-rule. However scratches on player's faces and necks in an attempt to get the player sent off due the blood-rule is in my book plain cheating. In watching the replay I noticed Romero wasn't backwards in pointing out that Black was bleeding from the scratches on his neck and having him sent off by the umpire.

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Scratches on Mark Johnsons neck in friday nights game
Whats with this club?
Wallace please control these mongrels!
It's been happening for years with libba.

Before the lions had it happen to them, Paul Williams walked off with identical claw marks to the lions.

This was in '95/'96.

You could see more scratches than clear skin.

For the record, Williams weas BOG that day with 30 possessions and kicked 5 goals.

Libba has never been a good tagger, even with his dirty tactics.



PS - Bluey, if you don't post that letter...
Can you send it to me @

I'd love to read it

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The itchy and SCRATCHY show!!!!!

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