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Nov 3, 2000
I am writing this letter to on behalf of a man known to you as Oldfashioned Supporter. He has been sending in occasional letters for about two months and has been a mad keen footy fan for almost 70 years. Unfortunately OFS passed away peacefully in his sleep last Monday week. For the previous weeks he has probably known his days were numbered and he asked me to send this letter in the event of his passing. His message to you all is very simple. Support your footy club whoever it may be, support it loyally and cleanly, support it financially, support it with manual support if necessary, but also have a good word for your opponent if they beat you fair and square. In other words, recognise footy for what it is - a sport.

OFS not only enjoyed footy, he loved cricket as well, played tennis until aged 66, bowls in the past ten years and even touched for a while on a bit of croquet. OFS was one of nature's gentlemen and all those who knew him did not have a bad word for him. He was a sincere "good sport" and he always hoped that everyone else interested in sport would be the same, after all, these things are really only a game (not like the war he fought in and almost died in). OFS had a wealth of sporting knowledge which unfortunately has gone with him. His family and friends will miss him deeply. Unfortunately did not get to know him long enough to suffer the same sadness.

OFS's friend

May you look upon the game fondly from the great grandstand in the sky.


This is a hallucination and these faces are in a dream. A computer generated environment; a fantasy island you can do anything and not have to face the consequences.
Wow, kinda puts things in perspective doesn't it?

What can I say? OFS, you were a true footy fan to the end. I salute you.

I have said before and your words have confirmed it. It's all about the game, not just the clubs. We need each other.

Keep watching from the top tier OFS.

mens sana in corpore sano - a sound mind in a sound body

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Very sad to hear. OFS - we hear ya. I am off to renew my Lions membership in your honour.
OFS's friend, thanks for your post.
Old Fashioned Supporter, may you rest in peace.

Thank you for your post, I feel terrible now & it just goes to show how fragile life really is.

Wish his family all the best from the folks here at Big

Thank you for your post & I hope you are doing O.K.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.

Lest we forget

OFS, your words & thoughts live on while you rest. Sadly life is just a short journey but thanks for sharing some of yours with us.

Thanks also to the friend of ofs.

I too will miss OFS. Joined bigfooty just a few days before he did and enjoyed getting to know just a little of his interest in the sport.

He posted a great little piece about his life to the history group topic on this board. If you have the chance take some moments and read it.

Thanks to his friend for carrying out his wishes.
Thanks for allowing us to share in your knowledge OFS. And thank you to your friend that informed us of his passing. It was kind of you to consider us in this time. I hope that he is now catching up with all the great legends like Bunton,Cazaly,Coventry and all the others who played the one true game played in Heaven.

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I only commenced posting here a couple of weeks ago, and can't say that I had any banter with OFS, but nevertheless : Barrack In Peace. Thanks to the friend who informed the board. Condolences to friends, family, and those who corresponded regularly with OFS on this board.
Rest In Peace OFS

and Condolences to your friends and family

Thank you OFS's friend for informing us of his passing, it's a shame I didn't get to know him better on Bigfooty, he definately was a good sport but more importantly a good human being.
OFS, Hope your having fun up there meeting all the passed footy legends.
I have not read any of OFS's posts, I am now going to find them.

Thanks to your friend for showing true friendship.

The opening post should be made required reading when registering with BigFooty.

Rest in Peace OFS.
Reading the messages people have written has
given me a sobering sensation

I did not know this man, nor do i remebemer his posts.

But reading his devotion our great game for 70 years has won him my respect.

And so I feel sympathy for his family for losing what it seems was a great man.
Very sad to hear. OFS, honoured to have been in the company of someone with such a rich knowledge of football.

Keep on a eye on our game old timer. Don't let it change too much.

Anyway, I'm sure you've got the best seat in the house now.

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