The most important question regarding the Olympics

  • Thread starter Big Kev
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Big Kev

Which female athlete (or male to keep the girls happy) is the most boofable?

After seeing Tatiana Longnameova in the pole vault last night - I have a new goddess. She can vault my pole anyday.


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Matt Shirvington!!! what a babe!
and Mark Pearson from the mens 4X 100m relay gold team......greeeaaatt body!
Oh and that Alexi nemov (cant spell his name) from the russian gymnastics team. Oh and Alexander popov from Russia and Pieter Van Den Hoogenband from Netherlands....they are all gorgeous too

The most not 'boofable' would be 90% of the female swimmers. Talk about butch. Or all the softballers - they've all got fat arses (or atleast on TV).

As for 'boofable' can't go past some of the beach volleyballers in their tight bikinis I saw this week.
Oh, come on you lot, you can't beat Liz Weeks!

But then again, Tatiana would have to come a very close second.
I've actually met Liz Weekes at an ESP pissup a few months back and she's just average without all the makeup and tarting up stuff you see in Ralph mags and the like. So she loses points in my mind.

My vote for the top Aussie babe for in the olympics would go to Jane Jamieson in the athletics (who you may ask?) but is mega babe.

Can't say that any other babe has thrust herself into the limelight - most female athletes look like she-males (hello!!! Ms. De Bruin).
Anna Kournikova...Hang on, she isn't here DOH!!!!

Tatiana, mmmmm very stylish. How long will it be before she's on the cover of Ralph?

I really like the Russian Gymnast Svetlana Khorkova (you know the one, short blonde hair and a lot of leg. She seems to cry a lot)

What is it with me and the Russians???
Tatiana's already has been in Ralph atleast twice if not more times in the past year or so.

And a useless bit of trivia - her manager is Derryn Hinch!!!!
Top 5 imho

1/ Tatiana G (Yum yum X 1000)
2/ Joanne Malar (Canadian swimmer)
3/ Natalie Ward (Oz softball)
4/ Tamsyn Lewis (even though she's dating King Traitor Colbert)
5/ Bronwyn Mayer (Oz Water Polo)

And if you're interested gocatsgo or gerry gee. Ralph Magazine have Tatiana's most recent photoshoot, wallpaper & screensaver at their website for free download.

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Thanks for the tip Zed.

Ralph shots are always tame
though, I'll stick to the pics I've got where she's jumping on a trampoline with no clothes on

Seeing we are on the Tatiana bandwagon, she has her own website if some of you don't know.
My vote goes to the entire Dutch women's hockey team - obviously they've never heard of sports bras in Holland?

(.)(.) alert!!!
I guess all you people are in a dark room with your KY at the bedside.
There's nothing like turning olympic athletes into sex objects. And guys say that women only go to the football to perve on the players.
I'm only glad that I don't have to rely on a fantasy partner.

eaglesboy that's Ok, but there is a fine line between coveting & talking about them like they are cheap pieces of meat, (read some of the comments) they are top atletes & as I said, when girls mention about footy players being cute & having nice bums etc, all the guys start carrying on saying they only go to perve on the players. I don't by the way I go to watch them play, a little bit of double standard me thinks.


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The most important question regarding the Olympics

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