The player you love to hate

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Nov 16, 2000
Altona, Melbourne, Vic
The player i love to hate the most is Matthew Lloyd even though i respect him and he has a lot of talent i just don't like they way he milks the free kicks off the umpire

But what does everyone else think

Looks like another I hate Lloyd, Hird blah blah garden variety bomber bashing thread...

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Originally posted by grant32000:

The player i love to hate the most is Matthew Lloyd even though i respect him and he has a lot of talent i just don't like they way he milks the free kicks off the umpire

But what does everyone else think

isnt it interesting that lloyd had more frees against this year than for
but then again jealous narrow minded people like you wouldnt care about the facts would ya

oh and for my 2 cents worth
carey, only cause he is so bloody good
Originally posted by walshy1993:

isnt it interesting that lloyd had more frees against this year than for
but then again jealous narrow minded people like you wouldnt care about the facts would ya

oh and for my 2 cents worth
carey, only cause he is so bloody good

Hey walshy I have never said anything against loylld.
But i would love to see loyllds total free kicks recieved compared to that of any genuine full forward.
Top class full forward like that of lockett went through seasons maybe recieving 2 free kicks.
Modra only recieved a handfull of free kicks
and certainly less than he gave away.

If anything the number of free kicks loylld recieves is the only area in his game you cannot brag about.
Originally posted by The Dutchman!:
Nice try CIK but what did I tell you?

Only 4 posts about Lloyd, and 2 of them are from you guys !!
Without getting on to the Lloyd issue, I must say I am amazed how defensive & paranoid you Essendon folk appear to be. Have you copped a pasting from others before I arrived here, or do you feel you have to defend your team's performance and success ?
From my perspective, your results speak for themselves. I hated getting thrashed by you (twice) this year, but I don't begrudge you your premiership.
If I were you, I would just sit back and let the record do my talking for me. If you want to defend an individual player, so be it - I would too - but not every criticism of an Essendon player is a conspiracy against the entire Essendon Football Club.

P.S. For the record, I think Lloyd is a limp-wristed, weak-kneed, pansy, who could not win a kick fair and square in his lifetime.
Just joking Dutchman!!!!!
Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.

[This message has been edited by Carey_is_King (edited 22 December 2000).]
Dutch, Walshy, all you other Dons, take it as a compliment. The Roos guys will know something of what im about to say with how they cop it with Carey.

Try and think of what i used to cop in the eighties with Dermie!! Before that it was Lethal! Boys you havent heard a tenth of what i used to get as soon as i told anyone i followed the Hawks. The IMMEDIATE reply was always along the lines of "Great side, but i HATE that Dermott Brereton/ Leigh Matthews". Fifteen years of that i had to put up with!!

If theyre still saying it about Hird/Lloyd in ten years it will say alot about just how good they are.


[This message has been edited by Grendel (edited 22 December 2000).]
Wayne Carey

I'd love to hate him but I can't, his the captain of the best team in the comp.

Why would I love to hate him??

Well I'm glad you asked

He isn't my favourite Roo because every Kangaroo supporter I know thinks the team revolves around him. It don't. Their are 21 other guys in Royal Blue and White who work their butts off week in week out, yet don't get the recognition they deserve. Sure the aren't as skillful, powerful or imposing as the King, but they still play a mighty game for us every week. Guys like John Blakey, Anthony Stevens, David King, Glen Archer and Michael Martyn are very important players for North, but outside the diehards who appreciate their efforts, no one seems to know they exist.

Saying that, I'd hate to see him wearing another Guernsey, I'd probably give up the game.

Anyway, that's my last bull***t comment for the year. I hope everybody has a great and safe Christmas and New Year period, a I hope to forum with you goons next season.

The Spending his Christmas on Queensland beach Roo
I hate any Richmond player who left the club in search of more money. (Maxfield and Prescott)

This is a hallucination and these faces are in a dream. A computer generated environment; a fantasy island you can do anything and not have to face the consequences.

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One word

He is as arogant off the field as he is on.
Sure he is a talent,but longmuir and Micheal sure put him in his place.

Plus Pavlich gave that shoulder a solid work over.
I can't understand hating a player because they are a champion. I know about all the "Tall Poppie" syndrome etc., just don't understand it that's all. Anyway, the player I love to hate is Clive Waterhouse. I don't know why though!!! I just don't like him for some reason, perhaps it is his persona, I'm not sure. Another fairly popular choice is Tony Liberatore - for reasons I think need not be explained.

Why hate a guy for leaving the club in search of more money. Have you never left a job for more money ? Do you seriously think you never will ? This is a business, and the players are entitled to earn as much as possible during their relatively short careers. I am always sorry to see a player leave (Peter Bell is an example), but I understand why. The notion of club loyalty is long gone, and since when did clubs show loyalty to players ? Only when it suited their own interests.

Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.
Peter Everitt

A hideously ugly, foul-mouthed, drunken thug.

Nowhere near as good as he likes to think he is.

Watch him quickly fall from favour at Moorabbin this year, I mean - do you honestly think Blight is gonna put up with this idiots antics ?

Whaddiya reckon sainter ? (others ?)
Wayne Carey by a mile, just for the way he whinges every time he doesn't get a free. every contest he hits the turf he looks at the ump and complains, does he expect to be given the world or something?

as for this little quip DEVO,

I'd love to hate him but I can't, his the captain of the best team in the comp.

i'm sure you didn't win the flag this year.

Leigh Colbert should get a mention too, for obvious reasons to a geelong supporter.
I don't LOVE to hate anyone but a few players really irritate and get up my back like :-

1) Libba........dirty animal
2) Waterhouse...biffo from back to the future
3) Long.....Dirty ugly aninmal
4) Fraser Gehrig....passionless runt
5) Robert Harvey....over rated posession gatherer
6) Daniel Chick.... for renaging on a handshake
7) Dustbin Fletcher...ugly and too good.
8) nathan Burke...cos of his silly hat.
7) The rest of the Dockers players...cos they are losers
8) The rest of the Bulldogs players...cos they are losers too.
9) Spider Burton ...cos he is unco
10) Spider Everitt amd Orenshaw.....just to bait no-one in particular

Wayne "Bloody" Carey
Scott "The Hog" Lucas
Matty "Grass Tosser" Llyod
Aaron "Pisspot" James

Thats it so far... Unless ppl can come up with more and remind me that i hate that player i will put them on my list!

And I Hate The Essendon Cheer Squad The Most Coz They Are Pains In The Bloody Arse!

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The player you love to hate

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