The Wilko Awards!

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Club Legend
Apr 30, 2000
AFL Club
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On 3AW, (and also I believe in SA and WA radio) Gerard Healy and his group of commentators have been voting for the Wilko awards.

The Wilko awards are named after that magnifficent Equestrian Commentator Gary Wilkinson, and are awarded for the biggest blunders of the olympics, be it Commentary or organisational.

Here are some of the nominees.

1. The Weightlifing commentator who said that one of the female lifters had "an 85kilo snatch between her legs"
2. Mark Berretta's continual references to Horsely park Equestrian centre as "Horse-ly Park"
3. Bruce McAvaney, for the call of the Australian 400 metre runners effort in finishing in the top 4 and making the final in the mens event, when infact, he had actually finished 7th. "He's made it, He's made it, what a performance".
4. Andrew Baildon for picking the medalists in the pool from the moment they had dived in, including 1 Australian, who had a reasonable start, only to finish 6th. "She will definately get a medal here!"
5. The commentator who asked Todd Woodbridge what that was in his shorts pocket, in which Todd replyed "They're my balls".
6. SOCOG, for thinking of every possible security breech imaginable, except a breakout at the Prison NEXT DOOR to the games. Which brought a response of, "It's the prisoners job to break out, isn't it?"

And the current leader is.

The official who decided that they would make the Gymanastics Vault, 5cm Higher, a clear leader at this stage, from an obvious Brain Surgeon.

Please post suggestions, and the winners will be announced at the end of the games.
I think that the first nominee would have to been the best one!

Also, gocatsgo, the Vault was actually 5cm LOWER, not higher.

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Organisational has to be the vault.

Commentary has to be Bruce. My 8yo said at the time "but hasn't the aussie come last dad? That man said he came 4th"
Speaking of Organization, what about the crap coverage from channel 7 last night. I have previously defended saying that they did a good job, but last night was a shocker.
Here is an overview or the crapiness of last nights coverage:
1. They kept on a round-robin hockey match, albeit it was to get into a semi-final (i think), even though the match was well and truly over (we were leading 3 nil with only 15 to go).
2. We only saw about 10 vaults from the Women's Pole Vault Comeptition. We didn't know Tatyiana was, we only knew she was going for silver until there was about 5 minutes to go.
3. We crossed to the athletics about 10 minutes before the Freeman race, therefore missing the 400m hurdles semi-final (which had an aussie in it), which we saw about 1/2 hour after it was run. Also, there was no build-up to the Freeman race, which was the biggest run for an Australian since Ron Clarke's 10 000m gold medal, if not the biggest Australian run ever.
4. This was the biggest disgrace of the lot. It was an insult to the great Haile Gabrsellasie, who is undoubtebly the greatest long distance runner ever. During the race, the crossed to an interview with Cathy Freeman and we missed about half the race. No, i'm not a Freeman-bagger, but surely they could have taped an interview, and show it after the 10 000m race, which was the greatest 10 000m race of all time, in which Gabrsellasie kept his 7 year unbeaten run by just 0.09 seconds.

As I mentioned, I have previously said Channel 7 have done a good job, overall they have done a good job, and i still say they have on every other night, but last night (which happened to be the biggest of all nights) they put in an absolute shocker.

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[This message has been edited by WCE2000 (edited 26 September 2000).]

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The Wilko Awards!

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