This Could Help A Couple Of Ppl Out!

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Premiership Player
Sep 14, 2000
Other Teams
Collingwood and Newcastle
I know its not footy but i got this as a forward and thought i should put it on bigfooty coz maybe alot ppl might get some use out of it like me.
So Yeah here it goes.....

Hey guys this is how you should treat your g/f and Ladies if your b/f doesn't treat you like this then send it to them or print it out and send it to them. This is really sweet. AWWWE!!!!!!!!

*Put your arms around her waist and whisper in her ears.

*Kiss her every chance you get.

*Hold her close when she's cold.

*When you are alone hold her close and kiss them.

*Kiss her on the tip of her nose (it will give her the hint that you
want to kiss them.)

*While in the movie, put your arm around her and then she will automatically put her head on your shoulder...... then lean in and tilt her chin and kiss her lightly.

*When she complains that her neck/shoulders hurts massage it for her.

*When people diss her stand up for her.

*Look deep into her eyes and tell her you love her.

*Lay down under the stars and put her head on your chest so she can listen to the steady beat of your heart. Link your fingers together while you whisper to her as she rests her eyes and listens to you.

Awwwwwww mags that's so sweet, and lucky me, I have a guy who will do all those things for me, and already has done a few.

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That's very sweet mags. I've already had the movie thing done to me...with the wrong

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Well we know not to smother u then ha spidey! Plus there is nothing wrong showing that u acctuly care about the person.

This new you (SNAG) is nice, better not get too soft or you might get thrown out of the club by chauvinists like fletch.


Spidey everything isn’t about ****in u know! You know that it wouldn’t hurt you to show some care and courtesy towards other ppl for a change.

I would rather be in a relationship then rather see how many chicks I could screw! But u wouldn’t know about relationships would ya spidey!

As usual mags stands up and has an original thought, or opinion, and a few people always wanna knock him down.
You are totally right mags, it is WAY better to be in a committed relationship with someone you care about more than anyone else, than to be with just anyone. For such a young 'un, you sure are pretty wise.

[This message has been edited by lioness22 (edited 19 December 2000).]

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This Could Help A Couple Of Ppl Out!

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