This is so amazing.

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Jun 28, 2000
Well there are no words to describe this. Today I went to the swimming, and saw Hackett and Perkins compete. Bloody sensational. The crowd was wild. I swear, my tickets have been so great, not being stuck up or anything but I couldn't have gotten better. I was worried they'd be crap, but I've seen Susie O'Neill, Ian Thorpe, the relay team and today Grant win gold in swimming, and I've also been to gymnastics, hockey, softball and equestrian. And I swapped with this Chinese guy last night and gave him my Mountain Bike riding for his Track and Field, so I saw Cathy Freeman in her race and also Matt Shirvington. The atmosphere is better than football could ever be, the fact that I am seeing the best in the world is just so amazing. I seriously wish you all could have come here to Sydney, even Dan (though he would have been a pain in the neck) because it is just fantastic. I'm off to party tonight though, first time since arriving here last Friday morning. Just got back from the swimming, and I had to send some emails to work and friends so I posted here too. I have spent so so so so so much money I can't believe it but it is worth it. I've got more track and field, hockey and beach volleyball for next week, I can't wait. Best holiday ever!


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No Julia,

I am more interested staying home, watching the olympics on TV, and looking forward to footy season.

We have recruited some good players during the trading period, although I am sure you are aware of that.
I like watching it on tely to but being there would just be magnificent. I have followed footy for so long but only went to my first game this year, the last western derby and even though we lost THE ATMOSPHERE WAS TREMENDOUS and it was an experience I will never forget.
I have been watching the olympics all week and I love cheering on the aussies from the comfort of my own lounge chair but being there gives it a whole different perspective. I get tingly and excited watching it on TV so I'lld probably faint if I was really there!
Hirdhasbigears - you did a good trade with that 'Chinese guy' - I know which one I would of prefered

I was so glad to hear during the Mens 1500m race the crowd was chanting 'Aussie' not just 'Kieran'. Excellent result with a gold/silver again.
Just curious Julia how the swimming finished roughly 4 pm and you posted this at 5.21pm. So you ran in world record time to the station or bus. And Hey! lucky no-one waiting at the station and back to Sydney in record time. You have to tell SOCOG about this you could be in line for a medal?

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Ummmmmm Julia
What suburb in Sydney. Or don't you want to say because then it will be proven that you are talking crap.

I really (REALLY) hate to defend her, but don't forget that the times on this forum aren't adjusted for daylight saving, are they?
Even so, I guess 6.21 is still pretty good time.
for ****'s sake sandie why would she post without using her real name hirdhasbigears- i'm someone else aluding to the fact that you just said, that hirdhasbigears is speaking crap and would just say the obvious sydney because she doesn't know any suburbs in the sydney ares, blatant sarcasm.
We had to get out of there in good time because we had dinner reservations for 7 pm, and besides, our place is nearby. So the swimming finished at 4:30 or about that, we were at the apartment by 5(after some major pushing in through crowds and the quickest walk , so that it was more like a sprint), I was dressed and ready by 5:45, I did some e-mails and sent them by 6 and then posted here. I was out the door at 6:45, to this little Italian restaurant at 7 then out clubbing for the rest of the night. I don't see why you all think I'm lying. I don't have any tickets for today because I swapped a beach volleyball for tonights track and field. So we are just sitting round the apartment. It is a terrible day in terms of weather anyway. As Eagle Fan said, the forums aren't adjusted to daylight saving. And I've been talking about it in my posts for ages before the Games even started. Well, I don't really care. I'm having fun, so the opinions of people I've never met and never will do not affect me. There is no way to prove to you I'm not lying, so I guess you'll have to decide for yourselves. It doesn't worry me either way. I don't know why I'm bothering myself with this post. I shouldn't have to prove myself to you guys. I guess I'm just bored.
You know, I'd be interested to know why everyone here hates everyone else. I know you all hate me because I spend my hard earned money on all sorts of sporting events and I'm a Carlton supporter. I've worked pretty hard to be able to come here. I'm talking 7 am to 7pm 6 days a week most of the time. This is my first holiday in ages, business trips do not count because they are so boring, because I have to spend the whole time with idiots in suits double my age. It's not my fault I come from a wealthy family. I try not to sound stuck up, because I'm really not. I think you'd all get the shock of your lives if you met me. I bet you are all thinking I'm some feral bitch but I'm tall, too skinny, with blonde hair and I'm quite shy and softly spoken. I lovesports, and my dad was crazy on them so that got me into it. I was a gymnast until I had to have my knee reco so I love the Olympics. Anyway I'll be back in Melbourne soon so you can all stops your fits of jealousy. Unlike you people I don't waste six months of the year wishing it was footy season. Well I have better stuff to do than keep typing so see you all later.


P.S. Dan, me describing what I look like was not to give you some of my stats it was to give people here a bit of a different view of me because I'm not like what most here would think.
Sandie I didn't think you were that bad but now I do.
The unregistered fake Julia, don't use my name again please.
And as for WCE2000, well it certainly wasn't WCE2000 this year was it? I think you'd better make it WCE-2-OLD.

I don't know how I've gotten such a bad rep here. I'll try to be nicer, at least until footy season starts. Then I'll have to revert to my old ways.
And having just read the second page of this topic, WCE2000, I'm not your parents and I didn't go to the Athletics the other day. Being a Sydneysider yourself you would know what it is like here. I don't know if you have been to any events but getting out of the main stadium where there are about 100,000 people is a lot harder than getting out of the Aquatic Centre. I admit that leaving track and field the other night was a nightmare from hell, about five billion times worse than a Grand Final Crowd. Oh well, I don't care anyway. Think what you like, it doesn't worry me.

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This is so amazing.

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