Tired old half-truths

  • Thread starter Pessimistic
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One thing the waverley saga has told us.. The AFL, deep down, is as bad as ever.

I noticed on the footy show that Eddie (between spreading rumours about everyone but collingwood) had a go at the heritage listing of waverley park. You could see the $$$ in his eyes as he ranted and raved about 'poor old' melbourne clubs in more financial trouble because of it.
Him and Wayne Jackson have suddenly discovered their Caring sharing sides because they were queing up to plunge in the knife and poach players back in '96 when Fitzroy, and possibly Melbourne or Hawthorne were to be merged into oblivion.

Make no mistake, If victorian clubs are in financial trouble (and Collingwood much deeper in than Hawthorn, although Hawks are still quoted every time) It is entirely because of the mismanagement of the AFL, Unviable colonic stadium etc and not the inability to get their hands on a truckload of dollars to dispose of what could still be a profitable asset.

The apologist Mike Sheehan even drew the long bow of 'only' 8,000 attendance at VFL grand final as vindication. What does that say of the pathetic crowd figures at Kangaroos games in sydney, theo sort of 'development' the AFL wants to squander the money it will get from the sale of waverley.

You reap what you sow. I just hope the game is still in reasonable shape when the current dingbats move on and the people have to pick up the pieces

Here's hoping for a drawn grand final and we get even more entertainment seeing them scurry around to find somewhere to have the replay (there are reasons why it can't be at Colonial, the G or Waverley - Maybe Footy Park in adelaide ?
Pess, I know Rozz Blades the leader of the "Save Waverley Park Group" and she is a member of the Kangaroos, I only hope her intervention has not cost my and her football club its existance...

The league should now return to Waverley and burn Optus Oval....


Hey Pess thanks for the cheap shot, as usual.

[This message has been edited by Rooboy 96 (edited 01 September 2000).]
Well tell me. Do you guys still want Waverley?

The complaints about Colonial seemed to have died down in the last 1/2 of the season. Have they fixed the problem?

The heritage listing of Waverley is a joke. If they arn't going to play footy there then the place should be pulled down.

So the question is should they play footy there & what will be the cost in terms of club survival?

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I can't believe why these people are trying to save Waverley. The AFL own it and can do with it as they please.

I've never hated Waverley. I used to enjoy going there. However, it is a shit football ground and should be demolished. It's funny how so many people now like it considering how many didn't turn up there.

I think every Victorian president would be unhappy. Weren't the AFL going to use the proceeds from Waverley to pay for their $25m outlay for Colonial. Where is that going to come from now. I wonder?

As for those in the South-East complaining about not having a football groung in their area. Well, that's what it's like for everyone else unless you live in the city. Hop on the bloody train like everyone else does. Whingers!!!
From what I remember everyone used to whinge about Waverly until they said they were going to bulldoze it.

The one thing it really had going for it was it's capacity. It could be used a an alternative venue for the GF etc.

I don't beleive that it is a coincidence that the MCC has become more beligerent in their dealings with the AFL now that they control the "only big" footy venue in Melbourne.
Sorry Rooboy, I do believe all clubs be helped to survive - not by handouts which just delay any problems, but by structuring correctly and not running hidden agendas.

I just used spending money in sydney as an example of money badly spent (considering we are so cash-strapped. I didn't mean a cheap shot, but just countering Mike Shehan's cheap shot about the VFL grand final.

I'm not sure about the heritage listing myself, as the place would need considerable improvement to be viable as a lague ground.
The listing might just hinder this process.

Hawks seem to be established at the 'G' already, and even colonial is growing on the hawks (each time they have a win there). Perhaps they don't want to move back to waverley. No other team seems to want to.

I believe Hawthorn could have taken over waverley and been very successful. The AFL could have had their money from private backers/sale of part of the grounds etc. It would have been win/win. But they grabbed all the games they could in a vain attempt to make Colonial profitable.

Let's suppose they are allowed to sell and get about $60 million. $30 million would be sunk into colonial but where should the other $30 million go ? We have never been told comprensively but can surmise there would be a divvy up to the clubs (how would that be spent ? Fat pay rises for ex coaches, Stars like Buckley, Carey etc?)and some spent on 'development; read: Sydney and Brisbane. Is there not an argument that the money is Victorian and should be spent here ?

Perhaps it could be used for a stake in redevelopment of the MCG to increase capacity for ordinary people ?

And to the person who said it belongs to the AFL - that may be so, but everyone and every bit of land in the country is subject to planning laws (Otherwise the AFL could sell it for use as a nuclear reactor or something). The Listing just makes that planning process more open, which, in the case of the AFL is a good thing.
Yes rooboy, and on North and Freo, wh according to world rankings by average crowd, come in the top 150, near West Ham United, Birmingham City etc

It is absolute Joke that we describe these teams as 'struggling'. It may be unfashionable, but I think we should be adding teams, not getting rid of them.
Thanks for the site, will be able to use that one day...


It's a bit like the Adrian McAdam story Kicks 23 goals in first 3 games, average drops off to 2 goals a game and he gets dropped... 2 goals a game is a good average for a forward pocket...

Would Parramatta love an average attendance of 22,000, of course they would... we can't all be Sheep and barrack for Essendon, Richmond, Cralton or Collingwood, that is why teams like Hawthorn, Bulldogs, Melbourne Geelong, St KIlda and North Melbourne exist...

Well Rooboy, I'd argue that the Brisbane Lions (via the merger with Fitzroy) and Sydney Swans (relocated South Melbourne Swans) have some share in Waverley, as they were/are partly Victorian in origin. North play some home games in Sydney now, but there's no doubt that they are entitled to some share from the proceeds from Waverley. Logically the Sydney Swans and to a lesser extent the Brisbane Lions are as well. I agree.. Port's, Crows', Eagles' and Dockers' claims to any proceeds are extremely doubtful.
We had no hesitation travelling from the Western Suburbs to Waverley every fortnight because my team played there and that was all that mattered.

However, I was never a huge fan of the ground and like a lot of St Kilda supporters (the side that the media NEVER quote), are very happy with Colonial Stadium.

You have to hand it to the AFL, they thought they were being very shrewd throughout the Waverley vs Colonial debate. They knew full well that they were going to generate the $30 million for Colonial from the sale of Waverley but at the same time made sure that the clubs would get their $3 million dividend and thus would support the decision.

Unfortunately, it has bitten them in the arse now and everyone is going to suffer.

I share most peoples objections here. There is NO WAY that the AFL is going to schedule any matches there and ironically it is the Waverley supporters that could be sending a nail into the coffin of their clubs.

For goodness sake, if the bloody Save Waverley protesters (of whom a great deal are saints fans) stopped the nonsense and purchased a club membership, the club they apparently hold so dear to them would not be in a vulnerable position.

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Tired old half-truths

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