Biggest Victim on this Site
- Oct 20, 2014
- 33,491
- 66,046
- AFL Club
- Brisbane Lions
I would never make a thread like this, I would never be this self indulgent and self centred.
But then something strange happened.
PM's in the tens of ones flooded my inbox more than when I hosted the song contest. Poster after poster begging me to rank my top seven posts of all time. Here's just a sample of what I received.
So now I'm left with a choice. Satiate my malignant narcissism by giving the people what they want or... Not sure what the other option is.
Let's move on to number 7!
EKA Disaster Season 22: Sterge admits tgrs stole the EKA.
Picture this.
It's season 22, Steve Smith has just campaignered a century against the Pakistan Cricket Team before my very eyes. I was euphoric.
On the train ride home, I craft this absolute beauty,
Tgrs stole the EKA.
My first foray into investigative journalism uncovered a niche for me that exists to this day. The fact of the matter is that nobody can uncover unethical conduct better than me. I am, in essence, the greatest investigative journalist the Sweet FA has ever seen.
This is where I broke out, and things only got better from there. Some posters would kill for this to be their best post ever. This was my 7th best post ever.
Taking down Sterge's EKA farm is one of my greatest accomplishments and this thread sits firmly at number 7.
#Storm: Justice for RU_. The SFA's best captain.
I may be a raging, narcissistic, lonely, sociopath, but I am not disloyal.
The league went after RU_, so I created the most powerful defence of a league captain seen in the history of the league. The fact that I tormented him into quitting and handing me the captaincy weeks after this thread is irrelevant, I was loyal to the bitter end.
This was also the first and last time I tried video as a medium in the SFA. Too much work for very little gain unfortunately.
This thread is one of the very few to receive the certified legendary thread tag. This is a testament to my unmoving brilliance in my humble opinion.
This thread also included this witty exchange, perhaps the last time RU_ would set me up for bulk likes before the coup happened.
It's good to look back on the old times and remember that almost 2 years later, I am still producing quality threads. Let's move on to number 5!
Also here's the streamable link
Number Five
You all need an Education
Was bringing my IQ into my Sweet FA persona a good idea?
Only time, and my 39 degrees, will tell.
You all need an Education was my ultimate diss track. A rookie had the gall to ask me for a small favour and I shut that ****er down quicker than he could say "Vote for BRAB in the Season 26 Beez Trophy".
To The Jesus's credit, his clap back was just as high quality, proving that high quality media that targets the individual was still alive and well in the modern Sweet FA.
For many, this thread would be their magnum opus. For me it's a Friday.
Also, note the subtle SM diss at the end of this thread. Very High IQ.
Number Four
It's Grand Final Week Everyone: Why that matters
Who would have thought the devil had a soul?
This tender, loving piece brought the entire league together during one of the biggest grand final weeks in league history.
Heartfelt, powerful and from the heart, this media piece will go down as one of the most well written and touching pieces of all time.
This is probably my favourite piece from a writing standpoint. I had a had a pretty shitty year so far and this was my catharsis. I almost don't want to put this in a joke thread like this as it undermines it's sincerity, but at the same time, I have to keep the integrity of the thread in tact, and that involves showing the league every aspect of my brilliance. I do it at much personal cost to me, but the league wants what the league wants.
Again, potentially one of the greatest threads of all time. As we head into top 3, things will only skyrocket from here.
Number Three
BRAB Investigations: Kdavva74 is not EKA eligible
The culmination of my investigative powers, this is another thread that will go down in history as a had to be there moment.
Using the power of insecurity, I completely took down a first year player in a thread that amassed the most Sweet FA likes in my posting history. Thought out, in depth and completely accurate, this thread is a worthy entrant into my top 3.
This took my investigative journalism that I had shown off for the past 4 seasons and multiplied it ten-fold. Pure, unadulterated high IQ investigative journalism allowed my to completely take down the rising star of season 26.
I showed that first year rookie who was ****ing boss! All because he said something I didn't like once! Hell yeah!
The return of BRAB Investigations was much loved by all. I get regular PM's from people every week begging me for another thread, but the Sweet FA equivalent of Content Cop only comes along when things it's needed. Look out for one in the distant future potentially.
What a thread in all honesty. Genuine brilliance.
Number Two
301 Days in the Making: The death of the Cult of Harolad
So far we've seen investigative pieces, character assassinations and messages of league unity in my top 7. This thread combined all three.
I'll break my rule and take a small segment from this thread to emphasise just how powerful this article was.
Honestly spilt my hot milk reading that shit.
****ing mic drop. That's deadest better than most of the stuff in print media today and it graced you all on a fantasy footy forum. What a piece of intellectual brilliance from myself.
This was the culmination of the Hawks vs Bombers arc that had poisoned the league for 2 season's straight and what a finale it was. The league were absolutely united behind my posting, and I think I really showed the league what good posting looked like on that day. Genuinely one of my best threads ever. Let's take some quotes from the crowd to emphasise my point.
Wow, wise words from the league.
Also, Nakia called me a virgin a year ago, still true.
Number One
Does Match Thread Posting have a Correlation with Qooty Results?
Narrative is one of the most difficult things to achieve in the league. Setting up your own punchline even more subtle. The most difficult thing of all though? Subtlety of setup.
Take a thread, present it as an intellectual breakdown of the very fabric of the league and then reveal the entire thing was simply an elaborate takedown of the two biggest teams in the league at the time.
Aim high, score high.
What a finale and what a thread. This is genuinely one of, if the not the best, threads of all time. Brilliance in its subtlety, brilliance in pacing and brilliance in the punch line, this was a thread genuinely loved by all who saw it.
Don't believe me? Have a look at the reviews
Genuine brilliance and a fitting number one for myself.
Also read the last two pages for a stats fight. https://www.bigfooty.com/forum/thre...ave-a-correlation-with-qooty-results.1168773/
Again, I didn't really want to make this thread, but several people demanded that I did. I did this for them, nobody else. I hope you've enjoyed this thread!
Here's the threads that are still quality, but failed to make the final cut sadly!
Unlucky to miss out
A tale of two Candidates: https://www.bigfooty.com/forum/threads/a-tale-of-two-candidates.1175199/
RU_ for Admin: https://www.bigfooty.com/forum/threads/ru_-for-next-sfa-admin.1154439/
Angles of the Sweet FA: https://www.bigfooty.com/forum/threads/angles-of-the-sweet-fa.1196715/
**** the Swamprats: https://www.bigfooty.com/forum/thre...-on-resim-update-2-swamprats-gumbied.1196276/
SM is the Worst Bloke in the League: https://www.bigfooty.com/forum/thre...t-fa-part-2-boys-club-leaks-incoming.1194032/
Stay tuned next week because I'll be breaking down the seven best PM's I've ever received!
But then something strange happened.
PM's in the tens of ones flooded my inbox more than when I hosted the song contest. Poster after poster begging me to rank my top seven posts of all time. Here's just a sample of what I received.

So now I'm left with a choice. Satiate my malignant narcissism by giving the people what they want or... Not sure what the other option is.
Let's move on to number 7!
EKA Disaster Season 22: Sterge admits tgrs stole the EKA.
Picture this.
It's season 22, Steve Smith has just campaignered a century against the Pakistan Cricket Team before my very eyes. I was euphoric.
On the train ride home, I craft this absolute beauty,
Tgrs stole the EKA.
My first foray into investigative journalism uncovered a niche for me that exists to this day. The fact of the matter is that nobody can uncover unethical conduct better than me. I am, in essence, the greatest investigative journalist the Sweet FA has ever seen.
This is where I broke out, and things only got better from there. Some posters would kill for this to be their best post ever. This was my 7th best post ever.
Taking down Sterge's EKA farm is one of my greatest accomplishments and this thread sits firmly at number 7.
#Storm: Justice for RU_. The SFA's best captain.
I may be a raging, narcissistic, lonely, sociopath, but I am not disloyal.
The league went after RU_, so I created the most powerful defence of a league captain seen in the history of the league. The fact that I tormented him into quitting and handing me the captaincy weeks after this thread is irrelevant, I was loyal to the bitter end.
This was also the first and last time I tried video as a medium in the SFA. Too much work for very little gain unfortunately.
This thread is one of the very few to receive the certified legendary thread tag. This is a testament to my unmoving brilliance in my humble opinion.
This thread also included this witty exchange, perhaps the last time RU_ would set me up for bulk likes before the coup happened.
BRAB knows he can't get out of the FB position, what's the point of brown nosing?
Wait what
Good work BRAB.
It's good to look back on the old times and remember that almost 2 years later, I am still producing quality threads. Let's move on to number 5!
Also here's the streamable link
Number Five
You all need an Education
Was bringing my IQ into my Sweet FA persona a good idea?
Only time, and my 39 degrees, will tell.
You all need an Education was my ultimate diss track. A rookie had the gall to ask me for a small favour and I shut that ****er down quicker than he could say "Vote for BRAB in the Season 26 Beez Trophy".
To The Jesus's credit, his clap back was just as high quality, proving that high quality media that targets the individual was still alive and well in the modern Sweet FA.
For many, this thread would be their magnum opus. For me it's a Friday.
Also, note the subtle SM diss at the end of this thread. Very High IQ.
Number Four
It's Grand Final Week Everyone: Why that matters
Who would have thought the devil had a soul?
This tender, loving piece brought the entire league together during one of the biggest grand final weeks in league history.
Heartfelt, powerful and from the heart, this media piece will go down as one of the most well written and touching pieces of all time.
This is probably my favourite piece from a writing standpoint. I had a had a pretty shitty year so far and this was my catharsis. I almost don't want to put this in a joke thread like this as it undermines it's sincerity, but at the same time, I have to keep the integrity of the thread in tact, and that involves showing the league every aspect of my brilliance. I do it at much personal cost to me, but the league wants what the league wants.
Again, potentially one of the greatest threads of all time. As we head into top 3, things will only skyrocket from here.
Number Three
BRAB Investigations: Kdavva74 is not EKA eligible
The culmination of my investigative powers, this is another thread that will go down in history as a had to be there moment.
Using the power of insecurity, I completely took down a first year player in a thread that amassed the most Sweet FA likes in my posting history. Thought out, in depth and completely accurate, this thread is a worthy entrant into my top 3.
This took my investigative journalism that I had shown off for the past 4 seasons and multiplied it ten-fold. Pure, unadulterated high IQ investigative journalism allowed my to completely take down the rising star of season 26.
I showed that first year rookie who was ****ing boss! All because he said something I didn't like once! Hell yeah!
The return of BRAB Investigations was much loved by all. I get regular PM's from people every week begging me for another thread, but the Sweet FA equivalent of Content Cop only comes along when things it's needed. Look out for one in the distant future potentially.
What a thread in all honesty. Genuine brilliance.
Number Two
301 Days in the Making: The death of the Cult of Harolad
So far we've seen investigative pieces, character assassinations and messages of league unity in my top 7. This thread combined all three.
I'll break my rule and take a small segment from this thread to emphasise just how powerful this article was.
The irony is that if Harolad had created a team culture where his teammates weren't constantly worshipping him, he may have been put in his place sooner.
This is a time of healing for the league. The biggest problem with the league weren't boys clubs or old posters or shit rookies. It was a team hellbent on never admitting fault, on pushing the line and on worshipping a repugnant poster.
That ends today, and the league is better for it.
301 days later, the Bombers Siege mentality is dead, for it is undeniably true that the Bombers culture is a poison on the league.
Let's take this moment as a league to heal, for the great Irony in Haro's divisive nature is that for the first time in seasons, the league is completely united in decrying Haro's actions. Let this be the day that kick starts a new era in the league where we can be united again with the sole intent of creating a league enjoyable for all.
Thanks Harolad, because today you saved the league, it just wasn't in the way you expected.
Honestly spilt my hot milk reading that shit.
****ing mic drop. That's deadest better than most of the stuff in print media today and it graced you all on a fantasy footy forum. What a piece of intellectual brilliance from myself.
This was the culmination of the Hawks vs Bombers arc that had poisoned the league for 2 season's straight and what a finale it was. The league were absolutely united behind my posting, and I think I really showed the league what good posting looked like on that day. Genuinely one of my best threads ever. Let's take some quotes from the crowd to emphasise my point.
The most striking thing is that BRAB is now a good poster.
What a world we live in.
BRAB has made a lot of effort quite noticeably this season I feel. Thought he was going pretty well on a ****** up podcast too.
I kept telling you all everything was going to change over this off season.
Is this some sort of bizarro world that we’re living in here?
Nah, the cream always rises to the top eventually.
This is true but I’m not totally convinced by it.
Wow, wise words from the league.
Also, Nakia called me a virgin a year ago, still true.
Number One
Does Match Thread Posting have a Correlation with Qooty Results?
Narrative is one of the most difficult things to achieve in the league. Setting up your own punchline even more subtle. The most difficult thing of all though? Subtlety of setup.
Take a thread, present it as an intellectual breakdown of the very fabric of the league and then reveal the entire thing was simply an elaborate takedown of the two biggest teams in the league at the time.
Aim high, score high.
What a finale and what a thread. This is genuinely one of, if the not the best, threads of all time. Brilliance in its subtlety, brilliance in pacing and brilliance in the punch line, this was a thread genuinely loved by all who saw it.
Don't believe me? Have a look at the reviews
I actually read every single word......brilliant!!
All of that just to say that the Furies and Bombers are shit posters?
I don't think BARB needs people pumping his overly inflated ego Elton
This thread is for in depth statistical analysis, not tears.
Good media is good media. This is good media. Also, check out Rodneys latest work. Two good threads started tonight![]()
This thread has proved two things to me.
1) BRAB is far more intelligent than most Bombers.
2) Most Bombers have far more sex than BRAB.
im actually surprised that brab passed grade 3
Not gonna lie, this is almost as bad as my last media thread. #worstmedia #noEKAnowonder
Holy ****!!
Quality Thread Brad...
This was the thread BRAB, this was it!! Brilliant!!
WTF happened to you? Degenerating into D grade bitch fighting as a form of "banter". You really were that good.
Geez I hope you find your mojo.
FFS, im belting you during half time for making me read math
Genuine brilliance and a fitting number one for myself.
Also read the last two pages for a stats fight.
Again, I didn't really want to make this thread, but several people demanded that I did. I did this for them, nobody else. I hope you've enjoyed this thread!
Here's the threads that are still quality, but failed to make the final cut sadly!
Unlucky to miss out
A tale of two Candidates: https://www.bigfooty.com/forum/threads/a-tale-of-two-candidates.1175199/
RU_ for Admin: https://www.bigfooty.com/forum/threads/ru_-for-next-sfa-admin.1154439/
Angles of the Sweet FA: https://www.bigfooty.com/forum/threads/angles-of-the-sweet-fa.1196715/
**** the Swamprats: https://www.bigfooty.com/forum/thre...-on-resim-update-2-swamprats-gumbied.1196276/
SM is the Worst Bloke in the League: https://www.bigfooty.com/forum/thre...t-fa-part-2-boys-club-leaks-incoming.1194032/
Stay tuned next week because I'll be breaking down the seven best PM's I've ever received!