Tv shows and other things

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Norm Smith Medallist
Jan 23, 2000
Spanish Announcers table
AFL Club
Noticed a few threads of late getting away from the footy.
Is this because we (some of us anyway) are trying to condition ourselves early for the long dry month ahead where our team isnt in the finals? Or for the even longer SO MUCH LONGER time until next season comes around???

Who misses the Doctor Who???...........
We struggle to survive in Footy's off season, but have taken up going to the Basketball. Luckily we have a great team to follow here in Adelaide, with the best coach in the League. Phil Smythe should be coaching the Crows!

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Dont knwo about watching the Hurling, but if i was stuck watching basketball of american football (what a misnomer that is) id sure be doing some hurling.

No it is video tapes (61/71/76/78/83/86/88/89/91 and assorted other matches) for me!
sorry about that Grend
- I just figured D24 got away with his simpsons post, and I wanted to vent my annoyance at the way survivor was headed, cuz i really hate rich, rudy & sue.

I think it breaks up the serious footy talk quite nicely every now and again.

Shows they should bring back:

Astro Boy
Home and Away (The Early Years)
The 1992 and 1994 GF Replay

On another note, I love the glory. Can you believe they lost the premiership from penalty shootouts? Ridiculous rule!
Good on you Arch!

If Rich, Sue or Rudy win the million dollars I won't be too happy either.

And the season was over for my team months ago!

Back to the hawks vs doggies match for me now.

A lack of enthusiasm for the forthcoming ODI series is understandable, but I would hate to think many people have been turned off cricket altogether because of the match-fixing scandal. The number of ODIs played should be critically examined but the prospect of an Australia-West Indies Test series, with the Australians attempting to equal West Indies’ record for consecutive victories, is exciting...
ill answer that one being ina similar situation:

born in victoria with a bombers family- no escaping the red and black there (thank the lord).
Lived in NSW ( go parra) for a while and moved to Perth in 1988, where basketball was pretty big, unlike sydney at the time, where no one played it- no one watched it.
SO the first NBL team I ever watched, and the place I lived when I myself got interested in b'ball was Perth, so Ive been a Cats fan ever since the days of tiny pinder (haha) and Cal & ellis, and have no allegiances to any victorian b'ball team whatsoever.
i think thats pretty fair, dont u ???


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I used to live over east and somehow got attached to the tigers. Then we moved over here and I got attached to the wa teams-but never the weagles or the shockers. Iam not a sporting loser and i don't change teams if they lose. I've stuck with Richmond havn't I?
Nice call Arch Pinder ruled, he was my favourite player. I was actually at a game in the late 80s early 90s at the superdrome when he was on a fast break went up dunked the ball and broke the glass. It was pretty awesome, it took officials like half an hour to clean it up and bring in a replacement ring. Did you know that winning our fourth championship this year made us the most successful club in NBL history since the league stared in 1979 and we entered in like 86 or 87 we pretty much rock!!

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Tv shows and other things

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