Umpires doing 2 games a round

  • Thread starter goeagles
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What does everyone think of having a few senior umpires officiating in possibly 2 games a round?
Will this be a good move - in having top quality umpiring? <br>
OR <br>
Will the umpires be too tired and let even more errors go un-noticed? <br>
Would be hard for an umpire to back-up for two games in the same round.
Umpires already have to be fitter than your average player (Boundary umpires have to be even fitter again) and I honestly think taking two games in a round would really tax the fittest of the fit to the point where the quality of umpiring in the second game would drop off quite alarmingly as the umpires run out of fuel during the second half of their second game.
I mentioned this before but how about designating an official as doing nothing but bouncing. That way the ones with good decision skills (rather than bouncing) would have less to do, perhaps only 2 field umpires then needed each game

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Top quality umpires????????

There's no such thing. The only thing that having umpires officiate twice in one week will do, is make them twice as tired and make the decisions twice as bad.

I propose we abolish umpires altogether and get programmed robots to make the decisions out on the ground. It's the 21st century for goodness sake.

Failing that, there is always the option of having the crowd umpire the game. What do you think?????
With the crowd umpiring you'd have some pretty interesting new penalties. I doubt the AFL would go for the introduction of "ram the goal post up his a*se" as a substitute for a free kick.

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Umpires doing 2 games a round

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