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Club Legend
Jun 4, 2000
Melbourne, (ESSENDON)
all season everyone has talked about how good essendon is, how they are unbeatable, how tough the are, how many champions they have and are light years ahead of anyone else.

essendon people on the other hand have appreciated the compliments but have mentioned that it is a 16 team comp and anyone can beat anyone on any given day.

all of a sudden essendon loses one game after winning 46 of its last 50 games.
and all we hear is:
-how bad/soft lloyd is (kicked 90 goals this year)
-how much of a mongrel barnes is (two men involved in the incident, johnson isnt innocent)
-the team has no depth (mcveigh, barnard, wallis, hird, mcalister, henneman, fraser are all great players who didnt play on fri night and would get a game in any other team)
-sheedy is shit and cant coach (check his record)
-no hird no essendon (done well without him for three years)
they wont make the gf (wait and see)
and how bad the team is as a whole (just take another look at the ladder)

its a joke, win 20 games in a row, lose one and the other 20 are all forgotten and all of a sudden essendon is shit

its an absolute joke
get real

and a quote from john elliot for all those doggies supporters "1 premiership in their pityfull histort" - or words to that effect

no come on let me have it
and keep in mind exactly who is on top so your comebacks better be good
Walshy, you obviuosly haven't been listening to talk back radio this weekend, have you?

If you had have, you would have noticed that infact it was the Essendon supporters bagging the side and the coach, everyone else has been saying about how good the dogs were, or how it may become a watershed game for the future of AFL, or how it was the loss they had to have. No mention about bagging the team from other supporters.

John Barnes, is another story. People are putting forward their opinions about what he did. The fact is, Johnson was watching the ball, he was collected while he was watching the ball which WAS 20 metres away. It wasn't an elbow, it was a shoulder to the head.

Hird's a champion, Barnard is very good. But please, Mark Fraser and Mark McVeigh, good footballers - Maybe McVeigh in the future, but not Fraser. You are better without him, same goes for Prior.
Talk about hypersensitive! Where are you hearing this nonsense? It certainly isn't on BigFooty, at least not from any of the serious posters.

Why the hell are Essendon fans so concerned about what others are saying of their team? Ignore what you don't like, if you think it has no merit at all. Just enjoy your team's success and the upcoming finals series, for f*ck's sake. You think all other supporters aren't jealous?

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maybe i came on strong but what i was trying to highlight was everyone has been carrying on about essendon with great hysteria, while essendon supporters have remained calm
all of a sudden we lose one game and people are writing us off
check the posts
it doesnt make sence
essendon played one bad game and the doggies were brilliant but it just seems 21 weeks of waiting for failure has overflowed and people have forgotten the previous 20 rounds
Sorry walshy, while i agree with you for the most part that all of a sudden everyone is seeing weaknesses at the Dons that should have been so obvious blind freddy could have spotted them, NOT.

Cmon, calling Wallis and FRASER???? great players. Thats extreme. Wallis maybe at least he has a premiership medal, but Fraser??? How the hell he is still listed is beyond me, unless the old man is pulling strings. Its like Doolan, still cant manage how he lasted so long either..............
Wlashy. I dont think anyone is saying all those things.

BUt as other have said, McAlister and Fraser would play in any other side?

I dont think so. Fraser hasnt played a great game since 1994. McAlister was an experiment that failed. I dont know some of the others well enough, but even my Essendon brother-in-law agrees with me on these two.

Just relax and smell the roses mate. Crunch time is here now so you wont have to wait long.
Hey Pooboy what does that mean:-

Just on more toss?

What is it you CANT FACE? (Besides that fact you have no members and no member?
There were people writing Essendon off well before this loss; remember the "Essendon won't make GF" comment was made a couple of weeks ago. I don't think it's any worse now than it was then. Comments like that are just made to rattle.

Besides, maybe some of them have a point. Essendon has looked worse the last two weeks than it has all season; naturally people are going to start doubting their ability, INCLUDING Essendon supporters.

I wouldn't worry about it too much. Talk is cheap, performance isn't.
what a poor sad little camper this walshy bloke is, he's had to revert to the old "How many flags have you won".
Well mate if that's the reason you follow essendon, what a piss weak human being you must be,what's next, point to the scoreboard?
I just hope those strathmore freemasons win the flag for you or you'll have to change sides at the end of the year.
By the way it was quite noticeable this week whilst driving through essendon, that those ever present scarves have been tucked away, looks like there's a get out clause when you sign up with your mob that loyalty is only conditional with success.
Hey everyone, Walshy is making an early entry for next years Melbourne Comedy Festival, how's this gem of a joke from Wlashy
"the team has no depth (mcveigh, barnard, wallis, hird, mcalister, henneman, fraser are all great players who didnt play on fri night and would get a game in any other team)"
Stop it Walshy, please, my sides have exploded, my ribs are busted!!
McAlister, Fraser & Mr Preliminary final Wallis great players??!! - What a F****** joke!!
The Bombers have had a great season, no one will argue against that. But the fact is, in their last 2 losses, when confronted by a HARDER team in a close game, some of the so called stars in the Essendon side went missing.
Just give credit where it's due, the Bombers were out played last Friday night, accept it. But if they're as good as you say they are, then you shouldn't have anything to worry about for the remainder of the year.

[This message has been edited by Red Devil (edited 03 August 2000).]

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Red Devil, with the mutts record in finals you will have nothing to worry about!! Now that is funny HAHAHAHAHAHA

Your logic is fraught with holes. Using the VFL as a guide, one would assume St.Kilda have better depth than Essendon in the AFL, since they are in the top 6 (and were 3rd a few weeks ago)

Now only a fool, would think that the Saints have more depth than Essendon, but that seems to be exactly what you are implying, when you state the performance of the VFL Bombers.

Have you seen the players who did not line up for Essendon 22 after Fridays match against the Dogs. Here they are.

Danny Jacobs

Compare that to the players ranked 23-35 at the other 15 league clubs, and I doubt you will find more talent. Could you win a flag with all those players in a team ? No, of course not. We're not necessarily looking at talent here, simply players that can capably hold down a senior spot, when one of your best 22 is out. A few of those missed sue to injury (Hird), but it is just a guide as to those on the Bombers list that didn't play on Friday.

Can you compile a similar list for the Hawks (13 players), who didn't play against the Crows ?

I might add that Essendons reserves won the premiership in 1999. Did you know this ?

Agreed with your argument until the last sentence when you sorta contradicted yourself - you can't on the one hand say Magoo team performance means nothing and that ranking 15-35 player options are the only indication of depth, and then turn around and say "well we won the 1999 Magoo flag too so there" - inate contradiction that one.

That said, your first point is right. The reason Essendon has depth (not endless depth but better than most) is that whilst we have the same number of stars as most teams, the next best are not that far behind and even beyond that we stretch a long way:

Tier 1: Hird, Fletcher, Mercuri, Lloyd, Lucas, Hardwick, Wellman, Long... (minimum 8 players and maybe a few more..)
Tier 2: The quality of the next bracket is enormous (better than at any time I've followed the club and that includes 84-85): ... Johnston, Johnston, Misiti, Solomon, Blumfield, Caracella, Ramanaukas, Heffernen, Barnard, Barnes, Bewick, Moorcroft, Barnard, Jacobs, Alessio, Rioli (16 blokes) etc - reckon all of these guys are pretty much walk up starts anywhere else.
Tier 3: Even the next wrung down: Fraser, Wallis, Prior, Berbakov, Robran (all on the way down), Henneman (on the way up) are clearly of league quality

That's the top 29. 29!!! and I may have missed one or two. The exciting thing is that most of these blokes have years of footy in them. They've just got to be reasonably lucky with injuries and really want it. Guys coming through like Corey McGrath, McVeigh, Latich, McAilester & the spiky haired dude (name escapes) are just a bonus.

The only obvious gap in depth is Ruck. Barnes clearly has at least another season in him (what a pick up!). I can't see us hanging on to Grgic, Eastaugh or even Alessio (who must be trade material). Answer? I'm told (having not seen them play) that both David Hille and James Posidiary (sp?) have huge raps on them and are quite young (19-20). Other than that we should target Porter or Barnes can clone himself...

spot on about hille dutchman
he will be a very good jeff white style ruckman
podsiadly isnt a ruckman, he is a forward
would the "spikey haired dude" be bolton??
got a game this week
also david johnson (brother of mark) looks promising
adam switala is another up and coming champ who was just promoted to the senior list
berbakov is another player who would play senior footy at most other clubs
Yeah i'm with ya walshy. I mean why do people all of a sudden bag the bombers just cos they lost a game. They are a great team and 1 loss won't do much. No one would ever mention all this crap if they had already lost a game.
Richmondfan and Walshy, what is all this crap you say is being said? I haven't heard one person myself say that Essendon is now shit. Stop getting so upset over nothing, why whinge when you are in front? Even if people where saying anything then why worry about it?
Sorry guys (the Dons ones) but you are overestimating the quality of depth.
Dutchman you I think were closest to the mark when you said the stars make the 2nd tier blokes look the goods. Trouble was I think you (modest?) stopped to short on your stars and promoted some of you 2nd 3rd tier blokes to much.
Much as I liked Robram he couldnt crack it for a regular game with us. To now say that he would get regular game at any other club I think shows my point.
Yes your depth is great and you do go down to around the 30 odd capable senior players where most teams would struggle to get above 25. It is still the Hirds,Longs,Lloyds that carry the Johnsons (they did make mistakes under pressure against the Dogs)Solomons,Carecellas etc.
Id say you have more star quality than any other team (obviously) but your 2nd/3rd tier is pretty much level with most other clubs. Its only that they can learn and play with the quality thats around them at the Dons that make them look so good. Capable players all, but if they were to suddenly be left without the Longs,Hirds en masse, then a better reflection of their true abilitys may come through.
By way of definition just look at the Dons cast offs in recent years, Calthorpe,Ricky O,Ukovic,YOUNG. All very good players in a very good side. Very average (or below average) players in average sides.

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