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Dan 24 & BSA a draw.

Not because they are idoits or anything like that. That title will always be held by G4E.

But because I am sick of spending hours reading their posts thinking they are saying something new only to find they aren't.

No doubt they will both vote for me now. :0

Piss off you knob-breath.

Post some intelligent topics for once. And stop posting meaningless topics.

I take one look down the board and I think : "Gee, what a loser this chev1977 is"

Sorry, but you come across as a sad case.What are you trying to do, take over this forum ? You're not wanted. Piss off.

You barrack for the Crows I presume ??
Longjohn thank you for the vote. I'm so sorry I seem to be upsetting you (cry baby). PS got the gloves yet knuckles???
the reason I chose Dan 24 is because his opinions are crap

eg.. An Amercain wanted to know more about Aussie Rules and all Dan 24 and others could say was stuff about Essendon and meaningess crap about other shit.

At least mine is about they way AFL should be AND HEY GUYS WERE IN HERE FOF FUN NOT SERIOUS BULLSHIT DUH......

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No, Chev1977, that's what *you* are here for and you assume everyone else feels the same as you. At least Dan24 *has* opinions, unlike you posting a series of meaningless one-line topics and expecting a torrent of responses.

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