Waverley Park's playing surface is looking sick

  • Thread starter McGrobbles
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For anyone who is interested I mean the real die hard football fans out there who fought to keep Waverley Park alive I have some sicking news,
I read about the recent condition of the playing surface and was shocked to hear how terrible it was looking, so on Sunday (4th of feb 2001) I went there to check it out,
and its true, I took some photo's from the fence around the ground peering through the walkways in the grandstands and took some pictures, they haven't got a lot of detail but you can see how bad the ground is,
if anyone is interested please check my web site at http://mber.homestead.com/MainPage.html
And another spammer enters big footy.
Who cares about the surface at waverly, NO ONE PLAYS THERE ANYMORE.

I am Sandie suck up, vulgar & vile.
That's it. I just can't take it anymore. I can't stand to see Waverley suffering like that. The old girl wants to die and we need to put her out of her misery. Therefore, we need to blow the place up, that's the way she would want it. It's the right thing to do.

Who's with me?

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heck man thats horrible!!!! Thanks for them photos mate i for one am interested seeing them as Waverley is practically my backyard...time to break in and play a bit of footy there i think but yeh basically now it would be exactly like Vic Park - needleville coz i think the druggoes will have taken over our playground!

sPiDeR eVeRiTt and RiCkY oLaReNsHaW
~kewlest players round!!!

[This message has been edited by Spidergirl~RiCkChiCk (edited 05 February 2001).]
Should start a tipping comp!

"When will a suspicious fire break out at Waverley Park?"
As Springvale and St Kilda have allied and will be playing at Moorabbin, I read that the Waverley goalposts had been dug up and relocated to Williamstown.

I think it's good night nurse for Waverley.



Is that the sound of a bulldozer I hear?

This is a hallucination and these faces are in a dream. A computer generated environment; a fantasy island you can do anything and not have to face the consequences.
Waverley Park, If they don't want to play AFL football there and it seems they never will again not as long as old Wanye the JAck off JAckson is in control,
Then why not just open the gates and let people in, If they want the joint wrecked it wont take long, But if they don't want the joint wreck then for ****'s sake look after it, I hate you wanye and I hope to ****ing hell you die a horrible death
Waverly park was ok,The AFL have made a very big mistake.And it will come back to haunt them in years to come,and so it bloody should.

In'65 tension was running high at my high school,There was a lot of fights between the black and white,There was nothin you could do,Two cars at a light on a saturday night in the back seat there was a gun,words were passed in a shot gun blast,Troubled times had come to my hometown
Actually waverley is not a 'natural' playing surface.
The playing surface is in a man-made bowl and is below the water table.
That is why it was so boggy in its early years.

Then they put in drainage to an underground holding tank (works by gravity). The water is pumped out periodically into the small lake there is there.
Originally posted by Pessimistic:
The water is pumped out periodically into the small lake there is there.

Do you mean the car park?
Ok so you think they have made the right decision hey,
get rid of a ground which had the best playing surface, the only ground in australia which 75% of it was open to the public to sit anywhere they wanted,
the easiest car park to get out of, (apart from the fact there's not train line there Thanks to a ****ed up govenment) it was and still could to best AFL venue ever built,
what the hell has the docklands got for the average football fan limited seating, limited car park, its a bloody rip off to get in there, and apart from its location next to spenser street station its got nothing for the normal person, if you are flithy rich then yeah sure its all go,
and what about the players there's **** all room for them to slow down after the boundary line, at least there's no chance of players stuffing there knee's up at Waverley because of stupid fences that are too close to the boundary line,
**** the AFL heck the whole bullshit deal with them they can go to hell
and heck all the w***ers who like what they are doing to the game

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Waverley Park's playing surface is looking sick

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