well lets do something about it...

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Oct 4, 2000
melb vic aust
Why dont WE the football club members say to our respective clubs and our PISS WEAK AFL,
That its about time come grand final day, we the true football people are given number one priority to attend the grand final.
We are told how important we are,how valuable to our clubs we have become,and generally treated like shit come grand final time.How can it be justified that these people miss the grand final,we are there through thick and thin but in our greatest
hour we are not guaranteed a ticket.Now im a one eyed collingwood person but i also cry for those whom like me are there week after week rain and sunshine,good days and bad days
and yet are snubbed come grand final day,as far as im concerned if one and only one membership ticket holder is denied this right
well then the system has failed miserably.
So as football club membership holders are we just being used for financial purposes!!
Does the PISS WEAK AFL really care?
Every year we have the same problem but no one from the elitist level has the guts to stand up and say WE WILL FIX THE PROBLEM.
Why should people who hardly see a game be given tickets to a grand final?Why should people from other clubs be given priority access to a grand final?
Its time to look after the true supporter
the one that just loves his club and shows this when buying a membership ticket.

There are only two kinds of people in this world-COLLINGWOOD SUPPORTERS,and those who wish they were!
SHITE here comes COLLINGWOOD to kick your ass forever BLACK AND WHITE,ha ha ha jealousy will be the death of you,SHITE!!!!!
Face it our once loved game is getting more and more fu@ked over by the week. No one listens and nothing is ever done. One day i would like to see what these pricks who change everything would do if we set up a massive boycott of the AFL! Demand they give us back what we want or we forget goin to the football.

sPiDeR eVeRiTt and RiCkY oLaReNsHaW
~kewlest players round!!!
Hey, Spidey.

There's NO WAY you would ever boycott the footy. You complain if you go to the CRICKET and don't see any footballers!!!

Face it, Spidey. You're a footy addict.

The first step is to admit the problem.

Help IS available.

**floreat pica**

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This problem wouldn't be here if we had "top spot" premiership.
Magpie_Joffa what do you suggest we do, maybe build a bigger staduim. By the way why would you personally be worried about not being able to attend a Grand Final, Has Collingwood shown any signs that they are going to make it to a GF in the next 50 or so seasons.
Joffa lets do something about it? But what thougth?

U know u will have my support in any vendetta thing against the afl.

U stuipd port adelaide fan your a fool, i wouldnt go bagging collingwood coz Port in the same boat.

Ok spidey u think u can last without seeing footy live hey? Least how long u can really last ok.

Mags we are not on the same boat we have been in the comp only 4 years and finished above you every single season. I think the boat your on is called the Titanic, you know the greatest ship ever built but it endend up sinking, sounds a bit like the Collingwood FC.
Carb, Carb, Carb when will you learn?

You are nothing but a pack of pretenders, sure you might have been something in the small swamp but now your in the big ocean and drowning fast.

Your club lacks direction and star players, plus you haven't got that many up and comers either, you also lack key position players which is the backbone of any successful side.

You're kidding yourself if you think your ahead of a rebuilding Collingwood FC aka the one and only Magpies.

"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" -Winston Churchill
Magpie-Fletch are you really expecting me to give you any sort of reply to your statements about Port Adelaide. It just proves how much Collingwood supporters lack any thought process.
Carb- The Port Adelaide fans much like their club have never been good at answering critics or challeneges.

Btw the wannabe Magpies have never impressed me.

I kinda knew some wretch would come along and say well what are you worried about joffa
collingwood wont be in a grand final again!!!
Get a grip mate this paticular problem effects all followers(including maybe yourself one day)And to be honest mate if collingwood never make another grand final it wouldnt worry me ok, cause i will still be there week after week.There are some issues in football such as this one where all football followers must stand together.
I will go and and bat for a carlton and even an essendon supporter on this one,its a pretty important issue that effects us all.
It is our right to see our club in a grand final.I somehow think that all you are is just a chardonnay drinking bandwagoning w***er,why else would you try and turn a very serious post into a joke.If your concerns dont match mine on this one,you dont deserve to be called a true football supporter.

we are told to be loyal all im sayin is"it works both ways"

There are only two kinds of people in this world-COLLINGWOOD SUPPORTERS,and those who wish they were!
SHITE here comes COLLINGWOOD to kick your ass forever BLACK AND WHITE,ha ha ha jealousy will be the death of you,SHITE!!!!!
The game is progressing so fast they have forgotten one thing,
Its the ordinary non drinking cahardonnay wanking set like us that makes this game so great,Its about time they remembered!!!

There are only two kinds of people in this world-COLLINGWOOD SUPPORTERS,and those who wish they were!
SHITE here comes COLLINGWOOD to kick your ass forever BLACK AND WHITE,ha ha ha jealousy will be the death of you,SHITE!!!!!

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Well Joffa let me give you an example why this issue will never be solved, Lets say Adelaide was to play West Coast in a GF between the 2 clubs they have 80,000 members plus the 24,000 afl members and the 24,000 mcc members that adds up to 128,000 people to attend a staduim that hold 98,000 people, I don't think they will all fit in. But I have done some research and I have found a studium that holds 200,000 people. The only problem is its in Brazil.

As far as calling me a chardonnay drinking bandwagon w***er you can go and root yourself. I have been a Port supporter since I was six, I am now 30 and give the Power and Port Magpies up to a $1000 a season for memberships, merchandise etc. I attend every game where possible rain, hail or shine.
Originally posted by Magpie-Fletch:
Carb- The Port Adelaide fans much like their club have never been good at answering critics or challeneges.

Btw the wannabe Magpies have never impressed me.

Why don't you try and fix your own club before you start criticizing mine. Collingwood has gone from being the biggest football club in the country to now being the biggest joke in the country.

As far as Port goes, We have been in the AFL 4 seasons we have the youngest list in the AFL many of those young players have now played 3-4 seasons, so in the next year or two we should be rewarded for our patience in letting these players develop into quality AFL footballers.
Well fair enough CARB 70,your the one that was bein a smartarse cause we are collingwood
supporters next time you might think before you type.Ok rebuild the MCG make its capacity 150,000 and when grand final day comes the only people who have access rights are football members of the participating clubs,and if that doesnt fill it up, give the chardonnay drinking wanking bandwagoners
the next option,could you imagine the 'g' with 150,000 feral club supporters.

There are only two kinds of people in this world-COLLINGWOOD SUPPORTERS,and those who wish they were!
SHITE here comes COLLINGWOOD to kick your ass forever BLACK AND WHITE,ha ha ha jealousy will be the death of you,SHITE!!!!!
Originally posted by magpie_joffa:
Ok rebuild the MCG make its capacity 150,000 and when grand final day comes the only people who have access rights are football members of the participating clubs,and if that doesnt fill it up, give the chardonnay drinking wanking bandwagoners
the next option,could you imagine the 'g' with 150,000 feral club supporters.

The "ferals" would be attacking the "chardonnay drinking bandwagoners" and kicking them out of the "G".
Originally posted by Magpie-Fletch:
Carb, Carb, Carb when will you learn?

You are nothing but a pack of pretenders, sure you might have been something in the small swamp but now your in the big ocean and drowning fast.

Your club lacks direction and star players, plus you haven't got that many up and comers either, you also lack key position players which is the backbone of any successful side.

You're kidding yourself if you think your ahead of a rebuilding Collingwood FC aka the one and only Magpies.

You forgot to mention their sorry excuse for a coach. The day that Port are stronger than Collingwood will be the day that hell freezes over.

Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.
Not in your lifetime.
I notice you didn't defend your "coach".

Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.

[This message has been edited by Carey_is_King (edited 08 January 2001).]
In reply to Carey Is King quote of:

'You forgot to mention their sorry excuse for a coach. The day that Port are stronger than Collingwood will be the day that hell freezes over.'


Not only has Port finished above Collingwood everytime in the last 4 seasons but Port holds a 4-1 record against Collingwood. The only time Port has lost to Collingwood was their first ever game. I think this is enough evidence to show that Hell has frozen over, probably about round 16 in 1997.

Port Adelaide Forever
Wow!! 3 out of 4 games. That's quite an impressive record. I'm sure that strikes fear in the hearts of other clubs. And not only that, but you have managed to finish ahead of the Pies in a period when they have been at their weakest. Very good.
Don't make me laugh.
When other clubs take Port as seriously as Collingwood, I might afford you some credibility. At the moment you are the nearest thing we can get to a forfeit. Collingwood always commands respect, regardless of their ladder position.
Face it girls, you are swimming in the big pond now, and late-comers like you have no right to respect simply because you were a big deal in your local piss-ant competition.
Collingwood have earned our respect, all you can do is talk about it.

Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.
Wow, CIK is trash talking, I'm impressed, lol

CIK, anything you say about footy is devalued becaused of your lack of intregrity.

So go away little man, you belong back in your sewer.

Nice comeback, Oh Great Arbiter of Football Loyalty.
"soundness of moral principle and character; uprightness; honesty".
Please indicate where I have been dishonest - You can't even spell the word.
Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.

[This message has been edited by Carey_is_King (edited 08 January 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Carey_is_King (edited 08 January 2001).]

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well lets do something about it...

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