A bigger deal out west.

Established: Season 01
(Formerly known as the Seventh Wonders)
Home Ground: The Colosseum
Colours: Navy Blue & Gold
Premierships: 5 (Season 01, 13, 15, 17, 21)
Minor Premierships: 3 (Season 02, 06, 13)
Mobbenfuhrer Medallists: Wise Guy Sam (Season 15), PVF (Season 16)
EKA Medallists: croweater 41 (Season 09)
Frankston Rover Medallists: Rick18 (Season 09), ClarkeM (Season 17)
Deestroy Medallists: Fighting Fury (Season 01), Kangaroos4eva (Season 21)
Alf Andrews Medallists: DemonJim (Season 15)
Hall of Fame Members: EKA, ClarkeM
Wonders Hall of Fame Members: EKA, Lioness, Rick18, ClarkeM, croweater 41, Shallow/BallaratBulldog
Captains: SSwans2011, Golumless, ClarkeM
Vice-Captains: LicoriceAllsorts, haydo169,
Playing List:
033. Marklar_33
.99 JT_the_Man
1. Catgirl
2. haydo169
5. SSwans2011
07. SteeleBeams
7. dogs105
8. BallaratBulldog
12. Tigz09
14. 1990Swan
15. Golumless
16. LicoriceAllSorts
18. Daniel1812
20. MrCricket1009
21. ClarkeM
23. Wooljay
28. Storm20
30. craffles
32. _MKMatty
33. PVF
35. grants guns
36. TheFreshBanana
94. TheFreightTrain
Ins: matty6 (Bears), Cagirl, JT_the_Man, 1990Swan, dogs105, SteeleBeams, grant guns, MrCricket1009, Tigz09* (rookies)
Outs: Brown Bottle (Hawks), mike123 (Wolves), TrueTiger, hen da man, TheMidRunner, Beer n Skittles, Coopers, Bard (For S22) (delisted), TwentyNine (Retired)*, Kangaroos4eva (Traitor - Wolves)*
*S22 Changes
Milestone Games for Season 21:

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