What are you going to do now that the footys over?

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Team Captain
Jul 10, 2000
AFL Club
Brisbane Lions
I was wondering what you guys follow now that the footy season over.

I am going to be watching the cricket (Go the Mighty Queensland Bulls!), the basketball (Townsville Crocs) and soccer (Spanish league) as well as some American Basketball (Go Phonix Suns and Orlando Magic)

So as you can see Ive got a summer full of sports coming up

What about you guys?
I be watching Celtic do battle in the scottish premier league. I'll also be watching the european champions league closely.

Also, the NBA (Phoenix Suns). Amerian football too.

But I almost forgot (well not really), I'll be dusting of the 24 video's of all the dons victories this year. Not to mention the Ansett Cup grand final

If you really look at it if I watch one a week, the start of season 2001 will come in no time.

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In years gone by I would follow the cricket but that is going to be a bit shithouse this year.

- the Windies will be dreadfully uncompetitive in the tests this season
- the One-dayers are crap, and with all the scandal around at the moment, its really hard to take the results seriously.

So what to do ? - Theres a bit to look forward to

- International Rules
- Rugby League World Cup (bit of joke this one)
- 6 Nations Rugby Union
- Domestic and European soccer

Its looking pretty bare really, I think I'll be one of AFL Video's best customers this summer no doubt about it.

Also my wife is thinking seriously about buying a boat - so a few sunny days out on the water with a beer, a bong and a fishing rod sounds pretty good too !
1. Wait anxiously until the end of trade week
2. Watch the Olympics.
3. Wait for the Cricket season to start
4. Watch the big V and the Aussies win every trophy on offer this summer. (what is going on at the ACB, the West Indies and Zimbabwe PLEASE!)
5. Head to the beach for some much need R&R
6. Wait Patiently for the Ansett Cup
7. Still waiting
8. Watch Geelong defeat Sydney in New Zealand.
9. Head to Colonial Stadium to see the full strength cats defeat the longless, Fletcherless Bombers in the second week of the Ansett Cup.
10. Head to SS to see Geelong destroy Port Adelaide.
11. See Geelong win the Ansett Cup semi.
12. See Geelong win the Anstt Cup final.
13. Gloat, and constantly watch the replay of the Ansett Cup as I wait the two weeks until the start of the 2001 season.

PS Doesn't hurt to be confident!!!!!!!
any thoughts about going over to NZ for the Ansett Ciup game gCg ?

I'm thinking pretty seriously about it - should be a great little holiday and a chance to see some Aussie Rules in New Zealand will be an interesting experience.

[This message has been edited by Bloodstained Angel (edited 07 September 2000).]
Try and get my golf handicap back to below 14!
Fish! (BSA the bong and the boat thing sounds magnificent!!)
Test drive a few beer gardens!
Dust off the barbecue!
Keep an eye on the Fulham boys - get up there you Cottagers!!

Apart from that - FA!!!
Watch Bombers videos
Have a few BBQ's
Play frisbie with my dog
Visiting beer gardens sounds like fun, I'll include that as well
Go to the beach & up the hills for drives
It all sounds like fun, but I'd give it all up if footy was continuing.


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After my last Carlton function, (and the most fun for sure)the Best and Fairest Dinner Dance tomorrow night, I'm going to Sydney to see the Olympics, but I'll have a laptop to do some work while I'm there so I'll keep you people up to date. After that the Melbourne Spring Racing Carnival beckons, then I'll have a couple of months break after Christmas to get myself ready and looking good for the new season of football.
Hope you all enjoy your spare time as much as I will!
yes- ill be going on a business trip to New York to close some deals, catching up with Rupert, sipping some fine champagne, checking the latest catwalk fashions and seeing some Broadway shows. sheesh. give us all a break will ya Julia.

For those of us with our feet on ground:

Ill be following the NFL season, cricket (getting rowdy at the WACA), NBL & NBA, Perth Glory may finally do it and ill take in some syncronized swimming, diving- equestrian (and other of my fave
olympic events on tv.
BBQ's, beer and backyard cricket under a cloudless blue sky. With the words "reigning premiers" floating around in my head.

ahhh summer.

I'll spew when I get the bill for next years membership.

I'll spew when I pay for next years membership.

I'll spew when the season is about to start & I still don't have my ticket.

I'll spew if we have another year like this one.
Start writing my thesis on why the Brisbane Lions are a sham merger.

Oh & follow the fortunes of Man U during study breaks
Hey Gonzo,
Did you have a handicap of 14? SHIT, I'll take that anyday!
My handicap is the friggen is the golf ball,it doesn't go the right direction! and my clubs, simply because their to bloody short!

Anyway, (just for my two cents worth) I'm going to do SFA, as well as watch the Aussies in the ODI's, watch ManU kick ass (again) and watch Green Bay.

That should just about keep me going until the PROPER footy starts.


Been playing for a few years mate - just got a new set of clubs so I'm hanging out to give them a belt!!

My biggest problem used to be that I found I was standing too close to the ball..................after I hit it


The Olympics will be a pretty big distractin for anyone (like me) living in Sydney. Got my tickets and I'm looking forward to it.

After that - the season opening Merc Mutual one-dayer at North Sydney Oval is always a top day. NSO is a great ground and the weather always seems to be good.

After that like every summer - a bit of swimming, a bit of getting square eyes in front of the cricket and just one or two cold bevvys.

Oh I suppose I'll have to put in one or two appearances at work as well. Bugger!
My handicap's down to 6 (gloat gloat

For me I'll be following my other love, the Nebraska Cornhuskers during the autumn here. To a lesser extent the Green Bay Packers, since I'm less a fan of NFL.

I'll watch the Olympics some, though I'll care more about the scenery than the games themselves really. Seeing as how I'm attempting to become a dual citizen of two countries I'm a bit lost on the patriotism thing.

Other than that, watching the weather turn colder and uglier as my golf opportunities grow increasingly short. Where I live November is about as cold as Victoria in July and December is 10 times worse.

But if all goes well, I'll be over there just in time for a summer Christmas

[This message has been edited by Stealth bomber (edited 07 September 2000).]

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What are you going to do now that the footys over?

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