What if Football Players were Star Wars Characters ?

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Team Captain
Apr 19, 2000
And i'm including here coaches, Presidents, Officials etc in this grouping

Eddie Mcguire - Jabba the Hutt (big fat loud mouth whom everyone but those in his clan, despise and will one day be bought down along with the castle he has built around him - the Collingwood Netball club)

Garry Hocking - Yoda (Wise is he, the Buddah is an inspiration to all those brave JK's around him. Getting old, but always insightful and brave on the field he is)

Wayne Carey - Darth Vader (Reviled by nearly everyone, will one day redeem himself amongst the eys of others and show his true colours as a nice guy - probably by kicking the winning goal in the grand final against the Evil Collingwood)

Wayne Jackson - Emperor/Senator Palpatine -
Shrouded in evil, this evil Control freak seeks to destroy the Galaxy and replace the Jedi Knights (Victorian Clubs) with his evil and artifical Storm Troopers (Interstate clubs)

Ian Collins - Grand Moff Tarkin - (Destroyed a beloved sacred Land of the people - Collins Waverly Park / Tarkin Alderraan)

Kevin Sheedy - Darth Sidious - (Manipulates, controls his servants (players) that surround him like puppets, very oily and slick, has his own ambitions, not to be trusted

Anthony Rocca - Jar Jar Binks - (stupid, slow, annoys the hell out of his teammates/compadres, only one person (Qui-Gon Jinn/Malthouse) has faith in his limited abilites.
I honestly don't define many of my threads as abuse, more like taking the mickey out of certain people. But i have thought of another candidate:

Fraser Gehrig - Han Solo - (Made a promise to Jabba the Hutt/Eddie (about smuggling spice/Joining Collingwood) then went back on his word, and was hunted down by greedy bounty hunters .Gehrig will probably be roughed up a bit when the Saints play collingwood.

Come on people use your imaginiation,

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I'm doing mine on a footy team.

Richmond-Chubacca- Cute and cuddly but not effective in the outcome!

I can't believe I offended my own team!!!

Oh well, It is only a joke after all.
I'm afraid you committed an even worse offense Richmondfan#1 and that is you misspelt the name of the great wookie.
It's Chewbacca. Anyway Chubacca sounds cute. Only a girl could have written chewie's name like that. Hehe
Wouldn't Jon Doritich be Han Solo ?
Oh bloody hell Richmondfan#1, I was joking. Gee perhaps i should mellow out more, but so should you. If i offended you (again) i didn't mean to. It was all in jest. I was being sarcastic. I'm not that anal to be concerned about the spelling of a movie character's name. how are ya Richmondfan#1 anyway ?
Our communication isn't too good is it??
I KNOW you were being sarcastic and so was I.
That's why I put the smiley. I don't mind if you tell me i spelt something wrong.

Oh, I'm fine thanks. Why do you ask?
I just wanted to see how your going ? What time is it in perth by the way ? It's 11:33 pm as i speak, but i appreciated the kind words you wrote to me before even though i was very nasty and insulting to you before. Never again, from now on, my wrath shall be directed at those silly Crows/Eagles supporters. By the way this topic was meant to be about Star Wars LOL . Gee May the force be with Geelong !
In Perth it is 8:33pm. Since you asked me how I am, I better ask you. How are ya?
I accept your apology so now we can move on and forget about our harsh words!
Yeah, we better get back to the topic otherwise we'll scare people off.
I am fine thanks Richmondfan#1. And i don't know or can't remember which club visro follows. Visro - Aurra Sing (mysterious figure whom no one seems to know much about, except can get very fired up on occasions)
You have to be a BIG star wars fan to know who Aurra Sing is (she is a very ahem 'butch' Bounty Hunter)

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I follow W.C. As for no one knowing who I am......I am still new on this board..lets just say I'm a bored teenager on holidays.....enough said...never heard of the star wars character (not a fan of science fiction, Space Balls was still a cool movie though!!)
Luke Skywalker / James Hird the perrenial goodguy loved by most with his powerful lightsaber / silky football skills. Cuts down the dark side / Carlton.

Yoda / Craig Bradley there roughly the same age.

Chewbacca / Sav Rocca there both big and hairy.

Princess Leia / Matty Lloyd for obvious reasons.
Luke Skywalker - Aaron (Mark?) Hamill
Darth Vader - Steve Kernahan (hair looks like Vader's helmet)
The Emperor - John Elliot
AT-ST (awesome, powerful but clumsy giant that falls over a lot) - Anthony Rocca
Stormtroopers (foot soldiers who never hit their target) - Collingwood
Jabba the Hutt - Kevin Sheedy
Boba Fett (Jabba's ruthless sniper) - Dean Wallis
other bounty hunters - Essendon
Jabba's dancing girls - Matthew Lloyd and Scott Lucas
Bib Fortuna (Jabba's oily 'Yes Man') - James Hird
Ewoks - Fremantle Football Club
Han Solo - David Schwarz
Chewbacca - Joseph Gutnick
General Veers - Danny Frawley
Snowtroopers (foot soldiers who only win during mid-winter) - Richmond
AT-AT (an even bigger, more powerful giant who falls down a lot) - Matthew Richardson
Yoda - Leigh Matthews
C3-PO (annoying whinger who does nothing) - Mike Sheehan
R2D2 (C3-PO's marginally less annoying counterpart)- Gerard Healy

[This message has been edited by TigerTank (edited 06 October 2000).]
Great links!!!

Only one to add:

Princess Leia (circa "Star Wars"): Paul Roos. Both had strange things potuding out their sides - Leia's hair buns vs Roos' leg mattresses.

(Yet another refugee from Nick's BB)
Great links!!!

Only one to add:

Princess Leia (circa "Star Wars"): Paul Roos. Both had strange things potuding out their sides - Leia's hair buns vs Roos' leg mattresses.

(Yet another refugee from Nick's BB)

That was fantastic. Very inventive. I love how you compared the Ewoks to Fremantle. Ha ha.

How about this :

Tony Liberatore - R2D2

Aaron Hamill - Lando Calrissian, because he double crossed his friends.

Sav Rocca - Wampa. A big hairy beat that relys on instinct. No brains, or natural talent.

Mil Hanna - Lobot (I think that's his name. The guy who Lando communicates with on cloud city). They look the same, because they're bald.
Dan 24,

"Sav Rocca - Wampa
Mil Hanna - Lobot"


How about these:

Jawas ("disgusting creatures" - as described by C3-PO) - Western Bulldogs
Trash Compactor monster (all grasping tentacles) - Steven Silvagni
R2D2 - Tony Shaw
Giant Space Slug - The Western Bulldogs cheer squad leader
Lando Calrissian - Leigh Colbert (check out those initials)

[This message has been edited by TigerTank (edited 06 October 2000).]

Mos Eisley Space Port ("You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villiany ... we must be cautious") - WINDY HILL

Death Star ("Don't be too proud of this technological terror you have created") - COLONIAL STADIUM

Dagobah ("Slimy? Mud hole? My home this is!") - OPTUS OVAL

Tatooine ("If there is a bright centre of the universe, you are are on the planet that is furtherest from it") - SUBIACO OVAL
GEELONG4EVER,you said ANTHONY ROCCA was one of them idiots from star wars who is stupid,slow and annoys his team mates,well listen here the only STUPID,SLOW & ANNOYING 1 around here is YOU!!!!!

get a life d*ckhead,ANTHONY ROCCA is better than any of your little scummy cats down at shell stadium!!!!soooo peleease....stop wishing about how much you would love our players at that hole and just GET A LIFE!!!!!

and JOD23,whats your damn buissness if they r hairy????i bet there are heaps of things worse they could find about you!!!!

and DAN24 and everyone else who put SAV ROCCA in their list you are all just childish JEALOUS fools who just wish you had the looks and body of that sexy beast!!!!



[This message has been edited by roccas_babe3623 (edited 06 October 2000).]

[This message has been edited by roccas_babe3623 (edited 06 October 2000).]

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What if Football Players were Star Wars Characters ?

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