what really gets your goat ????

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Club Legend
Oct 31, 2000
AFL Club
Port Adelaide
A few things that give me the DT's....

1. Port's treatment under the father-son rule...My understanding is that Port only have access to the father-son rule since they have been in the AFL. This means that Mark William's kids for example could be picked up by Collingwood but not Port (unless he coaches for 5 years or something)...Russell Ebert's kids would have no right at all....nor any of the other Port legends.

2. The rule that 1 final must be played on the MCG each week. I am amazed that the AFL cannot sort this out. They have ongoing negotiations with the MCC on TV rights, the Northern stand etc and they cannot seem to get out of it (eg yes we will help with the Northern stand and just throw it on the table in the last minute). The MCC will not give it away for nothing but as part of a package it would enable them to save face.

3. Carlton's Optus agreement. Having Carlton play their home games at OO is fine...forcing other teams to play there stinks...Carlton stiched up the AFL completely. Solution...get rid of Carlton.

4. Supporters who blame the umpires for a loss. I often hear supporters blame the umpiring...even when they lose by 10 goals. We had no midfield, no forwards our backline got flogged, but if it wasn't for those bloody umpires we would have won !!! The umpires are as neautral as you can get. They would have an impact of a maximum of 1 goal per game either way...and on average it works itself out.

there are more....thanks for letting me moan and graon.

what gets your goat ???

As a Port supporter, I hate seeing Mark Williams stumble his way through an interview. For a guy who has a degree in teaching, he sometimes comes across as a simpleton.

If ya smell what Santos is cooking!!

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Hmmmm were to start.
Ok being a fremantle supporter many will expect me to say things like "Lack of respect and ridicule"the Dockers recieve
.But my main problem lies with fremantles first few years and the mismanagement that resulted in struggling team we have at the moment.
Now were does this come from you ask, well thats easy.My main problem lies with Hatt and Neesham.First few years these too took what I believe to be a good idea of drafting local to the extreme.
Both refused to take part in the first few national drafts.Only wishing to draft local players of the likes of Jay Burton.Allowing the cream of a NATIONAL competion to slip away.
Furthermore trading excellent youth prospects for ready made half players in an attempt to gain quick fixes.Neesham alone set the dockers back 5 years from the outset.
Furthermore employing a style of play which may have worked with,players of some skill.If you look at fremantles original squad,you may only find a handfull of players that played over 25 games.

To show the depth of Neesham and Hatts error I have taken parts of a shocking article which many of you may have read from www.Footynews.com.au written by David Atkinson.
Check out this team (a team that very easily could have been the dockers)

FB Matthew Nicks Kingsley Hunter Darryl Wakelin
HB Chad Morrison Brad Ottens Matthew Collins
C Glenn Freeborn Luke Power Gavin Mitchell
HF Leon Davis Scott Lucas Brad Green
FF Jeff Farmer Matthew Lloyd Phil Matera
Foll Jeff White Andrew McLeod Peter Bell

A forward line to die for.Throw in the likes of waterhouse,haselby,Pavlich,Parker,Brown,Longmuir and suddenly the Essendon Powerhouse seems second rate.
Now my challenge to anyone else on this board

I agree sabre

when Port joined in '97 I think we started ahead of Fremantle. All the initial years wasted.

Not only did they recruit locally, they also did not recruit from Fremantle...which meant the club lost whatever soul it had in the first place. At one stage Hawthorn had more ex Sth and East Freo players than Freo did I think !!!

Either go national (really the only choice)....or build a culture around a particular location (2nd rate but better than what they did).

Very disappointing....

seem to be onthe right track now...but this is where they should have been in '96.

Originally posted by ptw:
A few things that give me the DT's....

1. Port's treatment under the father-son rule...My understanding is that Port only have access to the father-son rule since they have been in the AFL. This means that Mark William's kids for example could be picked up by Collingwood but not Port (unless he coaches for 5 years or something)...Russell Ebert's kids would have no right at all....nor any of the other Port legends.

Thanks for reminding me on that one ptw, It has been something that has been bugging me since the AFL admitted the PAFC into the AFL.
They accepted us on our record and tradition.
They bought our reasons and sought us out for them initially, they courted us and allowed us in, but then wont allow us the common decency of allowing fathers to watch their sons compete at the same club they played in.

OK here goes. First of all let me say that Terry Wallace is close to the best tactician in the competition and we are blessed to have him at the Bulldogs, but why cant he see the obvious need that we have had for a tall defender. This has existed since he took over the senior coaching role at the club. Actually it has existed since Peter Foster retired. When I see some of the players that have been drafted/traded in the last five years(Ingerson etc.)It makes me mad. Thats all thanx for listening.
1/- Know it all's
2/- Traitorous bastards
3/- Fickle supporters
4/- Class conscious people
5/- English royal family
6/- Constitutional monarchist'
7/- The pro-gun lobby
8/- People who need to flaunt their sexuality in a public manner
9/- Procrastinators
10/-Bible bashers


(Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus)
Originally posted by Asgardian:
8/- People who need to flaunt their sexuality in a public manner

young lovers cuddling on a bench ?...holding hands...kissing my wife out the front of Myers, Drive in movies ??


Originally posted by Asgardian:
1/- Know it all's
2/- Traitorous bastards
3/- Fickle supporters
4/- Class conscious people
5/- English royal family
6/- Constitutional monarchist'
7/- The pro-gun lobby
8/- People who need to flaunt their sexuality in a public manner
9/- Procrastinators
10/-Bible bashers

I didn't know CiK was a bible basher too!
Originally posted by ptw:
young lovers cuddling on a bench ?...holding hands...kissing my wife out the front of Myers, Drive in movies ??



No PTW, I wrote "Flaunt their sexuality"
Flaunt means to make a brazen or gaudy display; to parade impudently.
What you mentioned doesn't fit the above description, IMO.


(Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus)

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Originally posted by Asgardian:
1/- Know it all's
2/- Traitorous bastards
3/- Fickle supporters
4/- Class conscious people
5/- English royal family
6/- Constitutional monarchist'
7/- The pro-gun lobby
8/- People who need to flaunt their sexuality in a public manner
9/- Procrastinators
10/-Bible bashers


I agree with all your list above except for No 9. I can't make up my mind on that one.
Originally posted by Mr Ripper:
I didn't know CiK was a bible basher too!

Now hang on !
I am no bible basher, pro gun lobbyist or a displayer of my sexuality. Plead guilty to some of the others if only to give you some ammunition

Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.
Originally posted by Asgardian:
1/- Know it all's
2/- Traitorous bastards
3/- Fickle supporters
4/- Class conscious people
5/- English royal family
6/- Constitutional monarchist'
7/- The pro-gun lobby
8/- People who need to flaunt their sexuality in a public manner
9/- Procrastinators
10/-Bible bashers

So who are the 3 people you do like ? (apart from yourself)

Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.
Originally posted by sandie:
You left one thing off your list.
People who breed Pit Bulls.

Wrong Sandie, them I am working on, them I can have an influence on, eventually there wont be any "them's" left in Aussie land, I hope.


(Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus)
Originally posted by Carey_is_King:
Now hang on !
I am no bible basher, pro gun lobbyist or a displayer of my sexuality. Plead guilty to some of the others if only to give you some ammunition

CIK - I'm sure you would plead guilty to NO. 2 - traitorous bastards, you have one on your list. I don't mind that you say I am not a journalist's arseh*le, and all the rest, but let's see your face, as your biggest complaint is I have one like a robbers dog, get your priorities right boy. We don't choose how we look, but I think you are too concerned about how ugly you think I am which takes away the impact of why you don't think I should be taken seriously.

Unfortunately, this makes all your arguments with Dan, of which I thought you had won, now invalid. Because what you have accused others of, you have just done, let your hatred of comments made about your team blanket your usual objective replies, what a shame, you are just like everyone else.

PS Fred - LOL
Putrid Frodo

You are sicker than sick with that reply, in fact you must be G4E's twin. Watch the cars when you are crossing the road sunshine, although a long illness may be the only thing you deserve, with pain, and I hope that all those who are suffering through a nasty disease beat it and survive, and pass it on to you. Not nice is it, have a good hard look at yourself and pray you are not subject to that you wish on others. You stink, and may you dissolve in your own sewer, alone.
Originally posted by Cancerous Frodo:
Putrid Frodo

You are sicker than sick with that reply, in fact you must be G4E's twin. Watch the cars when you are crossing the road sunshine, although a long illness may be the only thing you deserve, with pain, and I hope that all those who are suffering through a nasty disease beat it and survive, and pass it on to you. Not nice is it, have a good hard look at yourself and pray you are not subject to that you wish on others. You stink, and may you dissolve in your own sewer, alone.

Now i dont usually stick up for Frodo the lost eagles supporter.

You whoever you are must be a complete ******.You attack Frodo,but you dont say why,you dont give an alternate view.

Plus your unregistered of too scared to use you real name.

If you want to shit stir, go ahead but maybe you should have a chat to the likes of G4E and so on who tried and failed and then disapeared.
I hate ppl that continously say that each richmond coach will be gone in a few years. So history has been rocky but each coach is different. Give Spud a chance. He will do a great job.
sorry Frodo but have you read the constitution recently ???

Did we not just have a vote to get rid of the monarchy ???

There are many types of republics and many types of monarchies.

You will quote a dictionary definition of a republic being where power is in the hands of the people or something like that.

Power is exercised in Australia by the QUEEN's government which makes laws which are ratified by THE QUEEN. Legally the parliament makes laws on behalf of the crown...the head of which is the Queen of Australia.

Originally posted by sabre_ac:
Now i dont usually stick up for Frodo the lost eagles supporter.

You whoever you are must be a complete ******.You attack Frodo,but you dont say why,you dont give an alternate view.

Plus your unregistered of too scared to use you real name.

If you want to shit stir, go ahead but maybe you should have a chat to the likes of G4E and so on who tried and failed and then disapeared.

Well if you can't work that out then you are a bigger ****** than the wisher of cancer.

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what really gets your goat ????

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