What the hel is wrong with Buckley?

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You obviusly don't watch your own teams games or even read the papers.

The man is your best player by far and one of the best 5 in the comp. If you are looking to find a culprit I suggest you look elsewhere.

If you are vision impaired then I apologise. If you have to just go by the commentators you would have no idea of what actually goes on on the field.
I'd say about 10-15 new team mates might help us win some games.

Or wait until the young players develop into footballers.

It's a good 2-3 years away I would think. Of course, that's provided those young players can actually play. If they can't, well, we're well and truely ****ed.

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The question shouldn't be What's wrong with Buckley?

There is nothing wrong with Buckley, 35 possessions and 3 votes despite the team being beaten by 10 goals should put pay to that.

The question should be, What's wrong with everyone at Collingwood except Buckley?
He haruanges his teamates, demands the ball at all times even from blokes who are in a better postion than he is, CONSTANTLY runs behind the man who has just marked demanding the handball then just blazes long without looking for clear options (at least ten possies like this against the Hawks friday).
Look I admire the hell out of this bloke, but why does he want EVERY ball going?
Many the time friday he was pressured as soon as he took the ball as Chick just crunched him, resulting in turnovers a plenty. Yea he may have had 35 plus possies , half of em came from the "handball to me NOW!!!) calls across half back. Two of his goals the same way.
Buckelys problem is similar to the Woods. Not enough confidence in anyone other than him to do anything.
Best on Ground friday night??? No way known, not even best for the woods, Tarrent (talented kid that one) was.

Instead of 'figjam' he should be called
'gutbust' Give Up The Ball U Stupid Teamate
Grendel you cant possibly be saying that he hogs the ball. Great players want the ball even demand the ball and he demands all the time thats what makes him a great player. Different sport but look at Jordan he demands when the game is on the line and he delivers thats what makes champions and Bucks is certainly a champion.

2000 the year of the Eagle
Great players know when and how to use the ball to best effect and more important, when they dont need to have it as it would put the team to disadvantage.
Buckley on friday night was calling for the ball 20/30 meteres behind play! It didnt worry me as like I said, he coughed it up 20 times through poor disposal from being pressuered by Chick.
Fact is, he was calling for it when he should be able to see that he wasnt the right option. And to constantly bag his own teamates just added insult to injury. How would you feel if your captain kept at you and at you every game? Wouldnt you start to question your own ability?
Good player he may be, but friday night the stats lied.
Yes, the stats did lie on Friday night.

I just think he gets fed up with losing sometimes and loses it.
i definetely agree with Jaffa and Grendal. Buckley is a ball hog and what sort of a captain is he if he doesn't have enough faith and belief in his younger and less experienced teammates. He should have learned a good lesson from Shane Crawford on Friday night with the way he treats and support his players. I'm not saying he's not a good player but sometimes he should just try to not be so selfish. He probably just want to impress the umpires to win the Brownlow because its the only great thing he'll ever do in his career, seeing as he's stuck at a disgrace of a club like Collingwood. If he cleans up his act as is less nasty to the rest of the Woods they will start to win.
Does anyone get the impression that Buckley does not hold the skills and ability of his teamates in very high regard ?

Maybe this is why he is always hogging the ball. Maybe he is of the opinion that he is the only person capable of putting in a winning contribution ?

Is that why he bombs the ball long all the time ? To try and 'do something' instead of chipping to a teamate and watching the ball get turned over all the time.

Is his attitude 'give me the ball because the rest of you are hopeless' ?

Hmmmm - may or may not be the case - he is a champion player but it is hardly the right attitude for a club captain is it not ?
I remember Blighty's comments on Robert Harvey while coaching the Crows.

He said when asked about Harvey's ability to get the ball so often that he didn't worry about Harvey getting 40 touches a game and he wouldn't have him tagged.

He said that half his possessions were going backwards and the other half were turned over. Yet Harvey is regarded as a champion, or was.

On that theory then Buckley is much more effective than Harvey.
Buckley is a hot favourite for the Brownlow. I think he played bad in 1 game and then assumed that he had gone out of form. My advice is to keep watching hard and cheering harder cos the maggies need it!

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Our thoughts go out to magpiechick_5, who is probably an adult now, we didn't know her long, but her 2 posts touched BigFooty and we remember and give tribute.
Our thoughts go out to magpiechick_5, who is probably an adult now, we didn't know her long, but her 2 posts touched BigFooty and we remember and give tribute.

What the hell are you talking about i am a big collingwood fan and i have something to say to you shitheads! Malthouse is the bset coach going around and the reason we (Collingwood) are not winning is because of the team! its not the coach it's the team and i dare anyone to tell me different!!!!

A short but classy bigfooty career.

Something tells me "she" wouldn't have been a fan of the succession plan.

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What the hel is wrong with Buckley?

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