What was your favourite suburban ground ..and why ?

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Jul 22, 2000
AFL Club
Port Adelaide
Joffa started a great subject .... What was your favourite ground, why was it so special, what was your ritual in preperation going to the ground, did you have a favourite spot to stand...or sit.. your reasons please !

Thanks PA1870
I have posted my reply to this under the topic'our victoria park.

Please people get into this topic i for one will print them and keep them,cause in time this will be something so sadly forgotten.
And please all you interstaters we want to hear about your grounds as well.
If you want to know what PA1870 and myself are trying to say have a quick look at my post to give you an idea and get on here and let us know ok.
hope you dont mind me butting in PA1870

There are only two kinds of people in this world-COLLINGWOOD SUPPORTERS,and those who wish they were!
SHITE here comes COLLINGWOOD to kick your ass forever BLACK AND WHITE,ha ha ha jealousy will be the death of you,SHITE!!!!!

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Originally posted by magpie_joffa:
Thanks PA1870
I have posted my reply to this under the topic'our victoria park.

Please people get into this topic i for one will print them and keep them,cause in time this will be something so sadly forgotten.
And please all you interstaters we want to hear about your grounds as well.
If you want to know what PA1870 and myself are trying to say have a quick look at my post to give you an idea and get on here and let us know ok.
hope you dont mind me butting in PA1870

Not at all.........I unfortunately have never seen a game at Vic park..though I have visited it on several occassions


My afvourite ground is by far Alberton. Great viewing areas, great grass on the oval. Definatly the best suburban ground in adelaide i believe.
Norwood - is a dump, when it rains the oval looks more like a lake as there is no drainage, wont forget the pic in the paper against centrals where there was a good 6 or 7 inches deep of water in the forward pocket!!
Centrals - been there once, got spat on, never returned, is a dump anyway.
Unley, never been there.
Glenelg, dont like glenelg much, not much atmosphere there.
Nourlunga, freezing cold, the ground is on a slant, the rain is sideways!! nuff said
Prospect, i like prospect, its a nice ground, nice attitude.
Woodville oval would be my second best, great viewing areas, nice oval, tis great.
Well I am talking about very suburban (lol). I go for the local team Whitfords and when there is no footy on TV, i always head down to MacDonald Oval (their homeground). I usually sit behind the goals on one end (i think they all call it Giles end) under a huge tree. I like to cheer on the boys. Even though it is a small ground with a small supporter base, it is a wonderful atmosphere. Even though their guernseys are blue and white, they are the closest team to me so i love watching them. I usually take my dad down and we kick the footy on the oval during half time.

I love it.
Since I only moved to Melbourne in the summer of 1996/97, most of my Victoria Park memories are bad ones. Losing to West Coast several times. That debacle against Brisbane in 1999.

I remember beating Adelaide by one point in 1997. We were doing all right at the time, but I can remember people walking out of the ground really pissed off that we'd struggled to beat such a shit club by only one point. Little did we know that we'd just beaten the eventual premiers.

I can remember, after one of our losses to West Coast, a whole lot of angry people outside the Social Club trying to get in. I thought there was going to be a riot. I also remember Wright getting cleaned up by Worsfold. Sickening.

My best memory of Victoria Park was playing in a cheer squad footy day there in 1999. There were teams from various cheer squads and we had a sort of lightning premiership, which Collingwood won ... although we did have a couple of Port cheer squad members to help make up the numbers. I remember walking off the ground after the final singing "Good Old Collingwood Forever".

So, I'm very proud to be able to say that I played in the last Collingwood premiership side. Maybe I should rewrite history a little bit and claim it as a VFL/AFL premiership. Only joking (sort of).

My other great memory of Victoria Park is going to VFL matches there last season and listening to Joffa, behind the goals, bagging the opposition players. I'm sure there were several opposition players whose career were ruined by a good hearty bagging from Joffa. Shanahan and Cook are two who were forced into retirement by the great man himself. Now Collingwood's VFL team has merged with Williamstown (the Mt.Thomas Mudlarks) so unfortunately that era is over. I can't see Joffa taking on Tom Croydon or P.J.

Most of the AFL footy that I've watched has been in the big stadiums ... MCG, Waverley, Colonial Stadium. I hated Kardinia Park and Princes Park because they were hostile territory (obviously).

In S.A. I actually thought Alberton was a bit of a hole ... but I went there a lot because my team played their home games there. I used to stand in front of the bar on the outer flank towards the Northern end with all the mainly-Port yobboes. And I used to yell out completely outrageous and ridiculous comments just to make sure that any visiting supporters were thoroughly offended. I had no qualms whatsoever about making a complete fool of myself ... and the amazing thing was that I used to do it sober!!!

One thing I remember from those days was these gorilla noises that Port barrackers used to make when Port got a goal.

Oooo Ooooo Oooooo Ooooo Oooo

So, it was with great amusement when I went to see Port in the AFL and found that Port supporters still make these gorilla noises when Port gets a goal. It really cracks me up.

Oooo Oooooo Oooooo Ooooooo.

It occurred to me ... this is my cultural heritage ... bloody gorilla noises ...

Ooooo Oooooo Ooooo Ooooooo

I love moonlighting at Port games in Melbourne, sitting in the cheer squad and making gorilla noises along with the rest of the Port yobboes.

Oooooo Ooooo Oooooo Oooooooo.

Apart from Alberton, I actually LIKED Norwood Oval. Great atmosphere. Sure the oval itself was sub-standard. But that stand behind the goals at the Parade end is a lot like the Sherrin Stand at Collingwood. And I reckon Norwood supporters are as feral as Collingwood supporters. I think it must be the Irish Catholic heritage. Norwood is South Australia's most Catholic football club and I believe it's no coincidence that a lot of Collingwood players have come from Norwood.

So ... it sounds like my favourite suburban ground was Norwood!!! Strewth. Whatever next. It was a great place to win at ... but an unbearable place to lose at.

Anyway ...

**Oooo Oooo Oooo Oooo**
That is a very touching story Alf, good stuff mate
Windy Hill is naturally my favourite ground. When I first started supporting them in 1975 I used to go with my mates & stand behind the goals at the Napier Street end. When we were old enough to drink, we used to all go to the Royal Hotel before the game & then go to the standing section at the bottom of the A Hird stand, half time was always hot roast beef rolls, after the game straight up to the Social Club & the Coach's bar, we had our own section & NO One was allowed to stand there except us.

Some of my favourites

Thebarton Oval - a Grand old Ground, former home of West Torrens, big and spacious, lovely Grandstand,. Lots of great memories associated with this one.

Unley Oval - Small and cramped, pathetic grandstand, no room behind the southern goal, still I loved going there, terrific atomsphere when its packed and Sturt are winning.

Norwood Oval - Sadly delapidated these days, the playing surface is sub-standard. A great place to watch a Port-Norwood game.

Adelaide Oval - as good for footy as it is for cricket, A top class facility that has a nice 'old world' feel.

Lake Oval - Lucky enough and old enough to have actually seen a couple of South Melbourne home games there in 1981. Memory of the place is a little dim, but I do remember sitting in the old grandstand and looking through the cracks in the floor to see a whole row of spectators pissing on the ground under the stands - charming !

Victoria Park - Went there once for a Pies v Swans game in 1995, got spat on, sweared at and had a beer can thrown at me - 'nuff said !

Optus Oval - Last of the suburban Melbourne Grounds, even so i don't like the place much - The Legends Stand is total and utter crap.

Moorabbin - I liked it, Pig Pen and all, thought the surface was very good for a suburban ground.

Trumper Oval - In Sydney's Eastern Suburbs, very very pretty setting, a bit small, with none of the facilities of other grounds but its just so goddam gorgeous that watching footy there cannot help but put a smile on your face.

North Sydney Oval - One of the most famous cricket ovals in the world, and one of the most picturesque. For the best part of a century it was home ground to North Sydney in the Rugby League, now its home to Northern Spirit Soccer and the North Sydney Bombers in the SFL. A great place to watch footy (or cricket)

Monarch Field, Campbelltown - Way out in the South West Fringe of Sydney, if an AFL club re-locates to Western Sydney, this will probably be their traing base. Great facilities, brilliant surface and it is HUGE (bigger than Waverley in fact) a nice place to watch the Swans in a pre-season practice match.

Bruce Stadium - Due to a monumental stuff-up, Canberra's premier footy arena is no longer suitable for Australian Rules, what a pity because this was a great venue for footy.

Manuaka Oval - The new home of Aussie Rules in Canberra is not as well equipped or modern as Bruce Stadium but is in a more central part of town and the setting is quite picturesque, oh, and its close to only place in Canberra where you can get a decent coffee as well !

North Hobart Oval - the traditional home of Tasmanian Footy reminds me alot of Norwood Oval in Adelaide - a bit run-down but still has good atomsphere with a big crowd in.

Carrara - yes, I actually went there once, what a swamp !

I always loved going to the scoreboard end at Princes Park to watch North play Fitzroy or Carlton (and later some other clubs) in the late 80s and early 90s. There was a favourite spot I had at the end of that big brown fence that ran below the scoreboard towards the goals. I used to stand in the forward pocket in the same spot for our 3-4 games a year there and it was my favourite all-time spot to watch the footy at any ground. We usually played pretty well there and even beat Carlton on a few occasions i went. The favourite memory is the 93 game against the Swans when McAdam kicked 10 and Longmire 9 and we won by 124 points. Still remember the disgusted Swans fans leaving before quarter time when they were already ten goals down.
Western Oval was always a happy hunting ground too, and I swear the legal age for buying grog up the Barkly Street end must have been about 12. Typically, after I moved within 10 minutes walk of the place in 1996 the Roos didn't get to play there anymore. North didn't lose there after 1988 so I saw only victories at that ground.

Defy Gravity - Embrace Gravity - Transcend Gravity... Become The Sound...

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Originally posted by AlfAndrews:
Since I only moved to Melbourne in the summer of 1996/97, most of my Victoria Park memories are bad ones. Losing to West Coast several times. That debacle against Brisbane in 1999.

I remember beating Adelaide by one point in 1997. We were doing all right at the time, but I can remember people walking out of the ground really pissed off that we'd struggled to beat such a shit club by only one point. Little did we know that we'd just beaten the eventual premiers.

I can remember, after one of our losses to West Coast, a whole lot of angry people outside the Social Club trying to get in. I thought there was going to be a riot. I also remember Wright getting cleaned up by Worsfold. Sickening.

My best memory of Victoria Park was playing in a cheer squad footy day there in 1999. There were teams from various cheer squads and we had a sort of lightning premiership, which Collingwood won ... although we did have a couple of Port cheer squad members to help make up the numbers. I remember walking off the ground after the final singing "Good Old Collingwood Forever".

So, I'm very proud to be able to say that I played in the last Collingwood premiership side. Maybe I should rewrite history a little bit and claim it as a VFL/AFL premiership. Only joking (sort of).

My other great memory of Victoria Park is going to VFL matches there last season and listening to Joffa, behind the goals, bagging the opposition players. I'm sure there were several opposition players whose career were ruined by a good hearty bagging from Joffa. Shanahan and Cook are two who were forced into retirement by the great man himself. Now Collingwood's VFL team has merged with Williamstown (the Mt.Thomas Mudlarks) so unfortunately that era is over. I can't see Joffa taking on Tom Croydon or P.J.

Most of the AFL footy that I've watched has been in the big stadiums ... MCG, Waverley, Colonial Stadium. I hated Kardinia Park and Princes Park because they were hostile territory (obviously).

In S.A. I actually thought Alberton was a bit of a hole ... but I went there a lot because my team played their home games there. I used to stand in front of the bar on the outer flank towards the Northern end with all the mainly-Port yobboes. And I used to yell out completely outrageous and ridiculous comments just to make sure that any visiting supporters were thoroughly offended. I had no qualms whatsoever about making a complete fool of myself ... and the amazing thing was that I used to do it sober!!!

One thing I remember from those days was these gorilla noises that Port barrackers used to make when Port got a goal.

Oooo Ooooo Oooooo Ooooo Oooo

So, it was with great amusement when I went to see Port in the AFL and found that Port supporters still make these gorilla noises when Port gets a goal. It really cracks me up.

Oooo Oooooo Oooooo Ooooooo.

It occurred to me ... this is my cultural heritage ... bloody gorilla noises ...

Ooooo Oooooo Ooooo Ooooooo

I love moonlighting at Port games in Melbourne, sitting in the cheer squad and making gorilla noises along with the rest of the Port yobboes.

Oooooo Ooooo Oooooo Oooooooo.

Apart from Alberton, I actually LIKED Norwood Oval. Great atmosphere. Sure the oval itself was sub-standard. But that stand behind the goals at the Parade end is a lot like the Sherrin Stand at Collingwood. And I reckon Norwood supporters are as feral as Collingwood supporters. I think it must be the Irish Catholic heritage. Norwood is South Australia's most Catholic football club and I believe it's no coincidence that a lot of Collingwood players have come from Norwood.

So ... it sounds like my favourite suburban ground was Norwood!!! Strewth. Whatever next. It was a great place to win at ... but an unbearable place to lose at.

Anyway ...

**Oooo Oooo Oooo Oooo**


I refer to my previous posts.......Neanderthals.....

And remeber the opening scenes from ' 2001 a Space Oddessy'

The Missing link exists...and he is alive and well on the hill at Alberton...

Ooooo, Ooooo, Ooooooo
As a Port supporter there is only one anwser to this queston, Alberton Oval. I have been going there since I was 6 to watch my beloved Magpies play. To me there was nothing more exciting as a Port Adelaide 3rd quarter run on when they would kill sides off with quick goals and then that Magpie chant would get started around the ground and you knew you had the game won then. Also standing in front of the members stand and hearing a load roar of disapproval when the umpire would play a bad free kick against Port. Finally walking out of the ground listening to the club song on our old PA system, which isn't very good because it always used to cut out and then a couple of seconds later would cut back in .
come home Alf, come home....

what are you doing over there with the Collingwood pretenders....

all will be forgiven.....

Cheer Cheer the Black and the White.

come home.....we know you want to.

Home is where the heart is, so step forward Arden Street. It only really hit me how many memories there are at the ground when I went there in the aftermath of the '98 Grand Final loss to Adelaide. I met up with a few other "true believers" and we wandered around the ground and pointed out the spots on the ground where certain events had happened in North's history. My favourite memory of the ground involved events that didn't happen on the field. As a youngster, I accidentally wandered into the North social club stand. A steward eventually noticed that I shouldn't have been in there (I didn't have one of those membership badges) and tried to get me out. The only problem for the steward was that there were these two old grannies (you know the type, every club has 'em....bless their hearts) wouldn't let him remove me and berated him until he let me stay.

I also used to spend plenty of time at the Western Oval watching the Doggies with a uni mate (who was something like a 3rd generation Footscray fan), and so, I've got a soft spot for that ground. We spent most of our time standing to watch the game, and would amuse ourselves with how fans of a clubs such as Melbourne and Hawthorn would be shitting themselves over having to enter the rough as guts land of Footscray to see their team play.

The ground that I've hated watching football at is Kardinia Park, although since I haven't been there for a while, I'm looking forward to the North game there this season. It's not a good ground for standing patrons.
I never found Vic Park or Kardinia Park that bad, but Windy Hill what a f*cking toilet, glad I never have to go there again.

Blue is the colour of healing - Music is the crystallised emotion - Flow with the Force
Even though i go for Carlton i use to go to Moorabbin alot because it was close to home and my old man supported them.I still remember in the eighties when the saints hardly won a game,but when they did everyone was happy.Some bloke even gave me $2 after they won and said go by a drink(soft drink that is-i was only about 10).But some bloke said the surface was good?Mate it was the worst surface i have ever seen-more mud then grass and any rain would turn it into a mud pit.But watching Tony Lockett on fire was great.In a way it's a shame all these old grounds have gone.You have to travel into the city to see a AFL game these days.So i usually go watch the local club,where i have a few mates play.
Having attended all the VFL suburban grounds - even Punt Rd and Brunswick St when the teams played there - I'd have to say the Junction Oval was my favourite. Big, sandy surface , easy to get to and get around and close to Acland St for a feed.

Princes Park and Arden St urinals were legendary - the 'animal cage' at Moorabin, and those ferals at Windy Hill. I was there in 83 on the coldest day ever, rain horizontal and everyone just intent on survival, when two guys in THONGS and short sleeve Bomber jumpers started complaining about the beer being too warm.

When the Lions played at PP, under the scoreboard was definately the spot. Crowds were so small, you could have had a barbie without any interference - and the smell of dope was enough to affect you in strange ways. It was also the only place where you could get drunk on Abbott's Lager.
My favourite ground without a doubt is Arden Street of course. We had reserved seating just in front of the old press box (next to the Grandstand)for many years, but we use to squeeze in on the fence with our flags and clappers. I remember one day, we were sitting on the fence and we were playing Melbourne, Brent Crosswell (Roos) and Tony 'Spud' Dullard start having a punch up right in front of us on the fence - and boy did we sh*t ourselves bigtime, we had no idea what to do, so we just sat there in horror...
My favourite is the old junction oval.

It was easy for us to get to via the Hawthorn Rd tram and watching from what I guess was the members wing was great.

Occasionally, we'd even win.
Best Suburban Ground for me would have to be a tie between Leederville Oval and Claremont Oval - I wouldn't really call Subiaco Oval a suburban ground, more as a bigger venue for AFL football (although this can be argued since Subiaco plays WAFL games there)

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What was your favourite suburban ground ..and why ?

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