Whats better - The Game or The Footy Show?

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Team Captain
Jul 10, 2000
AFL Club
Brisbane Lions
Whats better - The Game or The Footy Show?

I watch a bit of both shows for news about Brisbane but even though The Footy Show is funnier, the Game is definitely more informative...
On my scale, they are about even. Although, you are right golions about the fact that 'The Footy Show' is funnier but not as informative. Sometimes I think the Footy Show overact. They can be really stupid sometimes.It also takes the footy show ages to get on with info about the clubs. Halfway through they will tell us.

The FOOTY SHOW is better by miles.THE GAME should get rid of Dunstall.He's a whinging fat,bald dork.Timmy Watson will replace him next year.

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Well there is really no comparison. The Footy Show wins hands down. The Footy Show both informs and entertains. Although I have to wait till 12am on Friday morning to see it, as I live in NSW, its worth waiting up for. The other pales into insignificance against The Footy Show
No competition! The Footy Show is much much better, although they have had less footy and more giggles this year. I loved the cartoon by Fyfe on 'The Game' during the GF edition of the Footy Show.

The Game is decreasing in popularity over here in the west - with it being shown at 11pm on Thursdays instead of the 9.30pm timeslot because the footy show was murdering them in the ratings. You only have to look at C7s record on football programs, especially Live and Kicking - axed after just 1 year.

The only suprise I have was a show called '4 Quarters' hosted by Sandy Roberts which I loved, just wondering why that only lasted a year - It seemed to show potential
Sam & Eddie's ranting incoherent babbling crap annoy's the living hell outta me.. listening to Sam tout on about how f(_)cKin cool he is n Eddie crap on about the pies n the stupid constant references to his other ventures in life ARGHHHH!!!!!! someone hand me a gun and I'll finish it now !!!!!

On the other hand the Game guys can be dipsticks at times but at least they present us with more information n dun bulltish along for god knows how long before giving it to us..
I've tried to watch both shows, and usually fall asleep halfway through only to wake up about 1.30 to some damn shopping programme, and have a crick in my neck. So I can only pass opinion on the first two quarters, I think The Footy Show starts out better than The Game. Hope they both revamp and come back next year, would like to see the team lists come up earlier so I can go to bed and not get a stiff neck.
The Game is OK but I much prefer The Footy Show. I think it's a lot more funnier. I also really love Talking Footy. I think it's one of the best shows on TV. Always informitive, and sometimes very funny!

To "GoEagles": I agree, 4 Quarters was a great show. The reason why it was axed is not because it had bad ratings in Melbourne but because it didnt rate well in Sydney. So the bigwig's at Channel Seven Sydney got it axed. They wanted to spend money on something else, something that rated well in Sydney. Very bad move!
I have never seen such a shocking show like The Game. I will watch anything that's got something to do with footy, but geez, that piece of shit that is referred to as a footy show is pushing the limits. I agree it's fairly informative (dermie does etc.), but the dickheads at channel 7 go and promote it as comedy (ala footy show). Their attempts to entertain are lame as, and dermie, dunstall and shaw, laughing at their own jokes amongst themselves with silence from the crowd just tops it off. Talking footy is funnier (and the sad thing is that i'm f*ckin serious). I watch Talking footy, expecting analysis, and never walk away disapointed, whereas i watch the Game expecting entertainment, and just think to myself "why the f*ck am i watchin this shit, how long to the footy show".

The footy show is always a laugh with a fantastic mix, with Trev, players from various clubs, as opposed to the hawthorn bias on the Game, and you don't really expect the footy analysis anyway. If it didn't have Eddie with his constant shit in regards to Collingwood, it would just top it off.
Sammy is an absolute laugh. Does anyone listen to the Fight Club on MMM (melbourne) on Friday's? That is another top show.
The Footy Show...EASILY. I don't mind The Game but the Footy show (as everyone has said) is funnier. Think about it though, how much of the time does Sam actually bring up Collingwood first? A fair bit. And on Talking Footy, I find it pretty good but its timeslot is annoying because half the time I can't be stuffed staying up.

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Whats better - The Game or The Footy Show?

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