Where the Grand Final Should Be Played

  • Thread starter eagles_rule
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I think the AFL should tear up it's agreement with the MCC and let finals and the Grand Final be played at the correct venue. Why should an interstate team who finishes top of the ladder have to play a Grand Final at the MCG, that is absolute crap. I am a Victorian now living in WA and think it is pathetic that if the Eagles for arguements sake finished top of the ladder, then won all of their finals games, would have to play the GF at the "G". What advantage do interstate teams in finishing top and then winning all their finals games. None, it is now a National Competition, and should be played accordingly, instead of this blatant favourtism to the Victorian clubs. To all those who say if your not happy with it leave the Comp, remember it is the interstate clubs that saved the VFL (now AFL). You were all near on broke, and would be again if the interstate clubs left. It is time to form a superleague, and get rid of or at least merge these poor suburban clubs in Victoria such as the Bulldogs, Kangaroos, Saints, Hawks and posibly Geelong. Anyway im sure there will be a heap of people wanting to take me to task for what I have written, i can't wait to read what they have to say.
The MCG is the home of the Grand Final like Wembley is home of the F.A. Cup.

There is no home field advantage on the last Saturday in September. The Eagles and Crows have proved that in the 90's on 4 occasions.

I've got no problem with finals being played wherever. It's just that the Grand Final is supposed to pit the two best teams against one another to find the best team. The MCG is easily the fairest playing field so that is where the Grand Final should be staged.

Not to mention the historical aspect of the game being played there. In response to your inevitable question of being interstate clubs and therefore there being no historical aspect, if you don't like it, go and watch the WAFL or whatever it is called.

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Get a life Penis breath

Your facts are so wrong the VFL was strong until the other clubs joined and wrecked what we knew as the premier league

Y did players from all over the country come to the BIG mighty Vic and play there footy
Answer for the ex pin dick Victorian, there was more money here and the competition was stronger faster better and more skilful


The sun has fried your brain my friend until you build a bigger ground be off with u, the forum is for real topics not fantasies
As much as I too would LOVE to see the GF at Subi (one of the comps best stadiums as anyone with half a brain would realise, although it is too small), the MCG at Grand Final time is Mecca to a footy fan, and I for one will make the pilgrimage each time we're there!

However I do have a problem with the other AFL-MCC agreement about finals having to be played there each weekend.... you know the one. But I think that's been scrapped or is under revue, correct?

When the first all-interstate GF is played it will be pretty interesting. And I say when, not if.......
It seems to me that the only place outside of victoria that can handle the GF is Stadium Australia.
Lets wait and see if the ground is a worthwhile afl venue before we even think about moving.
Still.....even if Sydney does 1 day get a GF where do we go from there?????
NO the grand final will always stay at the MCG until all states have a worthy stadium,and we can share it evenly.
I am a Crows supporter from Adelaide and I beleive the only place for the GF is the MCG. Its the best ground in the country by far (appologies to Homebush & Docklands which I have not seen). I certainly would not want it played at Footy Park which does not have the capacity or I'm sad to say the atmosphere. I feel sorry for footy supporters from WA as its a fair trek to Melbourne for the GF, but luckily for for me only an 8 hour drive for us.

As for Gobby1's comments, well grow up.
Before the comp went national most of your clubs were broke. You were luring players from interstate with big contracts you couldn't afford & then often not paying them. This not only harmed your own comp but also those in SA & WA.

Footy had to grow or be swallowed up by the bum sniffers of Rugby League or soccer.
how anyone could ever suggest moving the gf from the mcg is absoluely beyond belief. Whether there be interstate teams or not, national competition or not, the mcg is the HOME OF FOOTBALL.

The MCG on grand final day is as neutral a ground as ever happens in footy. The exact number of gf tickets are offered to each club, whether interstate or victorian. So there should be little or no home ground advantage.

In fact, most of the tickets for the gf are sold to indifferent corporates anyway, so there really should be no home ground advantage. Also, if we played the gf at subiaco or somewhere small like that the afl wouldn't be able to sell as many of these corporate tickets - costing them and the clubs money.

I don't think that anyone really wants to see the grand final become some kind of travelling show that goes of to every nook and cranny that the comp is played in. Let's keep it at the G - where the game was born and still belongs.


2000: year of the bomber
cant beleive you got this many considered responses to such a stupid topic.
it belongs @ the G, it aint moving and thats that.
GF @ subi....duh..........

Arch we're not saying the grand final should be played at Subi, Footy Park, Gabba ect . . the point is the fairness in a interstate team winning all their final games and deserving the big game to played on their turf. For the non Victorian teams it cuts up a whole day of grand final preperation along with the fact that they have to change training plans for the grand final parade in the streets.
At the MCG. Why should an "interstate" team, as you put it, be the only one to have their fans at the game? A GF at Subi or the Gabba in front of 30,000?? Yeah, dream on.

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I don;t know why an Eagles supporter is complaining, after all they did steal two Grand Finals at the MCG.

The MCG is the place for the GF. End of story.
I am a Victorian. But until all Victorians underestand that their is life outside Victoria, the game of Aussie Rules will fade away.
The archaic deal that the AFL has with the MCG about playing a weekly final the the G, is plain wrong.
Whether we like it or not it is a national competition.
WHat would happen to the competition if all the interstate teams got sick of the Victorian bias of the competition, and created their own competition.The Victorian teams would flounder, big time.The revenue generated from sponsorships, television rights, need a healthy national competition.
melbourne is struggling to finance the teams they have now, let alone without the revenue from the interstate teams.
Wake up Victorians, we are not the be al and end all of Australia Football. Other states such as South and Western Australia are Aussie Footy obsessed.Just because we feel the home of Footy is here, doesn't make it right.
gocatsgo how can you "steal" a grand final from another team? haven't you ever heard of the best team on the day wins?

Karen - It's nice to hear some support from a Victorian, the debate isn't non vics vs vics but how fair it is for one team to travel and not have any advantage. I know if a final had to be played in adelaide or sydney each week you guys would be cheesed off. Try looking at it from a non Victorian point of view.

And as for the comment that Subiaco only holds 30,000 . . . It's actually 42,500 now - and at least we always get sell out crowds over here - unlike Colonial
So GoEagles, you reckon the GF should be played at a stadium that holds less than half the MCG?

BTW, there were 42,000 at Colonial the last time I went, and sellout or not, that's still better than most crowds at Subi :)
I think a few people have missed the point.
The Gf should be played at the MCG.
All the other finals should be played according to the finals system, not an AFL deal done with the MCG.
How would Essendon or Collingwood supporters feel if it was their teams forced to play interstate when they should have played in their home state.
I am a Victorian.
I get so sick of people complainging that their Melbourne based team doesn't play 11 or 12 home games as the interstate teams do.
Essendon play 18 games in Melbourne.
Bulldogs play 16 games in Melbourne.
Richmond play 17 games in Melbourne
Melbourne play 17 games in Melbourne
Hawthorn play 17 games in Melbourne.
Carlton play 18 games in Melbourne.
Collingwood play 17 games in Melbourne.
St Kilda play 17 games in Melbourne.
I would love to hear the outcry if Carlton or Essendon had to travel 11 times per year across the lenght or breadth of the country. Whether we like it or not it is not a level playing field, and we Vicorians have the best deal out of the National Competition.
This is one I'm not even going to enter into
I'd love to see it, but it won't happen. I'll be satisfied to make the pilgrimage each time we make the GF though... but do we all agree the MCC arrangement should be scrapped? You know that's what cost Essendon the '99 flag!

BTW/ Pseudo-Eagle_fan -get your own username! This is mine and it has been for months!

Bye, Eagle_Fan (NOT Eagle_fan or Eagles_rule or GoEagles or whatever..... Geez we West Coasters are so imaginative!)
Originally posted by getaway:
I get so sick of people complainging that their Melbourne based team doesn't play 11 or 12 home games as the interstate teams do.
Essendon play 18 games in Melbourne.
Bulldogs play 16 games in Melbourne.
Richmond play 17 games in Melbourne


How many of these are against teams that don't play in Melbourne - ie TRUE home games? Not 10 that's for sure.
I also am a Victorian living in W.A, but fortunately the sun hasn't fried my brains.
The GF anywhere but the "G", only a Moron would suggest that.
Go Bombers.


Dave - You said "Essendon play 18 games in Melbourne." which means that they travel interstate only 4 times this year. Their supporters can still go to the 7 other "non home games" so really only 4 games they will be at a disadvantage and I'm predicting they will only have 4 defeats this year based on this assumption (Or maybe only 2 losses since they beat Freo and Brisbane away)

Take a team like Fremantle for example - half their games are at subi/waca and the rest are interstate which means their fans cant go interstate and see them every time (unlike essendons situation) . . so I predict Freo will win possibly 11 games.
To Eagles Rule,
An intersting fact about the draw :

*10 games where they get a home ground advantage.

*10 games where they are at a disadvantage

* 2 neutral (both agaist Fremantle)

*4 games where we get an advantage (against non-victorian sides in Melbourne)

* 4 games where we are at a disadvantge (when we travel interstate)

* 14 games that are Neutral (agaisnt other Victorian teams at the MCG or Colonial)

The net result is that the West Coast, and Essendon are treated equally in the draw. Both teams "advantageous" games are cancelled out by the exact same number of "dis-advantageous" games. Essendon play more neutral than West Coast do, but we also get less games where we get an advantage.

Now, lets look at Carlton :

* 9 games where they get an advantage

* 4 games where they are at a disadvantage (when they travel interstate)

* 9 games that are neutral


Geelong also get more "advantageous" games than "dis-advantageous" games, meaning they get an advantage overall. This was much more pronounced in past years when the Cats played 9 or 10 games at Shell Stadium. This year they only play 7.

But the Cats stil get a better draw than most other teams.

To getaway,

Don't you realise there are "neutral games" ?? West Coast don't have any "neutral" games (except against Freo). Essendon play 18 matches in Victoria, which is great for supporters, but it doesn't help you win games. Especially if you get a "home" match against Carlton at the MCG, then another "home" match against Richmond at the MCG. There is no advantage whatsoever.

Look at my statsistics above and you will see that Essendon and the West Coast are treated EXACTLY the same in the 2000 draw.

I hope my above post will put some sense into you.

With all due respect, you seem like a nice guy, but you've a bad case of "I hate Victoria-itis"

You've got to understand, that while Essendon is only at a disadvantage 4 times in 2000, we only have an advantage 4 times as well.


Not just Essendon, that goes for a lot of other Victorian teams as well.

I mean, how would you like it if the Eagles only got a true home ground advantage 4 times.

Like I said above, it's great for supporters, because it means we can go to 18 games, but because 14 of these games are neutral, it doesn't exactly help you win games does it ?

Look, here's how it should be :

All finals are played at the deserved venue in the first three weeks. Treat all the teams equally and get rid of that STUPID MCG contract. But ALWAYS play the Grand Fianl at the MCG. (with the possible exception of when the Northern stand gets rebuit, it may be common-sense to play the Grand Final at the 110,000 Homebush, rather than a 70,000 MCG.....it would only be for one year)

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Where the Grand Final Should Be Played

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