Which Bigfooty member should replace Malcolm Blight on the "TALKING FOOTY" couch?

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Brownlow Medallist
Jan 23, 2000
AFL Club
Other Teams
post count: 38,986
OK, first they mentioned Dunstall, and possibly Tim Watson.

2 weeks ago, they even said Kevin Bartlett was a chance. Personally, I would LOVE to see KB get the gig (even though he now won't) as I love his attitude and how he has his own opinions and isn't afraids to want change if it's needed. He'd be great in a forum such as Talking footy.

BUT, who here from BigFooty should sit next to Mike Sheahan and Gerard Healy? Who would be most suited......Ahem!!

I could see BSA, Roylion, or CJH all being prepared to ask tough questions and back them up with compelling evidence, stats, and even observations.

There are hepas of other posters too. I'd love to do it, to "plug" my top spot system (which all the coaches know about anyway !!)

So, the question is :

Who from bigfooty would be the best "on the couch" ?
I think KB would never get the gig because the light reflects of his bald scone. That is why he had to wear a cap all the time when he did the league teams show!

My nomination for the seat on Talking Footy would be Roylion

Also, maybe we could get Mags to do a Doug Hawkins type roving reporting role!

This is a hallucination and these faces are in a dream. A computer generated environment; a fantasy island you can do anything and not have to face the consequences.

[This message has been edited by CJH (edited 07 December 2000).]
I love it, Dan goes fishing, fishing for BigFooty adulation. He does the norm, gives a few members a bouquet of barbed wire, oh it doesn't look like barbed wire of course, it is most clever by giving others the recognition they deserve. Yet he hopes that this will give him the vote to sit on the couch, after all, he would love to do it, and it is his God given right, he is a Bomber and a Bomber is the best and Danny boy has the stats to prove it.

Hey he has to plug his top spot system, bloody awful if you are subject to zits and have to plug them, then again I guess if you have acne you will try anything. And it is always comforting if you have skin problems if you also support the top team, top supporters, top merchandise, top BigFooty " I am never wrong poster and if you dare to question me, you are an Essendon hater through jealousy or obviously a moron."

Gosh, all the coaches know about your top spot system, so who better to select on the couch from BigFooty but the biggest blind pimple of all, those nasty ones that never come to a head so you can squeeze, you just have to suffer the pain until they heal themselves.

Yep, you get my vote, you are absolutely the top spot for selection.

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yeah G4E for me....

Mike S : lets look at this footage....now the umpire is clearly out of position to make that call...let's look at it from another angle....

G4E : Shut the F*ck up Mike. Your mums **** sag.

Mike S: O......K....let's cut to a break.

i vote me as I wouldnt hesitate to punch sheahan in the mouth on the first week, and then one of you can take over with your stats, top spot propaganda and amazing footy wisdom for the remaining 25 weeks.

couldn't resist this
I think I know who you are, very amusing post. My vote would be for Shinners, even though he is naturally a little bit biased towards the Roos, he is still fair & comes up with well thought out comments.
I wish I could be like that, but I am too goddamn one eyed.


[This message has been edited by sandie (edited 08 December 2000).]
BSA for mine. Well thought out posts but still maintains the passion for his team. Anyway now that it is no longer the VFL
maybe we should have some interstate support on the couch.
Thanks elt

But I would respectfully decline, after all having a Swans fan (and a Kiwi to boot)would be just too awful for Mike and co. to contemplate.

My vote nomination must go to Pessimistic, I'm already looking forward to those nasty needling little points of discussion he always raises.

The nervous looks exchanged between Healy and Sheehan, the embarrassed silences as they um and ah over Pess' latest little difficult question.

Oh yes priceless television, I can hardly wait.

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Carey_Is_King would be my choice. Having read many of his posts on the Official Roos Phorum I tend to agree with a lot of what he says about the Roos, and find him realistic to the point where it aggravates many other posters. Also very quick with a put-down and doesn't tolerate stupidity, so not only would you be replacing Blighty on TF, you'd have to get rid of those other two clowns who'd run home crying to mum after the first show with CIK.
I'd vote Rooboy.

Could you imagine the debate they'd have over where WAYNE is listed in Noddy's top 50.
It would be worth it just to see someone get stuck into Noddy.

Mags and G4E could be new panelists on THE GAME.
Oh,they've already got two idiots [Dunstall and Shaw].

"Absatively Posilutely"
Or maybe this could work??? Having a different BF poster on the couch every week??? That way we would all get to enjoy Arch punching Mike Sheahan (hey do they give logies for such champagne television??? I would vote for it LOL) and folks like Pess and BSA, Shinners, etc etc each get a turn to get on and confuse the hell out of Sheahan and Healy.
It'd be enough to keep me tuning in.............
Yes I'd have Carey_Is_King as well for his jaded realism - hopefully sometime during the year they could get Corey McKernan to come in and sit next to CIK on the couch.
Id give the whole 'Talking Footy' three the flick and bring in Westy for the heartland Vic supporters, BSA for the interstate viewpoint, and finally for something different, Bee for a womens take on the game.

but sainter,Arch,Rooboy,CHJ etc would all make great panelists im sure.
That'd be Corey's 2 premiership medals, his Clayton's Brownlow (ie - paper photocopy stuck onto a flattened coke can), and the Norm Smith medal he could have had, excpet for that first quarter of the 96 GF when Stafford slaughtered him. Corey played a great last 3 quarters, so any of Archer, Schwass, Carey or McKernan could have got the medal.

Kill With Power!!!

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Which Bigfooty member should replace Malcolm Blight on the "TALKING FOOTY" couch?

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