Which is the "Team of the Century"

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30k Posts 10k Posts HBF's Milk Crate - 70k Posts TheBrownDog
Sep 13, 2000
Melbourne cricket ground. Australia
AFL Club
Other Teams
(or the Channel 7 memorial Cup)

Which 'team of the century' is the best?

I went looking for teams and here is what I have so far

Adelaide - Not found
Brisbane - Not found

Carlton from the carlton website http://www.carltonfc.com.au/

B Comben / St. Silvagni / G Southby
J James / B Deacon / Bruce Doull
G Crane / G Williams / C Bradley
W Johnston /S Kernahan / A Jesualenko
K Hands / H Vallence / R Ashman

Nicholls / Se. Silvagni / A Gallagher

R Walls
M Fitzpatrick
K Hunter
T Keogh
L Kerr
B Chitty
H Clover

Not a bad team - a possible semi finalist I think

Are there any carlton fans who want to coach this team in our Knockuot Competition ?

[This message has been edited by Pessimistic (edited 07 February 2001).]
When i first came on BigFooty, i posted my overall team of the century, and im pretty sure (although not 100% certain) i posted my team of the century for each club. I looked through the search on this site and i couldn't find the team of the century for each club. If anyone finds it, could they please tell me, because i would like to save it onto my hard-drive again. Can't Remember how it got deleted.
If anyone finds it, it would not only be good for me, but it would probably be useful for them as it would give a good guideline to the quesiton posed by Pess.

visit the Easts Cricket Club - <A HREF="http://www.eastscricket.com.au" TARGET=_blank>www.eastscricket.com.au
A must for anybody into statistics - http://cromulent.freehosting.net/

[This message has been edited by WCE2000 (edited 07 February 2001).]

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No, Sandie, your efforts are appreciated but that is not the one i'm looking for. I also did a team of the century for 12 clubs, which im pretty sure i posted on Big Footy. I would really appreciate if someone could find it, because it was deleted from my hard-drive (somehow), and the only way i can retrieve is if i can cut-copy and past from Big Footy.

visit the Easts Cricket Club - <A HREF="http://www.eastscricket.com.au" TARGET=_blank>www.eastscricket.com.au
A must for anybody into statistics - http://cromulent.freehosting.net/

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Which is the "Team of the Century"

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