Who here is sick of Collingwood??

  • Thread starter Jimbo
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I say "build them up", Know what they say the bigger they are, the harder they fall, and boy are those pies gunna fall.

Sit back and enjoy the fun.
It's not the Players, I like the way they play with spirit. It's eddie, everyones pig sick of him

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Ah yes.

Someone has started a board to bag Collingwood.

It's a shame your own clubs don't give you enough pleasure.

Read the paranoia.

You can feel the anxiety.

You're like a bunch of children huddled in the corner afraid of what might happen.

We are Collingwood.

It has begun.
Jaffa is exactly what Im talking about - listen to her!

Yea Yea collingwood are here, there and everywhere! Lets see how they are going after round 22!!

Lets see who they have beaten this season:
Hawthorn - struggling immensly!!
Adelaide - dont even need to comment!
Carlton - they finally got them back after seasons of copping it - Carlton are also in somewhat of a rut it seems!
Sydney - their best effort this season, Sydney arnt much, just beat Melb at home, and it could have gone either way!

The only team so far this season who can really gloat are the bombers, NOT the pies - but mapie fans will never change!!
Even Mick Malthouse is starting to believe his own press.

OH it is gunna be so much fun.

What they say about Cakewalks, they just make me laugh, too much. The sad thing is that they ask for it.
Jaffa is a he.

Jaffa has made no outlandish predictions.

Jaffa is a Collingwood supporter who is happy at the current form of the side. As any supporter of any club would be if in the same situation.

I'm just happy to go along for the ride at the moment. I haven't said we will make the eight. I'm not predicting premierships. I'm not an idiot.

What I do know is that Collingwood is a football club that has a proud history and a passionate supporter base. We don't worry about other clubs. We couldn't give a shit what they are doing. Why? Because we aren't so insecure that we need to rubbish other clubs so we feel good. We are The Collingwood Football Club.

You can have your board Jimbo because you, my friend, are an insecure little turd. You are paranoid about the Collingwood Football Club. You are scared shitless that we will once again become a power. I pity those that feel the need to rubbish other clubs because their own clubs have a tragic history.

Sooky, sooky, la la.

Go to Jimbo's board everyone, where insecurity and paranoia will reign supreme.

If this is how worried Jimbo is after 4 wins, I don't think Jimbo will be with us much longer.
I seem to remember only a couple of years ago the colliwobbles winning five in a row at the start of the season and still missing the finals. If I were you I wouldn't gloat just yet! Meet North or the bombers or geelong at the moment and you would lose.
Jaffa - u say 'it has begun' - what exactly has begun??

Also, you talk about your proud history - what have you done since 1936? 3 flags, thats it! sure you guys were good in the 20's and 30's - but since then your history isnt far off that of Footscray (and we all know what Jack Elliott thinks of Footscrays history).

actually, its not a bad change seeing collingwood win a couple, but I think 4 is more than enough for them! Soon they are gonna think they are a carlton or an essendon!!
The Bulldogs thing was pretty interesting wasn't it ?

We certainly stuck it up John Elliot seemed to be the feeling

How about a premiership, Bulldogs ? That would really stick it up them.
Jaffa is right! Why does all this sort of stuff set in after we have only won four games in a row, so don't worry about us. Just ignore u, okay? The only reason we like it because this is the most success we have had in a long time, please don't include 1997 because that was a load of crap. We KNOW we have the makings of a powerful team, this isn't wishing thinking as most of you will put it down to. No one was sick of Eddie before Collingwood starting winning either! And what has Eddie done wrong except be the most passionate President and supporter in the league, all he wants is for the good of Collingwood and for the good of the game. He, unlike "Pig's Ass" Elliot doesn't have alterior motives! Just don't be so scared of Collingwood becoming a powerhouse so soon, like i said , afterall we have a only won four games so lets just wait and see! I love it thoguh because all the hat efor Collingwood is already creeping back in!
Jaffa everything you say makes sense except,
you stated you are not an idiot. Barracking for Collingwood sure defeats that statment!!

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Save it for your board Jimbo.

I'm quite comfortable being a Collingwood supporter.
A true football follower would know that Essendon have the most overconfident supporters in the league. They also clearly have the worst supporters. Going to Windy Hill was dangerous with all of their yobbo supporters looking for fights. The Broadmeadows Bombers would be a more fitting name. And God help us if Richmond have a successful run. They make Collingwood look tame.
"It's not the Players, I like the way they play with spirit. It's eddie, everyones pig sick of him", damn right I could not agree more.

Most recent reasons why I am sick of Eddie

*He gets Elliot & Diamond Joe on his show because their views happen to agree with his ,ie They will say the things he is too gutless to say. Eddie can you say conflict of interest?

*Blatant inflammatory remarks like “ they’ll tear the place down if they can’t get in”. Good one Eddie – would he take responsibility if this did happen and someone got hurt.

*Him and Sam goading Jose in to bagging the tribunal, then paying his fine – that one set a dangerous precedent.

*Gets Buckley on the panel so they can form a mutual admiration society – figjam

And these are just the most recent ones. I’m watching Derm from now on.
I think I hit you once mk. Weedy little guy , no hair sorta ****y face ?
Essendon have heaps of supporters full stop! Yobbos, working class, middle class and rich - everyone seems to follow the might bombers!

Windy Hill was never dangerous! (not for us dons fans anyway!

I also reckon we have the best looking female variety of supporters!
Collingwood on the other hand - yuuk! the majority of their chick fans could play front row for the wallabies!!

mk i notice you are trying to bag essendon fans as yobbos - Im from melbournes western suburbs, but at least weve got the passion to go every bloody week rain, hail and shine - and dont need the comfort of a glass window in between us and the game!
we are the real fans, not you stuck up, yuppie ****tas who call yourselves fans!!

Thing is its all the rich, yuppie ****tas who get grand final tickets, and us mere mortal members who have to que up all friggen week like idiots!
But, its supporters like us who make footy, not youse!!!
Yaah, Essendon have bben real impressive. Who have they beaten?
1. Port Adelaide - big accomplishment!!
2. Richmond - Freo even beat them!
3. Freo - That was a real blockbuster!
4. Hawthorn - How may games have they won?

And of course we cant forget the gliders lost to the Blues by 1 pt in the PF last year. Chokers!!!! WHAT HAVE THE BOMBERS DONE IN THE LAST 15 YEARS?

They have won a premiership. So have Collingwood!
They have lost a GF - to Collingwood!
They have dipped out in the PF by 1 pt twice - chokers!!!!

They have missed the finals 5 times and even if Jimbo the dickwit is right about collingwood not being sucessful for 60 years, in those 60 years Essendon still havent been able to catch up to Collingwood's number of Finals and Grand Final appearances. So Jimbo go have a holiday at next years Mardi Gras and take Lloydy with you.You guys will really fit in and you wont even have to change your clothing.
Yeah, Essendon have been real impressive. Who have they beaten?
1. Port Adelaide - big accomplishment!!
2. Richmond - Freo even beat them!
3. Freo - That was a real blockbuster!
4. Hawthorn - How may games have they won?

And of course we cant forget the gliders lost to the Blues by 1 pt in the PF last year. Chokers!!!! WHAT HAVE THE BOMBERS DONE IN THE LAST 15 YEARS?

They have won a premiership. So have Collingwood!
They have lost a GF - to Collingwood!
They have dipped out in the PF by 1 pt twice - chokers!!!!

They have missed the finals 5 times and even if Jimbo the dickwit is right about collingwood not being sucessful for 60 years, in those 60 years Essendon still havent been able to catch up to Collingwood's number of Finals and Grand Final appearances. So Jimbo go have a holiday at next years Mardi Gras and take Lloydy with you.You guys will really fit in and you wont even have to change your clothing.
Who's sick of Collingwood? I am. Just when you think you've got rid of them, the bastards always come back.

Last season they were a joke, lots of young blokes running around all day never giving the game up, just giving the ball up at every opportunity. You could beat them last year, and everyone did, but it wore you out doing it.

This year they've got even more young blokes, never seen anything like it, and they still run all day. It's bloody tiring just watching them, I'd hate to be playing them.

Take last week. Anybody who watched the game could tell that the Swans were the more skillfull team, but the bloody little Pies just kept coming and coming, wouldn't stop until eventually Sydney wore out and they stopped.

The most annoying thing is that they only have about 3 guys with any experience yet they've won 4 in a row. It's like a disney movie about an american college team.

I just wish they'd go away.
So let me get this straight.

Jimbo is an Essendon supporter.

An Essendon supporter is so paranoid about Collingwood that he has dedicated a board to the great club.

I must say that it is an honour that we are still so despised that insecurity and paranoia is seemingly running rampant down at Windy Hill.

Or is Jimbo just an exception? An embarrassment to all Essendon supporters? I kind of thought that Essendon could rely on their own history to not even think about other clubs.
Do you idiot collingwood suppoters get it?
You have to be in a PF to even lose it. I know it's been a long time between finals BUT how thick can you be? What you would rather come last just grab first pref in the draft Typical!!@!
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