Who saw "GLADIATOR" ?

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Brownlow Medallist
Jan 23, 2000
AFL Club
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post count: 38,986
I couldn't believe how good Gladiator was. The sets, the epic scenery, the scope and vision of the director. It was awesome.

It was a bit lke Titanic. Not in the story or anything, but in the epic nature of the movie. A timeless piece of cinema. I'm going to see it again.

I'd show it to the Essendon boys to fire them up for the rest of the season.

Has anyone else seen it ? if not, see it NOW. It is one of those "must see" movies.

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how about that opening battle scene with the Germanians !!!!!
That was the best damn bit of the whole movie. Those romans must have kicked some seriuos arse back in the ancient times. They wouldve been so well organized.


- What happened at the end with that back stab by Caesar???? I have been arguing that it was poison, and thats why Russel Crowe dies, while my mate reckons he just loses blood and dies. If it wasnt poison then surely he couldnt die from that little wound, considering what he cops throughout the movie.
how did you interpret that bit ????

I'll tell you what: not since The Fifth Element (and maybe Evil Dead III: Army of Darkness prior to that) have I even considered seeing a movie at the theatre more than once. I will be going back to see Gladiator at least one more time.

Deep characters, fine plot, excellent acting. Amazing recreation of the city of Rome at its very height. Fantastic fight scenes, but they weren't central to the movie other than to establish the skill of the main character as a leader and fighter.

The first time the slaves are waiting to enter the arena in the provinces was actually scary. I can't say that about too many scenes in any movie I've seen recently.
that doesnt surprise me at all. The only thing is (without knowing much ancient roman history) is that alot of their opponents were probably a rabble of savages who had no hope anyway.

PS-ever read the asterix books ?????? Where are the Gauls in Gladiator ???? LOL.
Fifth Element??? WORST FILM I EVER SAW!!!

Obelix would kick Russell Crows arse too.

Did you know there is an Asterix theme park? I didnt realise he was so old, 40! Asterix has an internet site too, but I lost it

The Asterix animated films were pretty good to, the vs ceaser was probably the best.

ps if you want to see something stunning on the big screen see if you can find a theatre playing AKIRA. Awesome stuff.
AKIRA!!!!! - the dark neon nightmare.
Hard to keep track of whats going on- but who cares !!!! Brilliant futuristic scenery, animation, disgusting creatures, halucinations, decapitations and kick arse motor bike wars.
Definitely worth a view.

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Hey Arch - the main fight scene in the colosseum is between "our hero" and, you guessed it "Titus of Gaul".

Oh - and a few assorted tigers as well!
There is only ONE manga and it is AKIRA. Everything else pales. Though Legend of the Overfiend, Nausicca, Crying Freemanand Ghost in the Shell are all good. Many of them are all video release only.

Did anyone see City of Lost Children on the big screen? Now that was something visually stunning.

Enough movie stuff though
Saw it on the weekend, absolute crraaacker!
If the Bombers go through and win the big one with few losses I think I'll start calling them the "Spaniards" or "Maximus Dons".

How bad arse cool
was the Crowe Man. I think I'd rather fight Wallace (Braveheart) than Maximus, "the blade sticks in the frost," ha ha ha sensational. Was that Mark McVeigh who got creamed with a mallet in the first fight poor sucker.

I love all that Roman Army stuff, saw a doco not long ago about it and those giant cross bows that fired the spears had about the same velocity as a modern howitser. Also the level of organisation they had was not duplicated again until the Nepolianic wars, unbelievable.

Hey can't wait to see The Patriot with Mel Gibson, its got canon balls bouncing along the ground slamming into troops (oow, thats gotta hurt).
Looking forward to the Patriot as well Rice80

We've had some great depictions of combat on film recently, Saving Private Ryan showed what it was like in WWII, Gladiator showed what warfare in Ancient Roman times might have looked like but 'The Patriot' promises to do the same for the era of smooth bore muskets where soldiers had to line themselves up and walk to within 60 yards of the enemy to bring necessary firepower to bear.

If you are a war-movie buff like me then this latest Mel Gibson effort should not disapppoint...
I'm a bit of a war movie fan, but 'The Dirty Dozen' was about the only older war movie that I liked. Haven't seen Das Boot yet though. I do remember a good movie that I believe was called 'Napoleon' - saw that quite a few years ago.

Not until recent years have high-profile studios been brave enough (or had the special effects expertise) to _really_ show the average movie-goer the gritty details of war. It is dirty, scary, cold, painful; anything but glorious.

Let's see how they go with the Mel vehicle.
Thoroughly recommend Das Boot to you Bluey but do try and see the restored Directors Cut form 1999 rather than the more common 1982 original.

If ever you had a romantic notion about going to sea and serving in submarines, this gritty and compelling drama will quickly change your outlook.
if you ppl havent seen Platoon yet and you say your war movie buffs so i hope you have cos that movie is awesome and if you didnt see The Thin Red Line cos of the SPR rush then i thoroughly recommend puts a whole new spin on war its very good but very different.
If you only like war movies for the blood and guts then dont bother.

2000 the year of the eagle
Very old film (and a great book too) on war and its horrors it All quiet on the Western Front. Told from a German point of view in WW1.
The Napoleon reference reminded me of the Duelists, great personal account of enemies on the same sides in that Napoleonic era.

Das Boot the directors cut is like BA said brilliant.
Glad you raised All Quiet on the Western Front Grendel - still easily the best of the old-time war movies. The book is a literary masterpiece that I read in school then again years later.

There are two versions on film, the 1934 original and a made for Television movie from 1978 starring Ernest Borgnine and Richard Thomas. Both versions are superb, the older movie is more dramatic and the battle sequences are bigger and really bring home the vast scale and dreadful futility of the conflict.

The Telemovie is also very good but is smaller in scale, has better acting, is in colour and importantly has a clearly audible soundtrack !

A great story brilliantly realised for the screen in either version. Haven't seen the Thin Red Line but am looking forward to it as I have heard it is a very different kind of war movie/.

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Who saw "GLADIATOR" ?

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