Should another channel besides channel 7 have the broadcasting right for footy. Over the past year seven has become more and more money hungry and their telecast is starting to show it with more ad breaks which last longer. Channel 9 have a good broadcast for cricket, maybe they could try and get it? Over here in the west ABC have quite good coverage of Westar but they would probably be outbidded. Nine probably has the most money with Packer and a bit of competition may be good for us footy fans who have to watch footy at home. Just a query, in the east, particularly Vic, even if a game is sold out, does seven still resort to showing the game delayed or does it choose to show it live cause when theres a sellout here they still play the game 2 hours later!!!!!!
[This message has been edited by Visro (edited 04 October 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Visro (edited 04 October 2000).]