Why does Victoria steal other states youth?

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Nov 13, 2000
Is it because Victorians are shit at footy? Yes why else would they pick players from other states. The lure our youth over to victoria with big pay packets and cheat in the salary cap.


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Eccles, Gallagher, Johnson, McLeod, Perrie, Stenglein, Stevens, Angwin, Handby, Hewitt, Smith, Bishop, Guerra, Lockwood, Kingsley, Montgomery, Murray, Murray, Paxman, Primus, Schofield, Stevens.

All names of players from interstate playing AFL football with SA clubs. I've probably missed a few as well.

Do us a favour. Go play with your Pokemon cards.
I predict a long and outstanding presence for Stengas on these boards.

NOT!!!! underevolved, inadequate, and just plain stupid. What cabinet position do you hold?
Ummm Stengas!! As a fellow Crow fan please think before you post.

Crows #1 & #2 & #3 picks at the draft were from where??????????????????

At least Port had the sense to draft brothers so they will have less of the homesick trades later on.
Victorians shit at footy hahahahaha If it wasnt for us u wouldnt even be in big footy right now. Big footy is an AFL site don't u rememeber where it all started ---> It was called VFL!

oh and the answer, we steal them coz we can. Victoria is Footyland and every player whos got footy in their blood kills to play here!

sPiDeR eVeRiTt and RiCkY oLaReNsHaW
~kewlest players round!!!
Well it certainly WAS the VFL, but now its the AFL. I think footy has come a long way since the AFL was started. I think everyone dreams of playing at the MCG but plenty of local guys dream of playing for their state teams rather than a Vic side. Makes sense really with family and mates all around.
I am also certain that you are proud of any player that comes from your state. I know all WA people are proud of Wowoedin.

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It's just the problem of too many Victorian teams combined with a draft that has no recognition for state boundaries. Victorians make up about 50% of the players, 50% of the supporters, yet have 62.5% of the teams. With the abscene of any sort of zoning system, you're always going to have a larger flow of players into Victoria than out of it. <troll> West Sydney/Canberra Kangaroos and Southport Saints onwards! </troll>

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 18 November 2000).]
where did you come up with those figures, I guess out of your arse, only 50% victorian players & 50% victorian supporters, I won't even go in to the rest. Get a life, I know it is hard living in bloody boring wa.

Stengas, skillfil footballers will travel to the moon just to play footy. Yes, ideally they wouldn't want to go too far and they might start off somewhere local, but once, their contracts are up or being redrafted they will go where they can.

Welcome to the jungle
Sandie, it's only boring for you because you have no friends...
I think WA is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whats with all the West Aussie bagging on your behalf sandie? It's not very nice! I think you should find a job in Victoria!!!
LOL!!! You mean chicken!!!

Eagles Rock!Go Ben and Jaxon!

Straight out of an AFL discussion paper. For approximate supporter following from each state, refer p34 of 'Competitiveness on the field and uncertainty of outcomes - Equalisation strategies of the AFL' (published by the AFL):
Share of national TV audience (1997 data)
Victoria 46%
SA/WA/Tas 36.3%

It's fair to assume that if Victorians make up 46% of the TV audience, they make up about the same proportion of AFL support.

Once again, the source on player numbers comes from an AFL paper - 'AFL - a national game'
While I don't have exact figures on the origin of players (which someone could do if they had the time), I do have the figures on transfer fees to each state - which are given when a player is drafted and reaches a certain number of AFL games (and there is no discrimination - a player from Victoria is allocated the same transfer fee as a player from Tassie), so it is fair to assume that the proportion of players coming from each state is similar to the proportion of transfer fees going to each state.
1999 Transfer Fees
NSW/ACT - $238,500 - 5.7%
NT - $44,830 - 1.1%
Queensland - $87,850 - 2.1%
SA - $907,500 - 21.9%
Tasmania - $44,830 - 1.1%
Victoria - $2,025,120 - 48.9%
WA - $790,850 - 19.1%

Once again, about half, and none of these figures were 'pulled out of my arse'.

I recommend you do your homework next time.
Lol Cq!

Picture this ok...

Ur victorian footy player who has lived in victoria for all your life. Then u get picked up in the draft by the crapy crows and what do u think as a youngster when this happens....

Thats right THUCKING HELL SOUTH AUSTRALIA not that thucking Backwards Land ahhhh NOOOO HELP ME PLZ!

U Tell me if u would get homesick if u are staying (No Sorry More Like STUCK) in Sa ok! How would u fell ok!

I know how i would!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats For Sure
I was just repeating what was on the front page of the West Australian last week.

Sorry, but that doesn't back up your statements, as you said you are assuming that the percentage of people watching TV would be the same as the number who support footy.
That is hardly fact.
Secondly you take 1 years transfer fees to back up your statement about where players come from.
Get back to me when you have accurate figures, not just assumptions.

I'm new to this forum and have no idea where this message will end up. I am trying to reply to Rob's message regarding the statistics on AFL supporters and trading interstate for Victoria.


Firstly, I must admit that your original post did seem to be comparing a true figure to one that you had fabricated.

But you backed that up well and I am almost convinced. But you assumed that since Victorians make up 46% of the TV audience, then they should represent a similar proportion of total AFL support.

I disagree. The average Victorian has access to far more live games than his/her interstate counterpart. Victoria has far more active AFL grounds (don't know the figures off hand) than other states, and they can see numerous games live each weekend if they so desire. In stark contrast, I live in Brisbane. People like me can see on average one live game per fortnight. Therefore a far greater proportion of AFL supporters in my situation will watch an equivalently greater amount of games on TV.

I would prefer to see the true figure, rather than an estimate based on TV ratings.

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Why does Victoria steal other states youth?

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