Why hate Carlton?

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Jun 28, 2000
Everyone I know who is not a Carlton supporter absolutely despises them. As I Carlton supporter I hate Essendon Collingwood and North, but there are other teams such as Hawthorn, West Coast and Melbourne that I don't mind. It is probably because they are the most successful team in history and the only ones who have some sort of dignity. Others also hate them because they are the only team with a true home ground in Melbourne. They are a proud club but they are not arrogant. They have some champ players who are likeable.They are not dirty players, they are honest, hard at the ball and fair. They also have the best club colors in terms of footy accessories. So why does everyone hate us so much?
Dignity ? they are the only club in the league with a Nazi Facist as a president ? they wanted to kill off the Sydney Swans so that they could play all their 'away' matches at the SCG so they could have 'another' home ground advantage. What about how they raided Williams, Spalding, and other key players from other clubs who were devestated to lose their champions to Carlton. Every non-Carlton fan i've talked too, was delighted when the Kangaroos pounded them in last years grand final
Originally posted by Hirdhasbigears:
They are a proud club but they are not arrogant.

Not arrogant? Pigs Arse!!!!!

And that, along with John "foot in mouth" Elliot, is why everyone hates you.

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You are all just jealous cause we rule and as for stealing Williams and Spalding, have you ever thought they wanted to come to us because we are such a magnificent club? We gave them premiership medallions didn't we? That is what you are jealous of!!!!!
Only a Carlton supporter under the spell of Jack "Pigs Arse" Elliott wouldn't know why people hate Carlton.

Even Jack knows why people hate Carlton, it's becuse of him.

How can you call someone who would publicly deny a smoking ban at the MCG and avoids booze buses, reportedly saying, 'don't you know who I am?' not arrogant.

The only person he has to answer to is his wife.

People don't hate Carlton because they are the most successful team in history, we hate them because they always let you know about it.

I don't how many times Geelong have beaten Carlton recently, but every time, you get a smart arse quipp like 'remember 1995'.

Message to Carlton supporters, it's getting old, can't you think of anything original?
I know who you are now, you're Barb from the footy show. G'day Barb. Dem Bwue boys is doin awwight at da moment but come finaws time, don't fink dey'll supwize the Bombers dis year.

"Dere not diwty pwayers", yeah dat Fwazer Bwown's a weal cleanskin, ha ha ha. I've also heard dat Fwanchina is a diwty Moungwel.

Onya Barb, keep the faith on the Bombers being "supwized" by "dem Bwues".

Why do people hate Carlton? It's your damn "born to rule" mentality that envelops Princess....sorry, Optu$ Oval. If you hate Eddie McGuire and his comments, then you'll have some idea of how much the rest of us hate Elliot.

The irony of all this is that pretty much all the Carlton fans I know and have met at the footy have been pretty much the best opposition fans that I've come across.
A drunk crook as president, a halfwit like you supporting them. Optarse oval.... I wont go on. Say hello to Queen Kouta for us.
Why do people hate Carlton??

Two words!!

John & Elliott

He is the only president that publicly bags other teams when they are down - eg Saints = "rabble", Dogs with their "tragic history"

I bet Parkin cringes (along with most people) as soon as Elliot gets anywhere near a microphone!!

I know that I reach for the remote as soon as he appears on any football show.

You know what's funny. You come on here and under another topic, you post all these derogatory comments about Essendon. What I find amusing is that you have an "Essendon" related name that you post under.

In addition to your Essendon relatd name, your post was SOLELY about Essendon, and the 5 questions, you asked about them.

Now, I'm sorry buddy, but it looks to me as if the Bombers threaten Carlscum's "born to rule" mentality. You obviously feel threatened by Essendon.

The Bombers are quietly going on winning all these matches, and Calrscum's supporters think to themselves :

"Hey this can't be happening. We're supposed to be the best. How dare Essendon win so many games"

Carlscum are more concerned about the demise of Essendon than they are about their own club. What losers ! Get your priorities right.

Oh, and Carlton's guernsey and colours would have to be the most "un-marketable" guernsey in the league. I mentioned this sometime ago on another post. If you were an impressionablr 10 year old, who would you rather support ? A team called the Bombers or Tigers ? or a team caled the Blues. "Blues" is un-cool to a young kid and it is un-marketable.

How else can you explain that Carlton, despite their success still rank behind Essendon, Collingwood and Richmond in terms of support.

Worry about your own club
When Carlton won in '95 we had to listen to 'da da da da dah weeee are the naavy blues' over the tannoy at work. I'm sure most of the 800 people who had to listen don't support carlton
It neve happened bfore, or since.

Thats arrogance
Dan24, a kid doesn't support a team because of a teams jumper or nickname. They support the team of their parents, or of the team that is closest to them. When i lived in Victoria, as a child i used to support Carlton because my Dad did. When i was about 7 we moved to WA, and i began to support the Eagles. When i lived in Vic i hated West Coast, but when i moved over here i fell in love with them. West Coast is now my team and always will be, even if i move back to Vic. If I ever have kids they will support West Coast. If you don't believe, a perfect example is a family we are close with. They are mad Essendon fans, their daughter who is 9 loves Essendon. A family upbringing has a lot to do with which team you support. Not the nickname or the colours on the team jumper. And John Elliot is an absoulte legend, stick it up the Labor Party John, bunch of bloody socialists.
I must be one of the few non-Carlton supporters who doesn't despise John Elliott. The reason is pretty simple: He is one of an increasingly small minority prepared to take on the AFL. Instead of kowtowing to its whims and taking the politically correct line, Elliott makes honest, if somewhat misguided and arrogant comments.

He is always good value because he usually has something to say and at worst you can just laugh at him. He was great on Talking Footy and called Gerard Healy "boring and repetetive", which is a fairly accurate assessment.

God forbid that I would be defending John Elliott, but I don't think he has earned all the criticism he receives. But if you don't think that, at least acknowledge his refusal to bow to the AFL.

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And Elliot sticks it up the AFL for the good of nothing but Carlscum. He won't be happy until all pay to access any info on the net, tv etc. He wants two divisions with all the interstate teams in one (only good idea piss the whinging weagles off). If Elliot had his way Eagle idiot your bloody team wouldn't be here and as for the labor party if he thinks he is so good why didn't he put himself up for election when he could?(in between drinks that is) because he knew no normal person would vote for him.
Re: Topic Name

Bizarre question really - should be - give me one good reason not to hate Carlton...

Reasons to hate:

1. Chequebook premierships - usually involving raping struggling clubs for their stars (6 flags in the 70's and 80's in the heyday of the cash for flags era)... Williams, Rhys Jones, Spalding... Has had the effect of making them look consistently successful over the century which is BS.

2. Unbelievably arrogant supporters - the theme song over the company PA in 95 is very, very typical - we had it too - never before or since in any place I've worked...

3. Money obsession/ sell out mentality - light blue M&M jumper day (a DISGRACE), Optarse Oval...

4. Hypocracy - calling Essendon cheats in 93 while in the same period undertaking vastly greater salary cap rorts (particularly to one G.Williams) and getting away with it in the Amnesty.

5. G.Williams - this guy epitomises Carlton - a dirty, protected species from the tribunal.

6. Surprisingly uninformed/ ignorant supporters. Never let the facts get in the way guys.

7. John Elliott - ICAA speech on Aborigines, the 93 cheat comment, no respect for anyone or anything (eg: smoking), booze bus crap, rorting Fosters Brewing Group shareholders, Comments on Footscray... etc, etc, etc)

8. Ian Collins: Tribunal role coincided nicely with G.Williams brownlows... Doing a great job at Colonial hey?

Reasons to like Carlton:

1. Kernahan - champion and a great, fair player - Tim Watson class on both fronts... very un-Carlton.

Can't think of any others....
One more reason to like them... providing a good laugh

Still haven't gotten over the irony of the "only club with dignity" comment - arguably they are the only club who lack dignity - are prepared to do anything (elliott style) to get what they want and do anything for cash...

The Sainters have more dignity in their little fingers despite all the current infighting...
Agree with everything Dutchy.

Spot on.

You should see it here in Melbourne. All the Carlscum supporters I know don't even care about their own team. They just care about us losing !! They can't believe it's not them sitting on top undefeated. I just laugh at them.

You should come over from London for the Round 20 match. it promises to be the biggest home and away match in history. Perhaps the televised 1990 match betwen the Bombers and the Pies comes close, but I can't wait till Round 20.
I'll be back for the PF and GF - tickets booked - regardless of what happens...

Can't squeeze in time for R20 - don't know about biggest of all time - we seem to have a lot of these.

Besides I predict both Essendon and Carlton to have dropped a game or two before hand... 20 rounds is a lotta rounds....


When you think about it, the "biggest" home and away match of all time must feature teams 1 and 2 on the ladder.

Round 20 will do that.

In addition, it is "POSSIBLE" that Essendon will be on a 19 game winning streak, and the Blues will be on a 14 game winning streak.

Add to that the traditional rivalry and hatred between the two teams and a sold out MCG, and you have a recipe for perhaps the biggest home and away match in the 104 year history of the VFL/AFL.

Perhaps that sounds like an exaggeration, and maybe I'm getting carried away, but I can't see any other combination of teams, or any other "winning runs" that could produce a bigger home and away match.

Certainly, never before, have first and second clashed with 33 consecutive wins between them.
What would happen, for instance, say that Carlton and Essendon BOTH fail to qualify for the Grand Final, my guess is that Essendon will, but Carlton will fall on their own sword before than, Geelong knocking out Carlton in the finals, repeat after me folks
With all these Carlton supporters just so sure that they will win the flag while Essendon will lose the preliminary final, nothing would give me more pleasure than to see Geelong beat the Blues in the preliminary, while the Bombers advance to the Granny to play the Cats.

I don't think even Geelong fans would be too devastated at a Grand Final loss to the Dons, if they got past the Blues. It would be great for the Cats to get that far. Still if you get there, you're a chance.
Cats and Bombers Grand Final, I wouldn't mind that at all, especially if Geelong play for the whole match like they did for the first quarter in round 11.

One thing for certain is that Geelong CAN beat Carlton, they proved it at Optus a few weeks ago, a bit of luck and a couple less turnovers would have seen them win it.

Geelong and Essendon are always good games, regardless of where they are on the ladder.

Who knows, the glamour Essendon full forward may get suspended on the eve of the finals, just like in 1951. I'm sure Bombers would hate that history to repeat itself!!!!!!!


Geelong in the Grand Final in 2000, I seriuosly doubt that.

Lets go on form, shall we?
Last 10 weeks:
Sydney W 9pts
Richmond L 70pts
Hawthorn L 25pts
Essendon L 58pts
C'wood W 4pts (Back in form!)
Bulldogs W 7pts
Carlton L 10pts
Brisbane L 69pts
F'mantle W 6pts

They're in the top 4, how? I don't know, but I can't quite see them making the Grand Final this year on the above form.

At least they're winning the close games.
I am a Blues supporter and the posts here on people hating Carlton because of John Elliott are justified. I hate him too. When he was going on about the TV rights we had a three game losing streak. Since he's shut up we've won 11 straight. I just hope he keeps it buttoned for the rest of the year. He's an embarrassment to our club, but at times he can be alright. Other than that, at least we can be safe in the knowledge that we are the most refined supporters Big Ears!
Essenscum are jelous, cause we have the MOST premierships.
We have 16, and Collingwood & Essendon have 14 each.

Remember, Essendon didn't play in 2 grand finals, they were just awarded the flags cause of the war and stuff. The seasons should of been abandoned.

It didn't stop the Essenscum supporters claiming them as wins though.

They are all jealous of the Mighty Blues with the BEST forward player in the league - Lance Whitnall. He's the fittest he's been & is more strong and powerful than Molloy & Schwarz combined.
Uh....blue balls....last time I checkd it was 16 PREMIERSHIPS each. You can only win the premiership using the system that is in vouge at the time. A premiership is a premiership. For 102 years a Grand Final has decided the premiership. For the other two years (1897 and 1924 - Essendon won both years) a Round-Robin Tournament decided the premiership. The "method" of deciding the premiership is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is that you win the premiership using whatever system they use at the time.

We have won 16 premierships. It sounds as if you are in denial, simply because we are poised for our record-breaking 17th!

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Why hate Carlton?

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