Will thugs ruin the Game?

  • Thread starter Pete
  • Start date
  • Tagged users None

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I put this in another topic, by Bradley but I think it deserves its own topic.
Picture this. Its the 3rd round in the Ansett Cup Round Robin and your team is going to play the team that you play in the first or second rounds of the Prem. Season. You have no hope of making the night finals, whats to stop a team just putting in a few thugs from the reserves (who arent going to play during the year anyway), and just telling them to knock everyone unconsious. This round robin format is opening up this potential problem. The only reason it hasnt happened before is that it was a knockout comp and most teams took it seriously.
Any thoughts? Im sure teams have thought about it.

North Melbourne in Melbourne 4 eva.
Well, I'd say both the players & club would be open to legal action if this occured - ala Terry Wallace & Rod Grinter.

I'd also tip that the AFL might weigh in with some fairly hefty fines of their own.

All in all I can't see it happening. I like the round robin, as it gives the clubs the chance to experiment in games that have a little more meaning than ordinary practice matches. It also gives the fans more than one chance to see their side.
Big Bumps and other violence may be fleetingly entertaining but we run the risk of losing a career of a prospective superstar in exchange

One example: Darren Pritchard - a great talent who was cleaned up and Knocked out by one Roger Merrit in Brisbane. I'm not saying he wasn't as good after but who knows what he might have gone on to do had it not happened.

Or the disparity between frees for backmen and forwards, are we really to believe that forwards are a dirty bunch and backmen the angels.

How many career have been lost because of this ?

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With acts like Brodie Holland's on the weekend, I think the AFL are trying to clamp down on it.

But what else would you expect from Brodie? :)
delirious1 said:
why did you bump a 6 YEAR TOPIC??!?!
what the hell is the point of it?!?

They rebuilt the server earlier today. I suggest it was bumped by admin to test how a 6 year old data restore would work

Only a guess.


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Will thugs ruin the Game?

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