wot did work give u for christmas...

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Norm Smith Medallist
Oct 4, 2000
Hugh Heffner Mansion
we got some cheapo lollies from the boss but then the CEO came in and delivered us all with bottles of chardonnay (sp?) Even tho a lot of us don't drink i still thought it was pretty classy co they wrapped em heaps nice with these cool ribbons that i am gonna put in my hair. Plus we got to get off early (still got paid) and got this nice lunch with free drinks all day and played footy. Also earned 40 bucks worth of Sanity vouchers for performing well over what we should be achieving. Not too bad all up but why don't they ever just give pay rises!
They give me something wrapped in a box every year (ditto the ribbons, but they would clash with my hair. ;) )

I store it in my locker for a year. Then when I get the new one, I throw the old one away and put the new one in my locker. I don't know what's in them. Never bothered to find out. Could be a free vacation. I know a lot of my co-workers have been taking trips to Florence, Italy. :D

Peace Spider,

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I got a six pack of light beer last year. I was going to put it in the car cos I was on the late shift and they were closing the office up, the shift manager said I couldn't take them then in case I drank them while on duty. I thought she was having a lend... she was deadly serious.

Haven't gotten anything so far this year.
Ummm... well we got 15 minutes off work, and a slice of cake. We didn't even have to write the 15 minutes break on the time sheet, although I'm sure he'll deduct it automatically when he pays us...

(I don't come across as cynical at all, do I?)
We wemt out to a restaurant for lunch, but I didn't get a present, was hoping for my yearly $500 bonus, but seems that my boss is going to give it too me in April again, but goddamn it I need it now, not bloody April. :mad:

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Originally posted by Rooster Demon
We all got a $100 Westfield voucher AND from the company we are contracted to we recieved a bottle of Johnnie Walker Black Label.
And I have only been here three months!!!

that's madness especially the 100 buck voucher :D i have only been at my work 6 weeks or so which makes it even better.

As for the other places hmm it's making me think that my work r just suck up's now coz they pay us low hourly rates yet always bribe us with other stuff.
Originally posted by Spidergirl~RiCkChiCk
that's madness especially the 100 buck voucher :D i have only been at my work 6 weeks or so which makes it even better.

As for the other places hmm it's making me think that my work r just suck up's now coz they pay us low hourly rates yet always bribe us with other stuff.
22 years in the work grind and this is only the third Xmas gift I have received. In early ninties we got a Xmas hamper from the company with cakes lollies,pudding etc and two bottles of plonk, everybody went back to the locker roon and proceed to drink the warm plonk........with everyone rat assed and trying hard not to pass out the company in their wisdom pulled the hampers for the following years.
Originally posted by Rooster Demon
22 years in the work grind and this is only the third Xmas gift I have received. In early ninties we got a Xmas hamper from the company with cakes lollies,pudding etc and two bottles of plonk, everybody went back to the locker roon and proceed to drink the warm plonk........with everyone rat assed and trying hard not to pass out the company in their wisdom pulled the hampers for the following years.

lol funnily enough noone openened theirs during work (probably because the lunch we were about to go to supplied more free bottles that everyone just took for themselves) I did used to have a guy next to me who would sneak in some kind of bourbony type drink and pass it around while we were all on calls. Note the USED TO sit next to me. Mysteriously he lost his job!
We got a free lunch from Red Rooster (their catering service). Well, sort of. They conveniently forgot to inform the employees about the lunch, management ate it and we were left with the cold left overs.

And to top it all off they give me a 13hr shift on Monday, yet give me a day off for the public holidays :mad: As if I haven't done enough ass kissing to warrant a public holiday shift (pays $28 an hr, grrr).
A big fricking liver problem - not that I'm complaining!

Seriously, 2 weeks, about 8 parties and 1000 beers/bourbons.
I reckon I've done about 6 hours of actual work in the last two weeks.

Pretty good Xmas at work for me.
Finished work for two weeks on Wednesday.
Boss took us to lunch, bought us beers then went back to the office and had xmas drinks - he even paid for Coppers Pale.
Gave me $300 plus about six bottles of wine that wineries had given us.
My boss is def. lossening up.
Originally posted by Macca19
What did work give us for Christmas. A truckload of work to do :(
Same here Macca19. We were told if we didn't finish it before we close for 2 weeks some of us would have to come in the day after Boxing Day to finish it - I DON'T THINK SO!

The boss used to give us a box of chocs each but suddenly that stopped about 4 years ago.

We have a nice party for which we have to pay some of the cost.
We got lots of free alcohol, a nice free meal, Luna Park to ourselves for one and a half hours (don't go on the Scenic Railway unless you crave spinal injuries), a free bag (a very ugly free bag) and a copy of the thing we spent 18 months creating, which I really didn't think I was going to get until about March next year, so that was a nice surprise, and probably the best part of it all. :)

Well, that and the free alcohol.

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wot did work give u for christmas...

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