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Did anyone who likes the WWF here see RAW tonight?

Mick the Commish is fired, Vince is in control and UT and the Rock are the NEW WWF Tag team Champs.

What did you think of the show tonight? what do you think will happen to UT, SCSA and the Rock on SD on friday?

Well the whole of last year evil Vince was incharge and after about a month you are completley sick of him. Its mostly the same. As soon as RAW or SMACKDOWN starts he will come out and talk about how great he is and so forth. Then he puts Austin or Rock in a handicap match aginist about 5 other guys or something like that which seems incredibly hard to win. And somehow Austin or Rock or whoever the underdog good guy is will win and then ending up beating up Vince untill HHH or Angle makes the save and the show ends with Vince yelling at them on the ground after they have been beaten half to death...

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I think the wwf is a joke, what Vince Mcmahon did to Bret Hart was the worse thing they ever did. I used to like the wwf when there was Bret Hart, Physco Sid, Shawn Michaels, Vader and Stone cold.

They let all the superstars go Kevin Nash, Scot Hall, Bret Hart, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Sid Vicious, Jeff Jarrett, Lex Lugar, Randy Savage and even 'Mean' Jean Okerlan and all u got in return is Chris Benuiot and Saturn

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