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  1. Swan_Lifer

    Preview Round 13: Swans v Cats (a fast preview's a good preview)

    Of all the H&A rounds, this is the one I want. Teams have had forwards playing Tom Stewart close, with some success. Give him a sniff, he'll carve you up all day -job for JJ? Gryan Miers is creative up forward, and should also be played close -job for Harry? We must win in the middle, and...
  2. Swan_Lifer

    Autopsy Come and stay for the Hayward show 48 point win vs Fremantle.

    Vale Cameron McCarthy. Tough for the Fremantle boys tonight. James Jordon did a good role for us.
  3. Swan_Lifer

    Preview Rd 9 - Swans take on the Freo Footstools

    When he does return, I see Parker in a rotation with Adams and Rowbottom, also some time in the mix up forward..He can get the ball on the inside. We have plenty of outside run in Warner/Heeney/Gulden. What I don't want to see - is Isaac Heeney banished to wander around on a HFF or a pocket.
  4. Swan_Lifer

    Preview Rd 9 - Swans take on the Freo Footstools

    Aside from the name-calling, thats a pretty good preview SM_d. If their Mids turn up, I see this is a 50/50 game. Sportsbet have: Dockers 2.26 / Swans 1.64 A highlight will be seeing an in-form Nat Fyfe going up against our boys.
  5. Swan_Lifer

    Autopsy You get what you ****ing deserve Swans by 29 Hayward silences his critics.

    James Jordon. Just saying. Credit to our recruiters, he looks a great pickup
  6. Swan_Lifer

    Past #3 Dylan Stephens

    I personally resent the North forum's treatment of Dylan Stephens: Dylan was one of ours for many years, and he doesn't deserve this kind of treatment. It's a sad reflection on the North Melbourne football club supporters..
  7. Swan_Lifer

    Autopsy You get what you ****ing deserve Swans by 29 Hayward silences his critics.

    Great win ..and in the wet :)