Movie sequels killed originality ?

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Aug 27, 2014
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I watched one of the Terminator sequels last week.
Then saw a bit of Godfather 2 sequel on SBS and also saw Last Blood on streaming too.

Made me think about the whole trend of movie sequels that came into being and probably now spawned something worse again of movie franchises. The first franchise was probably the James Bond one from 60's that character the same but in different decades a new actor playing same character and probably more a reboot than a sequel. Never really got into that type of idea so not really seen any James Bond movies beyond being a kid.

As a little kid watched old movies on tv and most were stand alone movies. some genre's like Western movies with Clint Eastwood as a gunslinger as similar character but still a whole new movie and not based on same characters of a movie before.
But sequels seemed to become more popular growing up in the 80's. Maybe my first movie away from parents was a sequel. I think I saw Rocky 3 at cinema with friends which was spawned from the original Rocky movie in 1976, Maybe before then the Godfather movies and Jaws movies made sequels something to make more money from for other movie makers as an idea. Seem to be a lot of Airport series on tv, like Airport 77 and so on. Probably more a re-boot of a theme than actual sequels. Planet of the Apes had sequels , then Star Wars and in the 80's the whole crazy Police Academy series that were mostly junk. but then even great movies like Rocky than had wonderful sequels like Rocky 2 and 3 overdid it with 5 etc. that were beyond a joke bad. It looked like now they just made for money. A monster was created and by mid 90's it was almost expected. Still, plenty of good movies exist as stand alone movie. It is a shame plenty of sequels are made for profit only and not as an artistic idea from story point of view.
When I saw Last Blood last week, I thought it was ok as a movie but made me also think it would have been perfectly fine for First Blood as a movie to be a stand alone great movie for it's time and no need to make sequels. It kind of diminishes the greatness of an original as a memory if sequels are ordinary or average.

Probably when Saw got made as a cult horror movie the sequel idea was almost dis-placed by a movie brand or franchise idea as a move making business model. It seems originality has gone by wayside and franchise/brands are what mostly is cinema now.
Just random thoughts that crossed my mind in the last week.

Re-makes are probably a different thing too. Planet of Apes had sequels in late 70's ? but a whole new re-make for a different generation and not truly sequels.
I've never been into Star Wars at all but it is crazy how many generations are into it. Did not even know another was out until saw Star Wars nerds talking about it on sports shows on radio and threads dedicated to nerds upset of one made that does not fit their original franchise ideas.

Some sequels can be done where one is a flop but a series of them have too many good ones that one or two bad ones you can live with. In this sense Rocky sequels , The Matrix and The Godfather did more good than harm. It's rare though. I really did not mind Last Blood last week as the title itself highlighted he was ending his story here as a movie but I reckon First Blood just made as stand alone movie would have been more than enough for this type of character but the industry itself seem to demand more of these things. I think too many good movies have had their legacy ruined by sequels the story did not really need.

Have not read that list yet, but surely Blair Witch Book of Shadows had gotta be on there. I'm a huge fan of the original, and working at Hoyts at the time saw parts of the sequel when i worked on floor. Was so bad.

Edit: yep. No.28.

Had no idea there was Exorcist II made tbh

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Im glad The breakfast club never got a sequel.

Forrest Gumps sequel storyline was fking hysterical to read.
Forrest Gump is good example of leave it alone at one and it's legacy as a stand alone good movie for it's time is not diminished.
So glad Pulp Fiction, Inception and Shawshank Redemption are great movies not devalued in name by sequels.
First Blood should have been a one off too imo.
Nightmare on Elm Street for it's time was a great horror movie but then Freddy Krueger had to be branded to make
When saw Nightmare on Elm Street for it's time it made me scared to go to sleep that night just in case some nightmare in sleep can physically really hurt
When saw Nightmare on Elm Street for it;s time it made me scared to go to sleep that night just in case some nightmare in sleep can physically really hurt

They scared the shit outta me those movies. I remember only watching "bits and pieces" of them on TV

And IIRC i still saw some pretty fked up shit as a child- The Birds, Poltergeist, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, Cape Fear + the Hand that Rocks the Cradle.
Gremlins tho really scared me. I was checking the wardrobe/under the bed the night i saw that. :tearsofjoy:
Reminds me of an ode to scat written by TOKYO BROTHEL, the lyrics went: "EAT YOUR ****ING HOT CHOCOLATE. IT'S ALL YOU ****ING DESERVE!"

It's that simple. Keep eating shit and Hollywood will keep serving it. Go get nice and fat eating all that poop, blowing your wages and licking your lips and asking for more, and those nice people in the big mansions will keep handing it to you with an overpriced popcorn and watered down coke!

Marvel timeline reboots before the original has a cast. Disney advertised SW before they had a concept.

Why risk money on original ideas or tell new stories when people don't want them?
Forrest Gumps sequel storyline was fking hysterical to read.
Not sure if this one's been mentioned already but I'd pay just about anything to see Nick Cave's script for Gladiator II turned into a film.

Reminds me of an ode to scat written by TOKYO BROTHEL, the lyrics went: "EAT YOUR ******* HOT CHOCOLATE. IT'S ALL YOU ******* DESERVE!"

It's that simple. Keep eating shit and Hollywood will keep serving it. Go get nice and fat eating all that poop, blowing your wages and licking your lips and asking for more

Yep, it's partly it. People buying the shit means it keeps getting served up.
enjoy your shit Star Wars diet you dumb
I need to see more horror movies from that era. I was too much of a pussy/too young when they actually came out.

I'd never seen The Shining until sometime in last ten years. Still held up as really creepy scary despite a zillion horror movies made since.
They made some good horror movies in late 70s and early 80's but most would be a bit dated now as some of the scary part of it is related to the imagination of the time and 30 years on or more what the imagined could find scary then, would not have same scary effect now. Do not think Nightmare on Elm Street would seem anywhere near as scary now if it was first time I watched it as it did in early 80's. It was virtually a new genre of horror that became the norm soon after.

Actually we are probably due a new horror genre now. When is next type of good horror movie going to be made?

That is kind of what I want with many genre's. Just originality and not just different version of a style already done before.

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Like i said before i loved Blair Witch- either you loved or hated that one. So clever how they marketed that movie on the Internet and thru word of mouth. And i remember ppl seriously thought it was real.
Yeah, Blair Witch I enjoyed for it's time. That was original way of doing a horror movie for that time.
I watched the original Bladerunner today.
Weird movie for 1982 time I guess.
Later on going to check out what this decade's version is like.
Not sure if it an actual re-boot or sequel but guess I find out soon.
I watched the original Bladerunner today.
Weird movie for 1982 time I guess.
Later on going to check out what this decade's version is like.
Not sure if it an actual re-boot or sequel but guess I find out soon.

Bladerunner 2049 is a sequel to the original. If you're going to watch it you need a massive screen and a decent sound system to really appreciate it.

Sequels are fine, but there are some caveats. You either need some really good source material too draw from or you need a really interesting protagonist you can throw into different situations ie. James Bond, John Wick.

Just making a sequel because the first one made a lot of money isn't a good enough reason.
Yeah, Blair Witch I enjoyed for it's time. That was original way of doing a horror movie for that time.

Blair Witch was crazy when it came out. We held these private screenings at 10pm on a Wednesday night, the day before they came out on the Thursday. Management would charge $4 a head (usually went straight into the xmas party)- it was just for staff + friends + family + workers i think at highpoint.

The night they showed Blair Witch, hundreds of ppl showed up it was nuts. Manager was running around like crazy, they had to run it in 2-3 cinemas.

Anyway- that was the original not the sequel... so back to the topic of sequels... good thread btw.
Is it a reboot or a sequel ?
Man, it was creepy atmosphere when first seen it. not sure that can be re-created with same atmosphere.
It's a sequel, based on the Stephen King novel.

I think they're trying to do something completely different to the original (they'd have to). It's in cinemas now:

I think the action genre at its best pushes the idea of the sequel to really creative ends, perhaps because there is less emphasis on character and narrative.

Terminator 2, Fury Road, John Wick 2 and 3, Universal Soldier Day of Reckoning, the Resident Evil movies, the Bourne movies, the Mission: Impossible movies, the Nolan Batman movies, the Fast and Furious movies, and yes the Matrix movies - all use the original as a jumping off point so they can escalate in to more extreme and creative action set-pieces.
I watched the original Bladerunner today.
Weird movie for 1982 time I guess.
Later on going to check out what this decade's version is like.
Not sure if it an actual re-boot or sequel but guess I find out soon.
Turned out to be a sequel three decades later.
Think the original would have been more edgey and a cult for it's time.
I enjoyed both movies. Nothing groundbreaking but entertaining enough.
The concept of human like robots would have been done far less back then but now, with Westerworld tv series around now, the concept for 2049 Bladerunner is not particular unique for this time. It's connection to original Bladerunner as a story with same actor Harrison Ford as a father off in hiding is it's only main selling point for cinema in this time. If it had not had him in it, not sure it had enough else to make it worth making. If it was just a re-boot doubt I would have looked into it.
Both movies would get a 6 out of 10 for me.
I think the action genre at its best pushes the idea of the sequel to really creative ends, perhaps because there is less emphasis on character and narrative.
Not really for me, considering it was watching Last Blood that had my passing thought about sequels of this thread OP. Nothing really creative about any of Rambo movies after First Blood. Just action movies for those than wanted more with same character in just different situations. I do not think it added anything creative from original movie than in itself was a great action movie for it's time. First Blood is far more memorable as a movie than any of the Rambo movies after it. They seem more just cashing in on popularity of original movie without having anything really creative added to story. Stallone probably did as much to make each have something in it to be relevant but really did not think any of them needed to be made. More an audience asking for more than a story needing more added, imo.

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