On the weekend I played...

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Question for the floor:

What was the game(s) that got you into gaming?

What is your favourite game?

First edition AD&D back in the late 70s or early 80s. I still have my DM's Guide and Player's Handbook by Gary Gygax.

D&D has long fallen by the wayside. My group liked 3.5, but took one look at 4th edition and ran away screaming. We went to Pathfinder and haven't looked back. Although I did vary it up with some Call of Cthulhu for a while.

I'm currently GMing "Tyrant's Grasp" and one of the group is running "Reign of Winter". We play one afternoon most weekends, usually two weeks on, two weeks off.
Anyone braved Mr President yet? lol

Im considering picking up Cuba Libre for my first COIN game, that said i havent played much in ages....might break out Spirit Island for a burl again this weekend.

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Games day yesterday. Firstly continuing our Charterstone campaign.


Then Distilled. Haven’t won yet, but best result was when played whilst having spirits. Didn’t this time and did very poorly 🧐

Then finished off with Dog Park, a recent Kickstarter arrival backed by the other half. No great thinking required, so a good wind down game.

We've started a Conan RPG campaign using 2D20 system. Random characters so we have some odd PCs running around. I rolled trash so I am just a healer in the corner (Prince Ahndru of the Healing Touch). As I was the Batlef-dropping Worf type in our Star Trek campaign and got lots of action I'm happy to sit back in the beginner scenario before we roll up proper characters.
Started last night and finished tonight, our first go at Freelancers. A new game that’s a sequel of sorts to Forgotten Waters. Similar to that you have your characters, roles to control and an App to provide the (nearly always amusing) story entries. My three characters, which is a species plus a class (we each ran 3, if you are doing one each you can have up to 7 players), were a Merfolk Judge named Drippy, an Imp Paladin named Big Jim and a Hound Gunslinger (gunslinger as in sling their guns by throwing them) named Good Boy. After 6 hours of adventuring we defeated the Dragon.

Who was bankrolling the Kingdom as the King was incompetent. Oopps.

There are 5 campaigns, but with 8 species and over a dozen classes, there’s plenty of variety if the initial 30 odd hours o get through isn’t enough.
Anyone who likes Forgotten Waters (or games with lots of humour), I’d recommend it to.

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We've started a Conan RPG campaign using 2D20 system. Random characters so we have some odd PCs running around. I rolled trash so I am just a healer in the corner (Prince Ahndru of the Healing Touch). As I was the Batlef-dropping Worf type in our Star Trek campaign and got lots of action I'm happy to sit back in the beginner scenario before we roll up proper characters.
Played that a few years back. A bit broken iirc. But I love playing in the Conan universe. Have both editions of the Mongoose Conan as well as the Modiphius 2d20 system. Also "Riddle of Steel", which though not Conan, is very Conan-ish.
Games day today. Couple of goes at Charterstone (one round to go), then first time playing Fractured Sky. Expansion on Kickstarter has only a few days left so needed to play, to see whether to back. That’ll be a yes. All enjoyed. You contend for winning the regions shards are put on. You can put your airships on three of ten regions each of the five rounds. Each round one region is publicly known to have a shard, with hidden shard(s) equal to the round in. You can spend resources to peek at cards (though by later rounds you won’t have enough to see all) and resources can help you build some other things to help. It’s a fairly light weight game, so one that’d be easy to pull out and play with those who don’t like heavier/longer games.

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Then we finished off with Hitster and Just One. 9 of 13 there. That holy grail of 13, achieved once, remains elusive again. The alignment of minds, in the zone, will be a thing of legend 🤔

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Ive been smashing BGA lately. Mainly turn based Ark Nova, Obsession, Castles of Ron Burgundy and Anachrony.

But mostly ive been pumping real time games of Glass Road that in Beta....love me an Uwe...
First game of Empires End. It’s a civilisation type game, except instead of building up an empire, you’re managing its collapse. You have 11 locations in your empire (all players the same 11), worth getting number of points end of game, as well as during game effects. There are regular disasters, which players bid resources to avoid. There are advantages to taking them though. You get all resources bid and they grant innovations helping with further scoring. You don’t want too many though, as most of your points will come from the undestroyed parts of your empire.

Both the wife and I enjoyed the twist on the usual ‘build up’. It’s also straight forward, being fairly light weight.

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Been using BG stats to log my plays and forgot to check in here for awhile because I wan down the rabbit hole of reviewing cost per play for my KS addiction.

Been smashing the flip and wrote games Next Station, both Tokyo and London versions. Tokyo is harder, London better with modules added.

Let’s Go To Japan. Love it.

Fighters of the Pacific. Loving it the more I play it.

The Perfect Wave. Interesting rhythm to this game. Love hate relationship, but it fills a good void on games night as that accessible, quick to put together game for short nights, or to wrap up with.

Azul - my 8 yr old daughter is loving it. She’s really getting the hang of games now and this one is her favourite.

Fractured Sky. Thought it’d be a bloated mess, but it’s just a well designed, well published game.

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