Review Our trade period

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Looking at the hard facts ...

We had picks 16, 39, 75 ... (75 would be unused)...

We now have picks 14, 16, 65, 70, 75, 92.
Additionally, we have Western Bulldogs 2021 2nd round pick.

What’s the difference?
We lost Treloar, Stephenson, Bosenavulagi, Philips, and pick 39, and will replace them with picks 14, 65, 70, 75, 92. We also now have a second round 2021 pick.
Didn't we have picks 42 & 92 before the trade?

So, we lost Stephenson and Atu for a draft points gain of 885 points (picks 26,33 & 70 less pick 39 we gave away). This is equivalent to about pick 21.

We lost Phillips for pick 65 (90 draft points).

We lost Treloar for about 104 draft points (equivalent to pick 64). This is assuming the Bulldogs 2nd round pick next year will be around pick 30).
ie we gave picks 26,33,and 42 as well as Treloar, and got back 14 and next year's 2nd round (pick 30?). For this pleasure we won the right to increase the Bulldogs salary cap by $300k per year for the next 5 years, and to reduce ours by the same amount.

Nett effect - Lost the 4 players, Lose 39 and 42, and gain 14, 65 and 70. And reduce our cap by $300k per season.
Am i missing something?

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