Recent content by Captain Groenewegen Snr

  1. Captain Groenewegen Snr

    FFS is the new Bulldogs coach a huge piss take? Was money a factor?

    Yeah you would think he would have more to talk bout by now right
  2. Captain Groenewegen Snr

    FFS is the new Bulldogs coach a huge piss take? Was money a factor?

    Cheers, typical FCB with his constant bullshit
  3. Captain Groenewegen Snr

    FFS is the new Bulldogs coach a huge piss take? Was money a factor?

    Sounds like the Terror squad have a case of Fear
  4. Captain Groenewegen Snr

    Who is the best Carlton poster on the Bay?

    He would be able to take you with out a 2nd thought. Just ask the Oxlong bout the time he took down 6 blokes in a pub then bit into the pint glass cause it looked at him funny :thumbsu:
  5. Captain Groenewegen Snr

    Who is the best Carlton poster on the Bay?

    I will bash you without a 2nd thought, that is all.
  6. Captain Groenewegen Snr

    Who is the best Carlton poster on the Bay?

    His better then you will ever be fish. No wonder all the dogs fans want you banned
  7. Captain Groenewegen Snr

    Who is the best Carlton poster on the Bay?

    You really want to start me? Me Kruze and co will take on all you TLS hero's with out a 2nd thought
  8. Captain Groenewegen Snr

    Who is the best Carlton poster on the Bay?

    Gate 3? You dumb ****ing TLS with your silly meme's thinking you can come over here and talk shit to us well you know what i am back tracing your post and going to hunt you down and find out where you live
  9. Captain Groenewegen Snr

    Who is the best Carlton poster on the Bay?

    My mum died when i was a small child how dare you ****ing say that ill track you down arsehole
  10. Captain Groenewegen Snr

    Who is the best Carlton poster on the Bay?

    you would know all bout 1 armed hookers wouldnt you
  11. Captain Groenewegen Snr

    Who is the best Carlton poster on the Bay?

    I will always be your hero, the man you dream to become
  12. Captain Groenewegen Snr

    Who is the best Carlton poster on the Bay?

    Yes, yes i am
  13. Captain Groenewegen Snr

    Who is the best Carlton poster on the Bay?

    I already am a hero
  14. Captain Groenewegen Snr

    Who is the best Carlton poster on the Bay?

    Rep? WTF is rep, why would one care about rep
  15. Captain Groenewegen Snr

    Who is the best Carlton poster on the Bay?

    Lol 2010 join date n00b