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  1. Pulsedriver

    Opinion Unpopular Opinion: Naitanui is a better ruck than Cox

    Why are you threatening me?
  2. Pulsedriver

    Opinion Unpopular Opinion: Naitanui is a better ruck than Cox

    Watch out, mods around here don't take nicely to views they don't agree with, so you must be a troll as one disagreed with you.
  3. Pulsedriver

    Autopsy Positives and Negatives vs Collingwood - Rd 5, 2021

    That's not the point I've been making. It's the mods picking and choosing based on their sensibilities as to which negative comments and threads are allowed.
  4. Pulsedriver

    Autopsy Positives and Negatives vs Collingwood - Rd 5, 2021

    Correct. It has positives too. Your attempt at a point is a fail.
  5. Pulsedriver

    Autopsy Positives and Negatives vs Collingwood - Rd 5, 2021

    Such reasoning misses the point. It was a negative thread that got locked in spite of someone wanting to discuss negative things about Petruccelle. The "delist" part I'm sure was just the thread creator venting. Such opinions according to this board's mod crew is allowed... supposedly. Then...
  6. Pulsedriver

    Autopsy Positives and Negatives vs Collingwood - Rd 5, 2021

    Keys, you're a liar. On page 3 of the thread list there's the "Delist Petruccelle" thread that was deleted / closed due to its negativity and mod sensibilities. So not "complete bollocks." Two different standards dependent upon who's going negative. Mods be like: do as I say, not as I do. Given...
  7. Pulsedriver

    Autopsy Positives and Negatives vs Collingwood - Rd 5, 2021

    Threads deleted / closed... same same. Honey Badger started a thread that was purely negative. Starting a thread to shame those with opinions he didn't like is the very negativity that mods crack down on when it's a view they don't agree with. That's the issue. It's the hypocrisy of double...
  8. Pulsedriver

    Autopsy Positives and Negatives vs Collingwood - Rd 5, 2021

    BS! Threads get deleted due to being negative. That's not a case of "what creates more work for us" but rather the sensibilities of the mods, ie whatever you don't agree with. I have called out the OP. Have you not been paying attention? You got yourself involved in this to play apologist for...
  9. Pulsedriver

    Autopsy Positives and Negatives vs Collingwood - Rd 5, 2021

    I never said there's a hidden agenda, nor did I imply such. I think it's a case of the mods picking and choosing based on their own sensibilities. Least moderated board isn't in question, nor is it the issue. The issue is what you choose to moderate and the discretion you allow for yourselves /...
  10. Pulsedriver

    Autopsy Positives and Negatives vs Collingwood - Rd 5, 2021

    You didn't just post that these people were wrong, you went about shaming them for your own self gratification. Such shaming tactics and passive aggressiveness is a bitch move and unbecoming of a mod. The establishment on this board, which includes you as a mod, deletes spicier negative posts...
  11. Pulsedriver

    Autopsy Positives and Negatives vs Collingwood - Rd 5, 2021

    There was no nuance at all to your OP! Being precious is shaming those that don't post to your liking. Your OP was as if negative posting were a personal affront. The censoring of certain negative posts or threads shows it's about posting only the positive. Your shaming tactics is to bring about...
  12. Pulsedriver

    Autopsy Positives and Negatives vs Collingwood - Rd 5, 2021

    I was posting against the tactic of the woke.
  13. Pulsedriver

    Autopsy Positives and Negatives vs Collingwood - Rd 5, 2021

    He doesn't ask for it to be stopped because that would make the intent too obvious. Shaming rather than asking for it to stop is the method employed to bring about the desired change. Positive is accepted and encouraged, but spicier negative posts are at times shamed or censored. When...
  14. Pulsedriver

    Autopsy Positives and Negatives vs Collingwood - Rd 5, 2021

    If Gov misses two simple short kicks those in attendance should get a free HJ's cheeseburger each, just like in the NBL when the opposition misses two free throws in a row.
  15. Pulsedriver

    Autopsy Positives and Negatives vs Collingwood - Rd 5, 2021

    You're forgetting that the sheep want only positive comments made about West Coast. The OP's intent is to push that. The subconscious need of most folks to be part of the in-group and find a place to belong plays a part in the shaming to bring about conformity of thought. It's a not-so-subtle...
  16. Pulsedriver

    List Mgmt. Welcome Alex Witherden (Traded w/ Pick 86 for Pick 58 and F3 in 2020)

    It seems disagreeing with you is what constitutes one a flog. Meh.
  17. Pulsedriver

    Injury SJOGHCIU 2021

    He should go the exoskeleton. Man and machine, power extreme.
  18. Pulsedriver

    Review Positives and Negatives vs St Kilda - Rd 4 2021

    Was it not was James Carville, midfield strategist in the Malthouse regime, that once said, It's the midfield, stupid?
  19. Pulsedriver

    Prediction Changes Vs St Kilda round 4, 2021

    St Kilda are like Melbourne and Fremantle - they have one good year, look good, but normal service quickly resumes as they can't hide their spudliness for long. Respect is irrelevant.
  20. Pulsedriver

    Prediction Changes Vs St Kilda round 4, 2021

    WC probably wanted to play him, given they play him at times when they probably shouldn't. But not even they could reasonably explain away how utterly shizen Pet was in round 1. Most of us know playing HFF is the graveyard when it comes to stats, but still...
  21. Pulsedriver

    Prediction Changes Vs St Kilda round 4, 2021

    Whether we like it or not WC have invested in Petruccelle. It's in games against the league's soft kill's, such as St Kilda, where he should be getting games. In tough fixtures you go all-in and play your best team, but this week is an another opportunity to get games into the likes of...
  22. Pulsedriver

    Prediction Changes vs Western Bulldogs R2 2021

    I'm not a fan of the Gov into the ruck idea. As soon as it happens, the word goes out to sink as many knees into him as possible in order to slow him down and kill his effectiveness. A red rag to a bull comes to mind.
  23. Pulsedriver

    Prediction Changes vs Western Bulldogs R2 2021

    I'd play a 60yo James Crawford ahead of Vardy.
  24. Pulsedriver

    Training 2021 - Preseason Thread

    Oh, yes, I can see the correlation. It all makes sense now.:think:
  25. Pulsedriver

    Training 2021 - Preseason Thread

    That's what happens when you go with the cast whore. She gets on the casting couch and comes out looking worse for wear.
  26. Pulsedriver

    Game Day BATTLE OF THE FOLD COASTS - WCE vs GCS (Round 1)

    Gettin' Scotty Lucas'd.
  27. Pulsedriver

    Game Day BATTLE OF THE FOLD COASTS - WCE vs GCS (Round 1)

    Sunday is going to be 35 degrees. Keep Vardy out and have Nic take every centre bounce when he's on the field, and pull a Richmond by throwing in whomever's convenient every other time. Let tall's at either end give Nic a rest by taking some ball-up's and boundary throw-in's. Play an extra...