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  1. B

    BA Strikes Out Again with the Opposite Sex!

    Right: Clarification Danni, I agree, the water is POISONED with bacillus bastardus... :D First fortnight he was calling me constantly, texting me such messages as 'sweet dreams' etc then apparently he got 'freaked' and decided to back off cause he was telling his friends I was the one...
  2. B

    BA Strikes Out Again with the Opposite Sex!

    Need your thoughts people: X and I decided to go the casual relationship route after discussing it. Then he doesn't speak to me for a week and ignores my phone call on a Friday night. Then we meet up at a 50th, where he basically ignores me for the night, flirts with someone else (who has a...
  3. B

    Another Warne scandal

    Wasn't there some news on Friday that he was meant to have 'allegedly' had an affair with a married 'exotic dancer' from Melb??? God it just seems things are getting worse for him - and if any of these accusations are true, then he is partly to blame. And I think that South African scrag...
  4. B

    Yianni on breakfast radio...

    Frosties, your sexy av is back *blows kisses FF's way* Oh how I love that av............... And if I was in Melbourne I would listen to you Yianni, but I am in SA. : (
  5. B

    Zach Gowen

    I am also shaking my head at Zach being in the WWE. All being said it is great to see a person with a disability make it (to a degree) but when does it go from being wrestling to being - and I hate to say this - 'freak' watching? I mean of course people are going to sit around and watch a...
  6. B

    Favourite Song

    Is this for fave songs right now or all time?? Oh well y'all are getting both for me: At the Moment Train - Calling All Angels Live - Heaven Evanescence - Going Under Linkin Park - Faint/Somewhere I Belong Four Strings - Take Me Away St Anger - Metallica (the gods of rock/metal)...
  7. B

    W.ank words at meetings

    "Pro-active" blech...................
  8. B

    Favourite TV SHOW while ipped!

    Bear and the Big Blue House on ABC/Nickelodeon on pay tv... Esp when Cha Cha Bear does his dance and asks what the smell is... What's that smell? Oh it's you!!
  9. B

    Gullible or Gutwrenching?

    No what I believe he said was..........oh never mind!
  10. B

    Gullible or Gutwrenching?

    Sweetie that's ok.......i am in the mood for some fun too! where is the great BB i wonder? :D and yes, you are still a s.hit stirrer.....but it's Friday so it's allowed!
  11. B

    Gullible or Gutwrenching?

    Re: Re: Gullible or Gutwrenching? TC, you are a **** stirrer!!! :D (fine thanks, I'll let him know you were asking!) NOT
  12. B

    Shane Warne and that 17 year old troll.

    First sentence was meant to be sarcastic. Oh well that failed. I have no issue with his cricketing talents, he is a great bowler - I am not doubting that for a single second. But his alleged behaviour away from the pitch leaves much to be desired. Just my opinion.......
  13. B

    Shane Warne and that 17 year old troll.

    Oh darling FF, you just know how to say things with such tact and aplomb..... Personally, I think Warne is a fat arrogant ****. But to be blackmailed??? And the girl isn't the best looking, but check out her uncle. He did get hit with the ugly stick! BA
  14. B

    Gullible or Gutwrenching?

    Thanks hon, I am keeping this in mind! Cool and calm...... :D
  15. B

    Gullible or Gutwrenching?

    Right o everyone, here's what happened: I was driving my flatmate crazy last night with worry when she said - 'for ****s sake ring him and see what the problem is' and get this - there was no PROBLEM! He was like 'yep, been working hard' and he had his sons over last night so he couldn't...
  16. B

    Gullible or Gutwrenching?

    I rang and left a message on his phone last night. Nice and casual. No response. I have got to stop thinking too much about this, or I will give myself an ulcer..... And yes, I do regret sleeping with him so soon, now that this has happened. We have mutual friends who continually tell...
  17. B

    Gullible or Gutwrenching?

    Yes Moos, that's the one. As I said, I really didn't see this coming...... :(
  18. B

    Gullible or Gutwrenching?

    I had thought a week was a tad too short, but the moment seemed right and.....*shrugs shoulders* He didn't seem the type to do something like this - being nasty and ignoring someone. I have no idea whether it's the sex or just working late and I'm tired thing, but prior he would text or ring...
  19. B

    Gullible or Gutwrenching?

    Why does this always happen to me? Things seemed to be going very well between myself and a member of the opposite sex, then the inevitable happened. A week after we met we slept together. That was fine, and we even caught up the next day. But since then, nothing. No call, no text, no...
  20. B

    Wishlist for the rest of the Year 2003

    Well, I thought this would be an interesting topic to raise, so what are your wishes for the rest of the year? Mine are: WORK 1. Get a pay rise at the end of the year ($$$) SPORTING 1. Carlton to get the priority pick by losing for the rest of the year 2. To get myself fit...
  21. B

    The Love O Meter And for all the people out there with nothing better to do, go to this site and see if you are with the man/woman of your dreams! *cough cough* Like a bloody internet site can tell you that. What next? BTW - My 'male...
  22. B

    Favourite sporting individuals

    Zekes, I had no idea that there was another Giesh worshipper out there! :D :eek:
  23. B

    What do you hate about your suburb/town?

    I live in Port Lincoln, a rural fishing town on the tip of Eyre Peninsula in South Australia. Good Points - nice and peaceful - no murders, serious robberies, sexual assaults, rapes - house prices are ok, not as bad as the capital cities - loads of jobs, especially on the fishing boats...
  24. B

    Stick your renovation shows up your a.rse TV networks

    Hi FF, long time no speakies.....I heard today on the news that people in Sydney spend 41% of their income on their mortgage. May just be me, but I have better things to spend my money on than a from a bank. :D :D But each to their own I suppose. I live in a rural...
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    The sad decline of Australia continues when...

    *claps loudly* Tugga is the best.............
  26. B


    Mine is my long term goal and secret wish all rolled into one... to marry Sean Bean and have his babies Samazan pic links are comin soon.......... :D
  27. B

    The Steve-O Videos: D.T.T.A.H. Vol 1 & 2

    I have just seen the Jackass movie, and Steve-O is a legend. Are these available at your local video shop??
  28. B

    The Sean Bean Appreciation Thread

    It's great to see that I am not the only Bean admirer......he was just too darn sexy in Don't Say a Word IMO. *does happy dance* I am not a freak!! :D :D :D :D :D
  29. B

    Favourite song when ripped?

    'Lightening Crashes' by Live the song you can do everything to - sing, dance, muse, headbang......etc etc a true classic
  30. B

    How long should you wait......

    Spidey, you are great and I share your views. Unfortunately for me being single for ages and only recently finding someone who seems really nice means I am rather terrified about the prospect of 'jumping back into it' (so to speak). But I will get there. Now pass me the bourbon and let me...